Go For the Gold

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Friendship: Ralph and Jack Sparrow
Disk: Hero's Duty
Disk Function: Heals on Stun
Secondary Heroes: Yax, Calhoun, Woody

Jack Sparrow: Repeat after me. "Man the capstan! Raise the main topyard! Hard to port!"
Ralph: But I don't know what any of those words mean.
Jack Sparrow: C'mon, mate. If you ever want to be a captain, you've got to sound convincing whilst giving orders.
Ralph: Okay..."Pan the mapstan! Praise the top mainyard! Hardly port!"

Episode 1: First Place Race
Always on the search for medals, Ralph enters several competitions.

Ralph is close to first in the pie eating contest, but it turns out there are a lot of hungry heroes.

Before he and Vanellope can win the three-legged race, Creeps attack.

Ralph wrecks the Creeps and is given a medal for saving the day!

Unfortunately, the next day, the medal is missing!

Ralph: So, Captain, I was wondering if you'd seen a medal around. It's gold, and...uh...shiny. I seem to have misplaced it.
Jack Sparrow: Gold and shiny, eh? Not that I recall, but, seeing as how I'm in a munificent mood, I'll help you find your lost bauble.

Episode 2: Heart's Desire
Ralph and Jack Sparrow look for the medal, but all they find is Creeps.

Luckily, Jack is a great shot, so they make it to the Port in no time.

Jack has Ralph act as look out, while he boards the Black Pearl.

From the Pearl, Jack spots Ralph overwhelmed by Creeps. He uses the ship's cannon to blast them.

Jack returns to show Ralph what he got from the ship.

Jack Sparrow: So, my massive mate, I just happen to have in my possession an object that allows you to find whatever it is you want most.
Ralph: Whatever I want most, huh?
Jack Sparrow: Just think of your heart's desire, and it'll point right to it.

Episode 3: True North
Jack Sparrow and Ralph follow the direction of the compass.

They make their way to the Warehouse District.

The compass leads them to Ralph's makeshift stump in the City.

Ralph goes through his things, and finds a medal.

After careful inspection, he realizes it's not the one he was looking for.

Jack Sparrow: When you described this medal, I pictured something more gold and shiny. And less...edible.
Ralph: Yeah...uh...this isn't THAT medal. This is the cookie medal my friend Vanellope made me. I was trying to think of the right medal, but I guess that compass of yours is broken.
Jack Sparrow: No, mate. My compass always points true. It must be that you desire friendship more than gold.

Episode 4: What Next?
Before Jack Sparrow and Ralph can ponder their next steps, they're attacked by Creeps.

Jack throws a glass bottle at the mysterious meanies, while Ralph channels his inner bad guy.

The Creeps scatter, but not before grabbing the cookie medal.

Ralph chases the Creeps halfway to the Black Market before catching them.

Jack tags along. Once Ralph recovers the cookie, they regroup.

Ralph: So what are we gonna do now?
Jack Sparrow: Perhaps we could find someone even more eager than you to retrieve said medallion. You don't happen to know anyone like that, do you?

Episode 5: Dynamite Bloke
Ralph can think of one person.

Ralph was going to give the medal as a prize in the three-legged race. Felix planned to enter the race with Calhoun before it got canceled.

The little guy had wanted to win the medal for his wife as a sign of his love.

Jack Sparrow and Ralph fight their way through Creeps until they arrive at Felix and Calhoun's apartment.

Ralph rings the doorbell. Felix answers.

Felix: Well, knock me over a feather, Ralph. It sure is good to see you. Wanna come in for a root beer?
Ralph: Wish I could, buddy. But I'm actually out looking for the medal that was gonna be the race prize. I was hoping you could help.
Felix: Oh, you mean the pretty one my dynamite gal took such a shine to?
Jack Sparrow: Aye, the very one. Now, wouldn't you like to be the hero that finds it? After all, not all treasure is silver and gold, mate.
Felix: Well, sure! I'm always happy to help. And it would be swell to find that medal so maybe I could win it.
Jack Sparrow: Then all you have to do is think on that treasure...

Episode 6: Lost In Transit
Felix thinks of how happy Calhoun will be when he brings her home the medal.

Sure enough, the compass starts pointing north.

The compass changes direction. The medal must be moving!

Ralph realizes that he must have lost the medal on the train to his stump.

The heroes hop on the train and find the medal sitting on an empty seat!

Ralph: Wow, I can't believe we actually found the medal. Between you and me Felix, I thought Jack might double cross us.
Felix: Oh, he wouldn't do that. Right Captain Sparrow? Captain Sparrow? Now where did that pirate go? And—Oh no! Where's the medal?
Ralph: I have an idea. Come on, let's go to the Port.

Episode 7: Double Crossed
Ralph heads towards the Port, but Felix realizes he's late to meet Calhoun.

The two friends go their separate ways.

Ralph gets into some trouble with some Creeps down at the docks.

He's able to take the first few easily, but they just keep coming.

Out of nowhere, Jack Sparrow throws Ralph a healing draught. Ralph wins the battle, but is still skeptical.

Ralph: Why did you double cross me and Felix?
Jack Sparrow: It wasn't me that double crossed you, mate. I merely came back to appraise the treasure so we would know how to split the spoils.
Ralph: Take a bite of that medal. It isn't real gold at all. You were double crossed already, which means what I did was more like double UN-crossing. Nobody wanted that medal because it was made of gold. We wanted it because it reminds us of good times we have with our friends.
Jack Sparrow: Take the trinket then. The pirates' way is to split all treasure equally...But this appears to be one of those "treasure is in the eye of the beholder" situations. And in my eye, I'm not beholding any treasure.

Episode 8: Treasured Friends
Before Ralph leaves, more Creeps show up.

Ralph and Jack Sparrow work together to defeat them.

Ralph asks Jack to join him for one last stop of the day.

They head back to Felix's loft.

Ralph slips the medal under Felix's door.

Ralph: I bet Felix will put a big smile on Calhoun's face when he gives her that medal.
Jack Sparrow: After all that trouble, you just...gave it up? With nothing in return?
Ralph: That's what I was gonna do anyway. Besides, it's what friends do for each other. Like you said, not all treasure is silver and gold.
Jack Sparrow: Maybe not all treasure, but the kind we pirates seek usually tends to be...
Ralph: I'm thinking this is gonna be a longer conversation. How 'bout we continue it over at that new fish and chips place, Tortuga Inn?
Jack Sparrow: Tortuga Inn, eh? Mayhaps we have more in common than I thought.

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