Follow the Leader

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Friendship: Woody and Buzz
Disk: Batteries Included
Disk Function: More Energy
Secondary Heroes: Ralph, Felix, Judy

Woody: Thanks for agreeing to watch Bo Peep's sheep the other day, Buzz.
Buzz: Don't mention it. I was happy to help. In fact, I have some ideas for keeping them from wandering off. I'll do some further investigating and then consult with Ms. Peep.

Episode 1: Strange Things
Buzz: Woody, I could use some help. Hero Command has gotten news of a hostage situation in the Port!
Woody: You've got it, partner. Let's wrangle up some Creeps.

While it was disorienting at first, both Buzz and Woody have found they really fit in in the City.

Woody's in charge of rounding up newcomers and welcoming them to the City.

While Buzz and his "Hero Command" team have been pivotal in keeping the Creeps under control.

Now they must combine forces to save some new arrivals from a horde of Creeps.

Buzz and Woody are great separately, but they're even better together.

Buzz: I've scoured the perimeter, Sheriff. The hostages are being kept over by the Warehouse.
Woody: All right. I'll go get them while you handle these Creeps.
Buzz: Understood. I'm switching my laser from stun to derezz.

Episode 2: Intergalactic Emergency
Woody lassos some Creeps out of the way and makes his way to the Warehouse.

Buzz, true to his word, switches his laser from stun to derezz.

Woody successfully escorts the hostages out of the Warehouse before they can become Creep-i-fied.

Meanwhile, Buzz derezzes Creep after Creep until he gets the "all clear" from Woody.

The heroes retreat and give each other a "high five" after a job well done.

Buzz: I'm proud of you, cowboy. That was some fast thinking back there.
Woody: Not so bad yourself, space ranger.
Buzz: Hold on. I'm getting a message from Hero Command. There's an emergency down at base camp!

Episode 3: The Last Slice
Buzz and Woody return to Hero Command headquarters.

Dash reveals the "emergency" is that Ralph ate all the pizza. Buzz and Woody go get more.

There are a lot of Creeps on the way to the pizza parlor, but the toys make their way through.

The Creeps try to steal the pizzas, but Buzz and Woody work together to keep them safe.

When they return, Dash tells Buzz he is glad they have a "fearless leader" like him.

Woody: "Leader"? Can you believe that kid? He thinks you're the leader...that's hilarious.
Buzz: Why is that hilarious? I don't see the humor in merely stating the truth.
Woody: Wait, you don't think you're the leader do you?
Buzz: Well, it's called "Hero Command" after all, not "Hero Roundup."

Episode 4: Lightyear to the Rescue!
Before they can finish talking, Calhoun has an urgent message. There's a Creep attack on the Port!

Hero Command suits up and heads down.

Woody watches as Buzz takes matters into his own hands.

Woody tries to help out, but Buzz has things under control.

After the victory, everyone cheers for Buzz. Woody's flabbergasted.

Woody: I can't believe this. You know, I have half a mind to start my own hero group.
Buzz: Don't feel bad, Woody. Being a follower is just as heroic as being a leader. It's all about protecting our friends, right?
Woody: That's it. I am definitely starting my own hero group.

Episode 5: Hero Roundup
Woody starts showing off in battle to impress prospective members of Hero Roundup.

Woody's combat skills impress a lot of the other heroes.

But no matter how good Woody is, it seems like Buzz is always there to one up him.

Woody gets a call that there's trouble in City Center.

Woody heads out for battle. Buzz follows right behind him. As always.

Woody: Oh, look who decided to show up.
Buzz: Of course, wherever there's danger, Hero Command is there to take the call.
Woody: Well, you're late, So if you'll just step aside, Hero Roundup will be glad to take care of the situation.
Buzz: Hero Command will never "step aside."

Episode 6: War of the Words
Between lassos and laser blasts, Buzz and Woody continue to argue.

Woody looks up for a second, and realizes the Creeps are dismantling City Hall!

Buzz and Woody realize they need to work as a team if they want to win.

Woody whistles to rally the troops, while Buzz traps the enemies in an anti-gravity bubble.

Buzz and Woody save the day TOGETHER.

Woody: I think we owe Officer Hopps an apology, Buzz.
Buzz: Yeah, she seemed awfully mad about those Creeps nearly destroying City Hall.
Woody: I'm afraid we've both acted like a couple of class A buffoons, pal.

Episode 7: Sweet Vengeance
Before either hero can apologize, another Creep appears.

One of them shoots a blast of plasma straight at Woody!

Woody and Buzz must act fast.

Woody grabs the gun with his pull string lasso, while Buzz takes flight.

After the Creep has been successfully disarmed, Buzz targets it with his laser and derezzes it.

Woody: Phew! That was close. Do you have any idea how hard it is to get plasma out of this vest?
Buzz: Well, now you don't have to. Thanks to a certain space ranger.
Woody: Buzz, I just wanted to say—
Buzz: You don't have to say anything. Even though you tried to undermine me, revenge is not an idea we promote in Hero Command.

Episode 8: In Fighting
Although the battle against the Creeps was won, the battle for leadership was not.

After all that arguing, the others are no longer very confident in Woody OR Buzz as a leader.

Woody tries to dissuade them, but ultimately, Hero Command disbands.

Buzz is devastated.

Woody goes to talk to his friend.

Woody: Hey, Buzz. How you doin', pal?
Buzz: As I remember, Star Command Rule 304--a space ranger never feels sorry for himself. I guess I'm not acting like a very good space ranger.
Woody: Maybe this will make you feel better. I talked to Jessie and Rex, and we'd all like to reform Hero Command. On a smaller scale, of course...
Buzz: Really? That's fantastic! We'll be the heroes this city needs. You can start by calling me Commander Lightyear.
Woody: Don't push your luck, Buzz.

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