Partysaurus Returns

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A/N: Epsidoe 2 has most of its dialogue hypothetical, written by me.
Friendship: Rex and Woody
Disk: Partysaurus
Disk Function: Allies more effective against shields
Secondary Heroes: Elastigirl, Finnick, Dash

Rex: Woody, you'll never guess what I just earned at the arcade! 100,000 million tickets!
Woody: Wow, Rex. That's impressive. What can you buy with that?
Rex: Well, I have my choice of a piece of candy or a refrigerator magnet. I think I should go with the magnet.

Episode 1: A Tail Tale
Rex: Um, Woody? What are these "patrols" that I hear everyone talking about?
Woody: I thought you'd never ask, Rex! I'm about to head out on one. Care to join me?

Rex and Woody patrol the Port.

Suddenly, a Creep appears, and Rex panics.

He runs away and knocks Woody with his tail.

Woody flies through the air and crashes into a boat.

Rex feels terrible about the property damage and goes running after his friend.

Rex: Oooh...I'm so sorry! Are you okay, Woody? Please tell me you're okay!
Woody: I'm okay, Rex. Actually, I've always wanted to crash a boat party.
Rex: They're having a party in there? Let me see!

Episode 2: Wet Blanket
Rex goes into the boat to see what's going on. It's a pirate party!

Creeps crash into the party, but Woody joins in to help fight them off.

Jack Sparrow and the pirates invite Rex for a swim. Rex says they shouldn't swim after eating.

The pirates laugh and call Rex a "wet blanket." More Creeps show up.

Rex leaves the party, but at least this time, he knocks down some Creeps on his way out.

Woody: How did you like the party, Rex? I thought it was pretty great.
Rex: Oh, I don't know. They called me a "wet blanket."
Woody: You? A wet blanket? Aw, c'mon...
Rex: I said they shouldn't swim right in after eating because that's what Andy's mom always said! Oh Woody, am I a wet blanket?
Woody: Honestly Rex, you have messed up a few parties in your time.
Rex: Oh no! That's my eighth worst nightmare!

Episode 3: Party Animal
Woody suggests Rex throw a party to prove he's fun.

Rex is nervous. A party means going out and facing the Creeps, which is his seventh worst fear.

Woody assures Rex that the Creeps are more scared of him than he is to them.

Woody teaches Rex to scare the Creeps off with an intimidating roar.

Rex roars and the Creeps run away!

Rex: It worked! It really worked!
Woody: See, if they THINK you're a terrifying dinosaur, then you are.
Rex: And now that we're Creep-free, we have to start shopping for party supplies. What does everyone like at parties? Polka music? Pin the tail on the donkey?
Woody: Oh brother, this isn't gonna be easy. Why don't we start by finding a good sound system?

Episode 4: Pump Up the Jams
Woody and Rex head to the Black Market.

Woody and Rex look at a lot of sound systems, but Rex thinks they are all too loud.

Suddenly, the Creeps break into the electronics store.

The Creeps threaten Woody, and Rex tail-slaps them away.

As a "thank you" gift, Woody buys his friend the loudest sound system he can find.

Rex: Oh, thank you, Woody.
Woody: Don't mention it, pal.
Rex: Now, I don't mean to be a worry wart, but are you sure this one isn't too loud? I'm afraid my guests will damage their eardrums.
Woody: It'll be okay, Rex. Half your guests don't even have eardrums.
Rex: What about the other half?
Woody: I'm sure they'll be fine. Come on. Let's spread the word about the party.

Episode 5: Party of Two
Rex and Woody head to the Warehouse District.

They find a warehouse covered in Creeps, but Rex's roar scares them away.

Rex sets up, while Woody sends out invitations.

Rex realizes that his arms are too short to reach the electrical sockets. They switch jobs.

The big day comes and nobody shows.

Rex: Oh, I should have known no one would come to my party! But thank you for trying, Woody.
Woody: Wait a minute. There must be some mistake. I mean, I'm a co-host. Everyone should be here. We're gonna get to the bottom of this. Come on!

Episode 6: Search Party
Rex and Woody search for their friends.

They hear from Duke Weaselton that the Creeps took some toys "underground."

Rex and Woody follow some Creeps into the Subway Station.

After hours of tailing, they finally lead the heroes to their underground lair.

Rex turns to see an entire horde of Creeps all staring back at him.

Rex: There's so many of them! I can't do it.
Woody: Yes you can, Rex. It's for our friends. Remember, if they believe you're a big scary dinosaur, you will be!

Episode 7: Rescue Party
Rex unleashes his roar, while Woody goes to save their friends.

Many of the Creeps cower in fear, but a few are willing to take on the big, scary dinosaur.

Rex freaks out and runs, but as he does, he knocks down several Creeps.

Rex gathers up his courage and head-butts his way to Woody.

Woody and Rex escape the Subway with their friends.

Rex: That was exhilarating!
Woody: It sure was. Now, you want to see if anyone is up for a celebration?
Rex: A celebration?
Woody: Your party, Rex.
Rex: My party! Of course, Partysaurus Rex is in the house!

Episode 8: Celebrate!
The heroes and their friends head back to the Warehouse District.

Of course, the warehouse is now covered with Creeps again.

Partysaurus Rex pumps up the jams and turns Creep bashing into a party.

Woody even tries out some of Jessie's line dancing moves.

After the party is over, Rex and Woody regroup.

Rex: Look at how much we have to clean up. Our friends used so much confetti!
Woody: Sure there's a mess, but it was worth it, right?
Rex: Oh, it was fantastic! And I had so much fun. Why, I'd clean up ten times this mess for another party like that!

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