Let's Rumble

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Friendship: Finnick and Judy
Disk: Final Hustle
Disk Function: Boosts ally damage vs. slowed enemies
Secondary Heroes: Frozone, Violet, Jack-Jack

Judy: Finnick, did you do that mural down by the park? The one of Yax riding a giant eagle?
Finnick: I can neither confirm nor deny that accusation.
Judy: We've gone over this. You can't just paint whatever you want. You need a permit from the City first.
Finnick: I took creative license with Yax's appearance. Does that help?
Judy: What does that have to do with—... *sigh* I'll let you off with a warning this time. But next time, come talk to me first.

Episode 1: Fight Night
Judy is in a bind. She's investigating an underground fight club and has made little headway.

Apart from being underground, she doesn't know that much about it. The case file is no help either.

Every fighter that she knows is either a superhero or a cop. So, leads are nil.

Desperate for any info, she begins to run through her contacts.

There's only one mammal that she can think of that might know anything.

Judy: Finnick, I need your help.
Finnick: Well, if it isn't Officer "Stole My Best Hustle Partner" Hopps. What can I do for you, officer?
Judy: First, Nick WANTED to be a police officer. Second, I have this case, and I really need someone familiar with, um, the criminal element.

Episode 2: Crimes
Finnick tries not to be offended by Judy's statement. He is a criminal, of course, but that's not the point.

He knows that Judy doesn't mean anything malicious by it. She's not that kind of bunny.

Nick likes Judy, so how bad can she be?

Judy can tell that Finnick is sizing her up, and she flashes him a smile. Which seems to annoy him more.

Finnick finally shakes his head as if sealing a deal with himself. Judy hopes that's a good thing.

Finnick: So, what we got, Hopps?
Judy: Well, there's an underground fight club somewhere in the City. I need to locate it.
Finnick: I dunno, Hopps. Are you sure you want to get your little white paws dirty mixing with the unseemly criminal element?
Judy: If you think I'm some fragile, meek bunny, then you've got a lot to learn, mister! Come on, let's start Downtown.

Episode 3: Downtown
The two make their way Downtown, running into Creeps almost immediately.

Judy and Finnick fight them off the best they can, but still have to high-tail it to get away.

Judy gets to work, looking for clues.

Judy goes to every shop and vendor, trying to find anyone whose heard anything.

Judy comes up empty-handed. Clearly frustrated, she returns to Finnick.

Judy: Hmph. I'm stumped. No one seems to have heard of this place. Any ideas?
Finnick: Well, if I were running into something like that, I'd probably set up near my target audience.
Judy: And where exactly would that be?
Finnick: The shadiest place in the city, Hopps. We're goin' to the Black Market.

Episode 4: Back To The Black
As soon as Judy and Finnick leave for the Black Market, the two are jumped by Creeps!

Judy puts up her dukes and gives the Creeps what for! Meanwhile, Finnick knocks them flat with his Jumbo Pop!

With the Creeps demolished, Finnick and Judy high-tail it to the Black Market.

The two take extra care to avoid any more Creeps, worried that a fight may slow them down.

The two get to the Black Market ahead of schedule. Judy is ready to get interviews underway.

Judy: You stay here, I'll go start questioning folks.
Finnick: Woah. That is no way to find an illicit underground fighting ring...or an illicit underground anything.
Judy: Okay Finnick, why don't you work your magic?
Finnick: I plan to. You just wait here while I talk to a few guys.

Episode 5: Alleyways
Finnick vanishes down a dark alley. Judy waits, rapidly becoming anxious. Soon, he comes running back, pursues by Creeps!

Judy is on the Creeps in seconds flat. Finnick quickly gets his bearing and brings the pain with his Jumbo Pop.

Finnick calls his van in for backup, hitting a group of Brutes.

Judy kicks a Blue Mage back a block.

After the dust settles, Judy and Finnick brush off and get back to their mission.

Finnick: Alright, a ferret buddy of mine says that he heard something about a fight happening tonight.
Judy: Do you think it's the ring we're looking for?
Finnick: Only one way to find out. You game for a little deep undercover work?

Episode 6: The Bodyguard
Judy and Finnick get to work right away with their disguises. Finnick dresses as a fight promoter, while Judy poses as his bodyguard.

Finnick is skeptic about Judy's ability to be a convincing bodyguard, but decides not to say anything.

The two start to investigate the area Finnick's ferret contact told him about, but it ends up being larger than they anticipated.

The places they find have been abandoned, but not for long. As if they just missed the fight ring by a few days.

Judy begins to get anxious. She's afraid that they will lose the trail if they don't act soon.

Judy: It's nearly nightfall. We're running out of time.
Finnick: Don't worry, we're cool. I got a keen sense for these things.

Episode 7: I've Got Confidence
Judy and Finnick find more dead ends, but Finnick only regards them as a slight hiccup.

A pack of Creeps begin to tail Judy and Finnick. Thankfully, Judy sees them first.

The two set up an ambush and get a drop on their pursuers, knocking them out with relative ease.

They continue their search for the entrance. It goes much quicker without Creeps trying to get the drop on them.

Finally, they find a small door leading to a secluded basement. Judy's nose begins to twitch.

Finnick: If my ferret buddy's right, and he usually ain't wrong, this should be the place.
Judy: Okay, let's go catch some bad guys!
Finnick: Hold up, Hopps. It may be pretty rough in there.
Judy: Don't worry Finnick, I can hold my own.

Episode 8: What's Behind Door Number 1?
The whole place is jam-packed with Creeps! Big Creeps, small Creeps, medium sized too! They rush to Judy and Finnick!

Judy is on it before Finnick can even blink. She moves at lightning speed, putting herself between Finnick and their assailants.

She lands blow after blow, a one bunny wrecking crew! Finnick had no idea she could put that much hurt on anyone.

Judy is doing such a great job that Finnick entertains the idea of just getting some popcorn and watching the show.

Despite the fight ring being a trap, it was a match for the ages, with Judy and Finnick coming out on top.

Finnick: I gotta hand it to you, that was impressive.
Judy: Why Finnick, that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me.
Finnick: I mean, you just stormed in there and decimated!
Judy: What can I say? I had good training at the academy.
Finnick: Huh, I had no idea. Remind me not to mess with you in the future, Hopps.
Judy: Oh, if you mess with me, I will definitely remind you. In the form of some time behind bars...

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