Iso Metrics

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Friendship: Kevin Flynn and Quorra
Disk: Sweet Glitch
Disk Function: Better Shields
Secondary Heroes: EVE, Jessie, WALL-E

Quorra: This place is wondrous, Flynn. I've never seen so many colors!
Kevin: I'm glad you dig it, kiddo. It's certainly a breath of fresh air after the Grid.

Episode 1: Rumors
Flynn has been hearing rumors about someone in the City that is truly "unique."

Flynn tells Quorra he can't help but wonder if another ISO (Isomorphic Algorithm) is living in the City.

Quorra is instantly excited. Perhaps she's not the only one!

The two decide to investigate.

They start by heading Uptown to check at the precinct to see if the rumors are true.

Quorra: Do you really think that there might be another ISO here?
Kevin: Well, the rumors are all about how this being is "unique."
Quorra: Is that what I am? Unique?
Kevin: I'd say that you're about as unique as they come, kiddo.

Episode 2: On The Beat
The two hop on Quorra's light cycle and head towards the ZPD to talk to Chief Bogo.

Suddenly, a ghoul comes out of nowhere and knocks them both off the light cycle.

Quorra takes out the ghoul, but the two suddenly find themselves surrounded!

Quorra is hit and poisoned, so Flynn hits the area with a cleansing blast.

Taking advantage of the temporarily rebuffed Creeps, Quorra hops on her light cycle and cuts off their advance.

Chief Bogo: What's all the commotion about out here?
Kevin: Sorry, Chief. That was our mistake. We seem to have led some real nasty characters straight to your doorstep.
Chief Bogo: Yes, well, you seem to have the situation in-hand. Now, what brings you to the ZPD?
Quorra: Do you know if there is anyone like me here?
Kevin: Hold on a microcycle there, Quorra. We've heard some rumors about a "unique" being in the City. Any idea if they're true?
Chief Bogo: Hmmm...there's a case in our files that might be related. Let me do some digging and get back to you.

Episode 3: Snack Break
Flynn and Quorra decide to grab a bite to eat while they wait for information from the Chief.

They head to the Zero to Gyro food cart, but it's getting trashed by Brutes! The two rush in to help.

Pitas fly everywhere as one Brute hides behind the cart, using it as a blockade and flinging pitas wildly at the heroes.

Fed up with flying flatbread, Quorra jumps over the cart and takes out the Brute.

The two clear out the remaining enemies and help clean up the mess. The owner gives them a free lunch to say "thanks."

Chief Bogo: Here's the case file you mentioned.
Kevin: Whoa, man, that was pretty quick.
Chief Bogo: Happy to be of service, but I can't take full credit. We've got an enthusiastic officer who really knows how to "hop to it."
Kevin: Hmmm...looks like there have been reports of Creeps tearing through the Midway, shouting about "unique power."
Quorra: Then we need to get to the Midway. Come on!

Episode 4: Midway Madness
Quorra speeds through the City towards the Midway, eager to find out more.

She and Flynn hear shouting in the distance and head straight towards it.

Just like the case file said, there's a mob of Creeps shouting about "unique power."

Flynn tries to pull Quorra back, but she heads straight for the mob.

The Creeps don't take kindly to being asked questions, and descend upon the pair.

Blue Mage: Give us the one with the power! The power of the game!
Quorra: Who are you talking about?
Blue Mage: The small one that visits this noisy place! We must find this being!

Episode 5: Thrill of the Chase
The Creep Mage flies off before Quorra can get more information. She hops on her light cycle and chases after it.

Flynn rushes after Quorra, warning her to look before she leaps...right into another marauding mob.

Flynn quickly puts a shield on Quorra as she leaps into the fray.

Quorra tries to get more information from the Creeps, but they are scattering in her wake.

The two chase after the few remaining Creeps, hoping to get more details.

Quorra: Get back here, creeps!
Kevin: They're gone, Quorra.
Quorra: What do we do now?
Kevin: Well, they said something about a "small" being. That's our first clue. And they also said that this being frequents the Midway, so that's our second. We'll just ask around and see what we can dig up.

Episode 6: Party Line
The two ask around the Midway, trying to find out who the small regular might be.

The clerk at the arcade writes out a list of names.

The two take the list of names and check to see if anyone knows the people on it.

After a few hours, they've got the list narrowed down to Dash, Vanellope, and Finnick.

They head out to talk to the people on the list, hoping to find answers.

Quorra: None of these beings could possibly be an ISO.
Kevin: Sorry, kiddo. I didn't mean to get your hopes up.
Quorra: It's alright. I knew the chances were slim. But Flynn, even though they're not ISOs, the Creeps are still looking for them. We need to protect them!

Episode 7: Byte-Sized
Quorra and Flynn seek out the pint-sized heroes on their list.

Flynn spots Dash and asks him if he's been hounded by Creeps recently. Dash shrugs and says that they never keep up with him long enough.

A van speeds by, spewing smoke. It must be Finnick! The two heroes chase after it.

Quorra finds out from Finnick that he's been out at a music festival for the past week. The Creeps couldn't have been talking about him.

The two continue their search until they see Vanellope surrounded by Creeps up ahead!

Vanellope: Just wait until you taste the sticky sweet vengeance of my soda soaker!
Blue Mage: The unique one! Give us the power!!!
Vanellope: Hey, you creeps! Whaddaya think you're doin'? Lemme go!

Episode 8: Catch that Kid
The Creeps grab Vanellope and head into the shipping container maze.

Vanellope leaves behind a trail of soda and cookie crumbs for our heroes to follow.

Quorra and Flynn follow the trail, determined to save Vanellope.

A sticky, minty explosion happens up ahead. Maybe Vanellope has gotten free!

Our heroes round a corner to see Vanellope holding off enemies with her soda-soaker. They rush in to assist.

Vanellope: Phew! Thanks. I appreciate the help. Of course, I did have things totally under control.
Kevin: The Creeps kept calling you unique. Any idea why?
Vanellope: Probably because of my glitch. I'm the only one who's got one. Hmmm...I wonder what the Creeps want with it...
Quorra: I understand what it is to be unique. If you will allow me, I'd like to protect you.
Vanellope: Awww I don't need protectin'. But I could always use another friend.
Quorra: Friends? All right. I like that. Friends.

Disney Heroes: Battle Mode-Friendships(Volume 1)Where stories live. Discover now