Sibling Scramble

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Friendship: Dash and Violet(are both family members)
Disk: Homeward Bound
Disk Function: More damage to shielded enemies
Secondary Heroes: Vanellope, Calhoun, Mr. Incredible

Dash: Hey sis, I bet I can beat you in a race.
Violet: Well, obviously. Why would I even try to race you?
Dash: I promise I won't use my super speed. Loser watches Jack-Jack during the next family mission.
Violet: I don't know...
Dash: Come on. If we DON'T race, Mom and Dad are just gonna make you do it anyway.
Violet: Fine.

Episode 1: Be My Player Two
Violet picks Dash up from school.

When Violet arrives, Dash is surrounded by Creeps.

Dash is able to artfully escape, but he needs Violet's help to take the Creeps down.

Violet lands a couple of force field bubbles right in the Creeps' creepy faces.

That serves them right for messing with her brother. Time to go home now! Dash has other ideas.

Dash: Hey, Violet. A new arcade just opened in City Center. Wanna go check it out with me?
Violet: I don't know, Dash. Mom's never said that we could go there by ourselves.
Dash: But she never said we couldn't either. Besides, Tony might be there...
Violet: Okay, we can go for a little while. But we have to head home before it gets dark.

Episode 2: Fun and Games
Violet and Dash run into some Creeps on the way to the new arcade.

Luckily, the siblings take them out easily.

The siblings arrive at the arcade. Dash meets up with some of his classmates.

Violet sees Tony...

Violet and Tony start talking and she quickly loses track of time. Before she knows it, it's dark.

Dash: That was so cool! Did you see that sweet combo move I did? I totally punched that alien in all four of its eyes!
Violet: Dash, we have to go! I was so busy talking to Tony, I lost track of time. It's way past dark. Mom is gonna be furious.
Dash: Aw, come on! Can't I just play one more game?
Violet: No, we have to go NOW!

Episode 3: Lost in the Dark
The kids leave the arcade and are immediately surrounded by Creeps.

They fight them off, but wind up in a strange alley.

They realize they don't know their way home...

More Creeps appear.

Dash hides in a trash can, but the Creeps find him!

Dash: Violet, everything looks different in the dark. I don't know how to get home...
Violet: Me either, but stay calm. We'll figure it out. Oh no. Creeps! Run!
Dash: Wait! If we don't do something, they'll attack the arcade. And Tony! We have to try and take them out.

Episode 4: Black Market Showdown
Violet and Dash defeat the Creeps near the arcade, but still don't know where to go next.

They follow the mysterious alley for as long as it will go.

They hear some rats, but none seem as friendly as Remy.

Suddenly, they find Duke Weaselton, still working at his booth.

Before they can get there, they are attacked by more Creeps.

Dash: Um, Violet, where are we?
Violet: I came here on a mission with Dad once. I think they call it the "Black Market District". I'm not sure. Maybe we can ask that weasel for directions if we can get rid of these Creeps.

Episode 5: Weasely Guts
The kids destroy the Creeps, but see the weasel is gone.

The kids look for Weaselton down Gothel Street, But he's nowhere to be found.

The siblings look down an alley, only to see it filled with glowing eyes!

The two finally found Duke Weaselton.

Duke Weaselton agrees to give the kids directions and even throws in a free DVD. He's not all bad!

Dash: Wow, that weasel was really nice. He even gave me a copy of "Meowana".
Violet: Yeah, but I'm not sure he's great at directions. I mean, we're in the Port. Which is, like, the opposite direction from home.
Dash: Look, pirates!
Violet: Stay down! Running into criminals is the last thing we need right now.

Episode 6: Pirate Peril
Dash and Violet try to hide from the pirates.

Unfortunately, some Creeps crash the party and they have to come out and fight.

The pirates thank the kids for their help and ask where they got the masks.

The pirates could use something like that for the heist they are planning at the City Bank...

After the pirates leave, Dash and Violet give each other a look.

Violet: Did you hear what they said about robbing the City Bank?
Dash: Yep, I guess we have to make a stop on the way home.
Violet: Where?
Dash: The police precinct. What kind of heroes would we be if we didn't report this?

Episode 7: Police Peril
It turns out, Dash and Violet don't know where the police precinct is either.

The wander around doing their best to avoid Creeps, although they get in a few scuffles.

Eventually, they run into a member of the ZPD who points them in the right direction.

After making their way through another Creep horde, they finally found the station.

Violet notices a big lock on the door.

Dash: Oh no! The precinct's locked. How can a police station close?!
Violet: Not to make matters worse, but there's an entire horde of Creeps behind us.
Dash: Well, we're gonna be grounded anyway. Might as well be grounded for being awesome heroes, right?

Episode 8: Incredible Dad
Mr. Incredible makes his way through another horde of Creeps.

One Creeps gets an incredible right hook in the face...

Another one gets an incredible left jab in the jaw.

A third Creep gets an incredible car tossed on its head.

And then, Mr. Incredible can hardly believe his eyes. He sees his

Mr. Incredible: Kids? What are you doing here? It's way past your curfew.
Dash: We got lost! What are you doing here? I thought tonight was your bowling night...
Violet: Yeah, Mom's gonna be super mad when she finds out that you went crime fighting without her. AGAIN.
Mr. Incredible: How about this...we take care of these guys and go home. No need to mention we weren't together the whole afternoon.

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