A Study In Creeps

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Friendship: Chief Bogo and Calhoun
Disk: Chief Inspector
Disk Function: Boosts damage and "Criminal Charge" skill
Secondary Heroes: Vanellope, Felix, Jack-Jack

Calhoun: Felix has been enjoying that Gazelle album you loaned us. Thanks for the positive endorsement, officer!
Chief Bogo: "Felix" has been enjoyin' it, eh?
Calhoun: Yep, he says that "Try Everything" is a real toe tapper.
Chief Bogo: Well, I'm glad "he" likes it.

Episode 1: Recruitment Run
Chief Bogo starts to brief Calhoun, but before he can continue, the two are ambushed!

Chief Bogo blinds the enemies with a well placed flash-bang.

A Creep comes running towards Calhoun! Chief Bogo manages to stop it in its tracks with his shield.

Calhoun blasts the foe back with her laser blast.

As they ready themselves for the final wave, the Chief starts to brief Calhoun on the case.

Chief Bogo: There have been recent reports of shadowy figures unloading mysterious packages at the docks.
Calhoun: You had me at "shadowy". Let's move!

Episode 2: Dark Debrief
As the duo heads to their mission, Chief Bogo debriefs Calhoun on the details.

Reports have been coming in of some shadowy figures unloading mysterious packages.

Calhoun takes out a Creep that is about to pounce on the Chief as he continues his debrief.

The Chief had sent a patrol over to investigate, but they came up with nothing.

Chief Bogo is hoping that, with Calhoun's help, they can get to the bottom of the mysterious reports.

Chief Bogo: We've gotten reports of unsavory activity down by the docks.
Calhoun: Then what are we waiting for? It's time to crash a pernicious port-side party.
Chief Bogo: I'll give you points for alliteration, Sergeant, but let's keep to the task at hand.

Episode 3: Dock Detectives
The two make their way to the Warehouse District to begin their investigation.

Calhoun spots some shadowy figures near a group of shipping containers and goes running after them.

Chief Bogo tries to keep up with Calhoun as she runs around the docks, yelling and shooting.

Chief Bogo yells at Calhoun to slow down, but she's too far ahead.

Calhoun suddenly finds herself surrounded. Chief Bogo jumps in to support her.

Calhoun: Another successful mission! In no small part, thanks to yours truly.
Chief Bogo: Your methods could use some refinement, soldier. We needed answers, not a body count.
Calhoun: Where I come from, you stop to ask a question, you're dead.
Chief Bogo: Understood. But here—when you're on my force—you do things by the book. My book.

Episode 4: By the Book
Calhoun grumbles a bit about "throwing the book" at the Chief, as they continue their investigation.

Chief Bogo motions to Calhoun as he spots some possible suspects.

The Chief looks chagrined as Calhoun goes careening towards the foe once more.

Chief Bogo shakes his head as he tries to find evidence in the mess Calhoun has left behind.

After a brief heart-to-heart, Calhoun finally agrees to show some restraint.

Calhoun: It took every fiber of my being to keep from stomping that Creep into the ground.
Chief Bogo: Well, thanks to your restraint, we were finally able to get some actionable intelligence. It seems the seedy underbelly of the Port is covering for a much more organized enemy.
Calhoun: Order amongst chaos, is that it? Sounds like we need to gather more intel.

Episode 5: Creeps in the Yard
The two head to the shipyard to investigate the source of the mysterious crates.

The Chief's search is interrupted by a marauding group of Creeps.

The duo continue to clear a path to the shipyard.

Calhoun uses the Chief's shield to jump over the enemy and get behind them.

As the dust settles, the Chief searches the area.

Chief Bogo: At last...evidence. These footprints are different from the rest. Based on the uneven gait, I'd say we're looking for someone with an injured hip. And the clay in these prints indicates they spend most of their time in the Black Market. So, that's our next stop.
Calhoun: You can tell all that from a footprint?
Chief Bogo: Of course, I'm a buffalo. Follow me to the Black Market District. You'll see.

Episode 6: Follow the Footprints
The pair approach the Black Market District and find it completely overrun!

"I believe we've passed the need for subtlety, Sergeant.". Calhoun grins and jumps into the fray.

The Creeps continue to block the duo, pouring in from every alley.

Chief Bogo yells in frustration, as the Creeps continue to block their progress.

Fed up with the Creeps, Calhoun breaks down the middle with a giant laser blast.

Calhoun: I think you were right. Seems these corrupted creeps are trying to keep us out of this area.
Chief Bogo: Yes, and I've got a feeling that things are about to get even more intense. Eyes open, Sergeant!

Episode 7: Black Market Tango
As the Creeps retreat and disperse, Chief Bogo finds the trail again.

The two follow the trail down an alley and are suddenly ambushed! It's a trap!

The Chief lowers his shield and plows through the enemies surrounding the duo.

Calhoun hears music nearby. The two decide to investigate.

A group of Creeps crowd around a nearby van. The two head over to investigate.

Chief Bogo: Excellent. We're heading in the right direction. See those Creeps gathering around that stereo van?
Calhoun: Ten-Four, Chief.
Chief Bogo: It appears that the music they're buying is less than legitimate. I believe we've discovered an underground music piracy ring.
Calhoun: Well, what are we waiting for? After we're done, the only party they'll be throwing is a pity party.

Episode 8: It's Pity Party Time
The Creeps cry out and disperse, as the Chief flashes his badge. Our heroes hurry off in pursuit.

The two round up the remaining Creeps and begin questioning.

The Creeps will only say "Attack!" or "Purge the errors!", so the two decide to look for evidence.

As our heroes approach the stereo van, Creeps jump from the top and attack!

The Chief discovers the perp behind the piracy and puts out a warrant for Duke Weaselton.

Calhoun: We make a pretty good team, Chief. Call me for backup any time.
Chief Bogo: Thanks for the assist, Sergeant. If you're ever looking for a new assignment, you'll always be welcome on my force.

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