Lost Trunk

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Friendship: Tia Dalma and Yax
Disk: Elephant In The Room
Disk Function: Silences Damage Enemies
Secondary Heroes: Woody, Sulley and Boo, Mike

Yax: Whoa, nice dreads. Who do you go to? I've been lookin' for someone to handle my 'do for months.
Tia Dalma: I've always handled my hair on me lonesome.
Yax: Really? Do you think you could do mine?
Tia Dalma: Aye, but only if ye bathe first.

Bonus Dialogue:
Yax: Those pirate buddies of yours sure seem to get into a lot of trouble.
Tia Dalma: Aye. But I don't know how much them be friends—just souls I've known through interesting times.

Episode 1: Retreating
Yax and Tia Dalma head to the Park for Nangi's yoga retreat.

The Park is overrun with Creeps, and Nangi's nowhere to be found!

Concerned, Yax looks everywhere for his missing yoga instructor.

Tia Dalma finds some elephant tracks, and the two follow them closely.

The two find Nangi's yoga mat, but no Nangi. Could the Creeps have taken her?

Yax: This is totally bummin' me out, Tia Dalma. Where could Nangi be?
Tia Dalma: By these tracks, the lady be rushin' about. There's someone precious that she be worried for.

Episode 2: Never Forget
The two heroes head deeper into the Park, searching for clues.

Yax finds Nangi's eyeliner on the ground. Is she leaving a trail for the heroes to follow?

Sure enough, Tia Dalma finds some eye shadow next to a garbage can. It IS a trail!

Tia Dalma and Yax look around for more items. Yax spots additional elephant tracks near a park bench.

The two follow the tracks towards the Midway.

Tia Dalma: Could Ms. Nangi be craving the noise and energy of the Midway?
Yax: Nah, Nangi doesn't like loud noises or bright lights. I dunno why she'd want to go there.

Episode 3: Midway Inspection
Upon learning that Nangi avoids the Midway, Tia Dalma suggests that their friend may be in trouble.

The two search the Midway for clues, hoping that Nangi is all right.

The elephant tracks stop suddenly. Yax and Tia Dalma look around, stumped.

Yax, sure that Nangi's been kidnapped, starts to rush around the Midway, frantically looking for clues.

Yax's frantic running has kicked up the dust in the Midway. The two can no longer see the elephant tracks.

Tia Dalma: There be no way to find the tracks now. Why you be rushin' about so?
Yax: Aw man, my bad. Totally sorry about that, Tia Dalma.
Tia Dalma: Perhaps the proprietors of these riotous establishments have seen Ms. Nangi?

Episode 4: Interrogation Station
The two approach the business owners at the Midway, hoping that someone in the area has seen Nangi.

The teenager watching the teacups tells the two that she didn't see an elephant, but she did smell strong incense by the arcade.

The two head toward the arcade, hoping to find Nangi there.

[Kevin] Flynn tells the two that an elephant did come into the arcade and bought a ton of tokens, but she looked like she was in a rush.

Our heroes are stumped. What would a yoga instructor need with a bunch of arcade tokens?

Yax: I don't get it. Why would Nangi buy all those arcade tokens?
Tia Dalma: There be a few noisy places around the center of the City. Perhaps we'll find our sweet Nangi there?

Episode 5: Arcade Search
The heroes head to City Center, hoping that Nangi visited one of the arcades there.

The staff at the Main Street Pizza Planet have seen neither hide nor trunk of Nangi.

Yax pops into the Eastside location of Flynn's Arcade. Nangi hasn't been there, either.

Yax grabs a slice of San Francisco pizza on his way out of the Celebration Avenue Pizza Planet.

At the Westside Flynn's Arcade, the two discover that Nangi was indeed there, setting up a party room for that evening and ordering food.

Tia Dalma: No need to fret now. The elephant's destination be revealed.
Yax: Sure, but somethin's still buggin' me. Why would Nangi reserve a room at a place she's totally not cool with?

Episode 6: Call For Backup
Yax still thinks Nangi could be in trouble. He convinces Tia Dalma to go with him to the City ZPD precinct to report the incident.

The two decide to save time by taking a shortcut across the Rooftops.

Chez Remy has been overrun by Creeps! The heroes take a detour to lend a hand.

It doesn't take long to clear the Creeps from the kitchen. Yax heals the nearby patrons, and Tia Dalma cleanses the area.

Our heroes continue toward the ZPD, hoping that the police can explain Nangi's strange behavior.

Chief Bogo: Don't usually see you two around here. What can I do for you?
Yax: Nangi's been acting real strange today, Chief. We think she might be in trouble!
Chief Bogo: The yoga instructor? Funny you should mention her. She called today asking if she could borrow a police cruiser. I thought it was some sort of practical joke.
Yax: Whoa! Why would Nangi want a cop car?
Chief Bogo: Don't know. When I turned her down, she said I was useless and hung up the phone before I could get more information.

Episode 7: Staking Claim
Yax and Tia Dalma, certain that something is amiss, decide to stake out the arcade until Nangi arrives.

The area near the arcade is crawling with enemies. Could this have something to do with Nangi's strange behavior?

Yax spots Nangi in the distance. She's struggling with several packages and a large cake. The Creeps see Nangi and head straight for her!

Yax and Tia Dalma fight towards Nangi, determined to save her.

Nangi thanks the two for their help, but then rushes into the arcade, yelling something about forgetting her best friend's son's birthday.

Yax: Whoa, so all of this running around...Nangi acting all strange...
Tia Dalma: Was just her tryin' to have a party for a child.
Yax: That's so unlike Nangi to forget something like that...hey! And what about the police cruiser?! I'll totally have to chant on that.

Episode 8: Ohm Life
Yax and Tia Dalma decide to head back to the Park to host their own yoga retreat.

They work at clearing out the area, trying to make it peaceful as possible.

Yax burns his favorite incense. Unfortunately, it starts attracting bugs.

Yax tries to play some soothing music, but halfway through his asana, a bunch of Ninjas show up, attracted by the noise.

The two finally give up on yoga in the Park and concentrate on clearing out enemies.

Tia Dalma: I be glad we tied our fortunes together today, Yax. Even if it was a day unlike what we foretold.
Yax: Yeah, I'm real sorry I led us on a wild yogi chase, Tia Dalma.
Tia Dalma: I don't be mindin' the wildness, Yax. T'was a delightful distraction.

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