Fix It, Felix!

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Friendship: Felix and Ralph
Disk: Rapid Fire Fixin'
Disk Function: Boosts Healing
Secondary Heroes: Elastigirl, Dash, Judy

Ralph: Gee Felix, I sure was worried about you.
Felix: Whaddaya mean, brother?
Ralph: Well, you were all Creep-ified. And, I gotta say, you were kinda scary as a bad guy. Plus, I don't know what the Nicelanders would have done...or what I would have done, without you.
Felix: Aw, Ralph, there was no need to worry! With a hero like you for a friend, I was certain to be saved.

Episode 1: Welcoming Committee
Felix and Ralph set out to explore their new neighborhood in the City.

Felix fixes an upended trash can as Ralph knocks some Creeps' heads together.

Ralph creates a giant fissure in the ground, trapping a large group of Creeps.

The duo retraces their steps so Felix can fix the fissure.

Ralph spends the next hour trying to say "Felix, fix the fissure", five times fast.

Ralph: Hey, Felix. I don't suppose you'd wanna go out and explore the neighborhood some more, would ya?
Felix: Why Ralph, that's a dynamite idea! I'd love to!

Episode 2: Neighborhood Watch
Our heroes head out to see what their neighborhood has in store for them.

Ralph clears some Creeps occupying an abandoned building.

Felix starts to fix the damage to the building when he is ambushed by Creeps!

Ralph pushes the Creeps back, shouting loudly.

Felix is overwhelmed by the Creeps! Ralph jumps in to help him.

Felix: Jiminey jaminey, I can't believe those Creeps attacked me. If you weren't there to help me, Ralph, it would have been "game over" for sure.
Ralph: Gee, could you tell the Nicelanders that? I get the feeling that Gene's still a little iffy about me. Maybe if he heard that I helped, he'd finally admit that wrecking can come in handy.
Felix: I could addition to saving me, you also took out a street lamp, a hydrant, and cracked the sidewalk. But don't worry, I fixed it!

Episode 3: Quick Fix
Ralph and Felix continue to explore the City.

Felix gets to fixing as the street floods with water from damaged hydrants.

Ralph runs towards a group of Creeps...only to crash into a nearby park.

Ralph dusts himself off while Felix takes care of the rubble.

Our heroes take a breather in the wreckage, only to be ambushed!

Ralph: Okay, give it to me straight, Felix. What's the damage count?
Felix: Not bad. Just three hydrants today. That's way better than yesterday...though you did destroy that romantic gazebo I had my eye on...
Ralph: Yeah, *cough*, sorry about that.
Felix: Oh, that's alright. I fixed it—good as new!

Episode 4: In A Fix
Ralph and Felix head to the rooftops to get a bird's eye view of the City.

Felix looks longingly at the diners within Remy's Rooftop Bistro as he fixes a shattered atrium.

Ralph slams down on a group of Creeps. The enemy piles on top of him and Felix runs to his rescue.

The two take a deep breath while Felix heals Ralph for the next oncoming group.

Felix looks overwhelmed as he surveys the damage.

Ralph: Say...uh...thanks for always fixing my damage, Felix. I know I break a lot of stuff on account of my being so big and all.
Felix: My pleasure! We're all good at something, and you're good at...destroying entire blocks. Speaking of which, I am getting awful tuckered out.
Ralph: Oh, okay. We can take a break...after we wreck those Creeps on your left!

Episode 5: Domino Effect
The two prepare to take on the oncoming foe.

Creeps come in from all corners, overwhelming Ralph and Felix.

Ralph shouts and slams the ground, shaking the entire building.

The Creeps stop for a moment, shocked. They start to yell and run straight for Felix!

Ralph, scared for his friend, rushes headlong into the enemy.

Felix: Jiminey jaminey! I've never seen you do so much damage, Ralph!
Ralph: Yeah, after one skyscraper fell, the whole downtown area kind of did that domino thing.
Felix: Well, I had plans with my beloved tonight. And now I have to cancel because of your big oil' goofy guff-up. Forgive my potty mouth.
Ralph: Gee, sorry, Felix. I didn't mean to—
Felix: I know you didn't mean to, Ralph. But I just can't keep up! In our game, I only have to fix one building. THIS is too much!

Episode 6: Damage Control
Felix storms off. Ralph follows close behind.

Ralph tells Felix he will try his best to keep from causing so much damage.

Felix watches, astonished, as Ralph tiptoes around each Creep, hitting them on the head.

Ralph winces as he takes a dive, trying to avoid collision with a nearby car.

Ralph asks Felix to fix his bruised back as he prepares for the next battle.

Ralph: Was that better? I think I only created one crack...and I tried not to step on it, know, 'cause of the mothers' backs.
Felix: Thank you, Ralph. I'm going home now for a spell. I've...Well, I've got some thinking to do.

Episode 7: Nervous Wreck
After some time to think, Felix offers to go exploring with Ralph again.

Ralph, obviously nervous, tries his best to mitigate the damage.

Felix looks like he's about to say something when the two get rudely interrupted by the enemy.

The Creeps head straight for Felix!

Ralph saves Felix, but damages too hydrants, a small car, and a mailbox.

Ralph: So...uh...I think I'm gonna sit this next one out...
Felix: Are you sure?
Ralph: Yeah, I figure that's the only way I won't wreck anything.
Felix: Oh, fiddlesticks. That's just quitty quitters' talk and you are no quitter! Come on, I'm sure we can keep things under control. Together.

Episode 8: Fixer Upper
Felix offers to take up some of Ralph's workload.

Felix attacks a Creep with his hammer, and they get even stronger!

Felix calls the Nicelanders for backup but they can only do so much without Ralph.

Ralph jumps in front of Felix right before a Creep knocks him out, telling him to heal up.

The dust clears as the two survey the damage. They are both safe, but the block is destroyed.

Felix: Ralph, I owe you an apology. I'm sorry that I got so upset earlier. I was just feeling a little insecure about my ability to fix things.
Ralph: YOU felt insecure? But Felix, you're the hero!
Felix: Well, I had a big ol' case of the nervous nellies over letting other people down. But in the end, I just let myself down.
Ralph: You know, you could make it up to me by fixin' things after I wreck these Creeps...
Felix: You betcha, brother!

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