Villain Complex

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Friendship: Emperor Zurg and Rex
Disk: #1 Fan
Disk Function: Stronger against tanks
Secondary Heroes: Vanellope, Calhoun, Felix

Rex: Emperor Zurg...I, uh...I saw Mr. Incredible fight today, just like you asked.
Zurg: I shall IGNORE your inefficient speech patterns, if YOU tell me WHAT YOU SAW!!
Rex: Well, he was surrounded, and they all jumped on top of him! But then he burst out, jumped into the air, and body slammed them all at once!
Rex: That's what I said!

Episode 1: Fan Dinosaur
Buzz: I hear you're patrolling with Zurg tonight, Rex.
Rex: Oh yes! I'm so excited. I hope he's just like he is in the video game!

Rex is so excited to be teamed up with his favorite villain from the Buzz LIghtyear video game.

Rex is hoping that he can gather enough courage to ask Zurg for his autograph.

He finally feels confident enough to ask, when the two are interrupted by Creeps.

Emperor Zurg laughs maniacally, shooting his blaster. Rex geeks out about seeing the Zurg in action.

The two battle the final wave while Rex tries to gather his courage again.

Rex: Mister...uh, Emperor Zurg?
Zurg: What do you want, PITIFUL GREEN LIZARD!?
Rex: Oh no, oh no! This was a mistake!

Episode 2: Try, Try Again
Rex's first attempt didn't go as planned. He tries to gather his courage again!

Rex tells himself that he is a mighty T-Rex! The top of the food chain for thousands of years!

Emperor Zurg may be terrifying, but that can't stand in the way of his mission!

This time, Rex is ready. He's got a whole speech prepared!

Rex musters all of his courage and gives it his all...

Rex: Mr. Emperor Zurg, I have a request.
Zurg: REQUEST!? What could you possibly WANT from the MIGHTY EMPEROR ZURG!!
Rex: Um...uh...
Zurg: YOUR STAMMERING is testing my PATIENCE!!! SPEAK insubordinate LIZARD!!
Rex: Ahhhh!

Episode 3: Make My Minion
Fearing for his life, Rex hits the dirt.

If there is anything that Zurg loves more than galactic domination, it's acquiring minions.

Zurg sees great minion potential in Rex. He's easily intimidated and his roar could be useful.

Rex braces himself for Zurg's wrath, but nothing happens. Is Zurg toying with him?

Rex looks up to see Emperor Zurg towering over him.

Zurg: I have decided not to destroy you, cowering LIZARD!! Instead, you shall be MY MINION!!
Rex: Minion? Like a friend? A friend who gets autographs?
Zurg: I shall write my name on whatever you want! In exchange, you shall give me YOUR UNFALTERING LOYALTY!!!!
Rex: Hooray! I love making new friends! Do you have a pen?
Zurg: No minion! And you shall aid me in my quest TO CONQUER THE CITY!
Rex: Oh, that sounds like a fun game! What's it called? Is it at the arcade?

Episode 4: On The Street
With conquest on his mind and a new minion in his ranks, Zurg takes to the streets.

It isn't long before the two are attacked by Creeps.

Zurg regards the Creeps as minor setbacks and lays siege to them.

Zurg then begins a monologue about how all shall quake in fear, and he shall rule this new universe.

Rex isn't really sure how all of this fighting ties in with friendship.

Rex: Emperor Zurg, that was amazing! Those Creeps didn't stand a chance against you!
Zurg: They were INFERIOR THREATS! These enemies are mere ODIOUS UPSTARTS!
Rex: Wow! Um...What does odious mean?
Zurg: It means extremely unpleasant or REPULSIVE! It was Tuesday's word from my "HEROES AND VILLAINS" WORD-A-DAY CALENDAR!!!!!!

Episode 5: On Topic
Rex is ecstatic! Not only is he getting to know Emperor Zurg, he learned a new word too!

At this rate, Rex should be able to get Zurg's autograph easily.

Before Rex can do anything, Creeps attack! Rex tries to defend himself, while Zurg takes charge.

Zurg and Rex make short work of the Creeps. The area is cleared in no time.

Everything is going so well for Rex! Now if he could just find a pen.

Rex: Emperor Zurg, where do you think we could find a pen?
Zurg: WHY would you need a pen GREEN LIZARD!?
Rex: Um...for the autograph you promised me?

Episode 6: Monologue
Rex requests that they go to the City Center to buy a pen.

Zurg begins to monologue once again, using a lot of big words very loudly.

Creeps attack Zurg mid-monologue! He doesn't appreciate that at all.

Zurg and Rex attack the Creeps right back. Rex pulls out all the stops and slaps them silly!

Once the Creeps are taken care of, Rex asks if they can go to the Covered Market. Zurg says yes.

Rex: So, what sort of things do you enjoy doing?
Zurg: Hunting and gathering...
Rex: Oh, what does that mean?
Zurg: Why, HUNTING space rangers and GATHERING MINIONS, of course!

Episode 7: Commander Rex
The two browse the stores at City Center. Rex begins searching for a place to buy a pen.

Zurg doesn't care about autographs, but if it means he gets help conquering the City, it's fine.

Zurg begins to monologue about his plans to conquer the City. Creeps jump out from behind a stall!

Rex can't help but think that they might be attacked less if Zurg stopped monologuing.

With the Creeps defeated, Zurg turns to Rex, his fist raised dramatically in the air.

Zurg: YOU green lizard, are an EXCELLENT MINION!!!
Rex: Thank you. Friendship is very important...
Zurg: You shall be my most TRUSTED MINION in the days AHEAD!! MY first of MANY!!
Rex: Uh...thank you. I think.
Zurg: YOU shall command my LEGIONS!!

Episode 8: Signature Move
Rex finds a pen! He's so excited that he could cry--if he had tear ducts.

He runs to Zurg and confidently asks for his autograph.

Zurg commends Rex once again for being a loyal the form of a monologue.

Just like clock work, Creeps spring from the shadows and attack.

Rex and Zurg fight the Creeps side by side. Once the battle ends, Rex is ready for his autograph.

Zurg: THANK YOU, cowering green lizard!! YOU have been most HELPFUL!! AS PROMISED, I shall give you my AUTOGRAPH!!
Rex: Oh, thank you! Here's the pen!
Zurg: Do you have any PAPER?
Rex: ...Any what?

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