Feeling Invisible

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Friendship: Violet and Ralph
Disk: Wrecking Ball
Disk Function: Shields stun enemies
Secondary Heroes: Frozone, Finnick, Chief Bogo

Violet: You're really good at smashing stuff. Almost as good as my dad.
Ralph: Oh? Really? Thanks! I mean, it is what I'm known for.
Violet: Ok, well...
Ralph: Wait! You're great too! At, um...not being visible. And...um, pushing stuff, but not with your hands. That's pretty cool.

Episode 1: Shy Violet
Violet spies Ralph across the street. She's about to go say hi when he is attacked by Creeps!

Violet hits some Brutes with a force field just as they are about to jump on Ralph.

Ralph creates a huge crack in the earth with his fists. Violet nearly falls in, but saves herself at the last minute.

Violet puts a force field around Ralph just as he's about to be hit by a laser blast from a nearby Robot.

Ralph brings his fists down in a huge slam...without realizing that Violet is invisible right next to him.

Violet: Oh, sorry. I mean...excuse me.
Ralph: Hey kid, be careful! I didn't see ya there. I almost hit you!
Violet: *sigh* Don't worry about it. It's not like it's the first time I've gone unnoticed.

Episode 2: Field Trip
Violet offers to keep Ralph company while he walks to Felix's flat. Ralph heartily agrees.

While they walk, Ralph tells Violet all about how he met Vanellope.

Ralph continues his story to talk about the Nicelanders and Felix.

Violet is shocked when she learns that Ralph used to live in a stump.

Ralph pauses for a moment, noticing that his walking companion has become even more quiet than usual...

Ralph: All right, Miss Invisible, out with it. What's wrong?
Violet: Oh, it's nothing. I'm fine...no need to worry about me.
Ralph: I heard what you were sayin' before. You think no one notices ya, am I right?
Violet: Well, yeah. My family isn't what you would call normal. Sometimes, it's easy to get...missed.

Episode 3: Miss Invisible
Violet starts to tell Ralph about the incredible and delightful chaos that comes from being in a family of Supers.

She explains that the family had to hide their powers at first.

Ralph nods his head when Violet talks about how she went with her mom and brother to rescue their dad.

Violet's mom put her in charge, and she was so nervous. But she was able to keep her brother Dash from harm.

Even though Violet feels more confident with her powers, she often feels left out in a family of Incredibles.

Ralph: Look, I know what it's like to be treated like you're...I dunno, less important.
Violet: You do?
Ralph: Yeah. Back in my game, everyone thought I was just the bad guy, and that I couldn't be anything else. So, I wanna help ya.

Episode 4: Master Wrecker
Ralph starts thinking about how he can help Violet.

Ralph decides that he should use his wrecking skills to help Violet show off her strengths.

Ralph tells Violet to call her family to meet her.

Violet looks on uncomfortably while Ralph looks for the perfect building to wreck.

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