Satisfied With Your Care

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Friendship: Kevin Flynn and Baymax
Disk: Old School Diagnostic
Disk Function: "Power Cleanse" Heals Allies
Secondary Heroes: Stitch, WALL-E, Zurg

Kevin: Baymax, let me check those wings for you and make sure they're safe to fly with.
Baymax: Wiiiiings!
Kevin: Are your batteries low again?
Baymax: Maaaaaaybe...*hiccup*

Bonus Dialogue:
Baymax: There are many people in this City suffering from symptoms of emotional distress.
Kevin: Finding yourself stuck in a strange new world will do that to you. I feel plenty of emotional distress myself.
Baymax: Do not be ashamed to cry. Crying is a natural response to pain.
Kevin: Thanks, Baymax. I'll...keep that in mind.

Episode 1: Walking Marshmallow
Creeps appear seemingly out of nowhere. Baymax attempts to shield Flynn.

Flynn pushes Baymax out of the way and emits an energy shield that sends the Creeps flying.

Before the Creeps hit the ground, Baymax shoots them with his rocket fist. They quickly derez.

Baymax turns around to find Flynn on the ground.

True to his word, Flynn allows Baymax to scan him.

Baymax: Scan complete.
Kevin: What did you find? Am I fit as a fiddle?
Baymax: Your heart rate is greatly elevated. Have you experienced any recent distress?

Episode 2: Stress Test
Before Flynn can answer, several more Creeps appear.

Flynn takes out a few Creeps with his disc, but more keep coming.

Baymax scans the foes, analyzing their current state.

Meanwhile, Flynn shields Baymax while he makes his final calculations.

Sensing that the Creep horde is too big, Baymax grabs Flynn and flies him to safety.

Kevin: Baymax! Did you just make a DECISION to get me out of there?
Baymax: Assistance was necessary. Flying makes me a better healthcare companion.
Kevin: Amazing! That processing is far more complex than what I would have expected from a simple healthcare robot.

Episode 3: Signs of Life
Kevin Flynn asks around the City and hears many stories of Baymax's heroics and compassion.

The programmer is impressed with whoever made Baymax.

Flynn comes up with a series of tests to determine whether Baymax is self-aware, or just a product of really good code.

Flynn asks Baymax if he would be willing to take the tests.

Baymax asks Flynn about the purpose of the tests.

Kevin: If you're self-aware, then it proves my work with the ISOs wasn't just a fluke. It shows that electronic life can bloom anywhere.
Baymax: Would taking these tests help your emotional well-being?
Kevin: Yeah, I'd say it would definitely help my emotional well-being.
Baymax: Then I agree.

Episode 4: Mirror Image
The first test for self-awareness Flynn researched is called the "Mirror Test."

If Baymax recognizes himself in the mirror, it means he has the ability to distinguish his features over those of another robot.

Flynn and Baymax head to the Covered Market to buy a mirror.

Unfortunately, the first mirror they purchase does not reflect Baymax at all.

The mirror just shows a face of a grim man who tells them Snow White is the fairest in the land.

Kevin: Well, that was less than helpful.
Baymax: That mirror said Snow White has "skin white as snow." That could be a symptom of dangerously low blood pressure. We should find this Snow White and make sure her vitals are stable.
Kevin: I think it was more of an artistic description, not a diagnosis. I'm sure she's fine. Come with me. We need to construct another test.

Episode 5: Shhhh...
Kevin Flynn constructs another variant of the mirror test.

He creates a chip that will temporarily silence whatever robots use.

He gets WALL-E, EVE, and Baymax together. He says that two of them will get the "quiet" chip and the other will get a placebo.

WALL-E, EVE, and Baymax all insert their chips.

At first, all three robots are silent.

Kevin: Baymax, do you know which robot got the placebo?
Baymax: I am sorry, but I do not know. Actually...I know now. I heard my own voice, which means I must have received the placebo.
Kevin: Very good, you can recognize your own voice. That's a good sign.

Episode 6: Turning Things Around
Even though Flynn now knows Baymax can recognize his own voice, it doesn't necessarily mean he's fully self-aware.

Flynn needs to come up with a more complete test. But what?

He contemplates his research and decides to construct a basic Turing test.

The idea behind a Turing test is that if someone can talk to Baymax and think he's human, then he passes.

But, they would need to do something to disguise his appearance first.

Kevin: If we're going to do a Turing test, we need to disguise you somehow so people don't know you're a robot.
Baymax: Perhaps we could make it dark so they can not see me?
Kevin: Perfect! You're a genius, Baymax.
Baymax: Robots are incapable of genius level intelligence. I am here to assist and improve your emotional well-being.

Episode 7: Our Hiro
Kevin Flynn modifies Baymax's voice program so that he no longer sounds like a robot.

Flynn asks Baymax to hide in a very dark section of the Subway, and call for help.

Flynn then recruits Hiro and Quorra to go fight some Creeps in the Subway with him.

The three of them suddenly hear Baymax's disguised voice calling for help.

Quorra and Flynn rush towards the voice, but it's so dark that they can barely see.

Quorra: Don't worry. We're here to help you! Just keep speaking and we'll find you!
Hiro: Ow! It's so dark in here. I think I stubbed my toe.
Baymax: I am Baymax, your personal healthcare companion. I was alerted to the need for medical attention when you said "Ow."
Hiro: Baymax? Why does your voice sound different?
Baymax: Hello, Hiro. I am helping Mr. Flynn with a series of tests that will aid his emotional well-being. I will scan you now.

Episode 8: Failing Upwards
Kevin Flynn is disappointed that Baymax didn't pass the Turing Test. It seems that Quorra really is alone after all.

Before he can contemplate too much, Creeps attack. And they're trapped in the dark!

Thinking quickly, Baymax attaches Hiro and Quorra to his rocket fist and blasts them to safety.

Luckily, Flynn is able to both light the way and clear out the rest of the Creeps with his energy burst.

As Flynn and Baymax make their way back to the surface, Flynn realizes that Baymax didn't know that! He thought they were all in danger.

Kevin: Baymax, why were you willing to sacrifice yourself for Hiro and Quorra back there?
Baymax: My purpose is to heal the sick and injured. The health of my patients is my only concern.
Kevin: Well, I'll be. Who cares if you're self-aware? Your code makes you who you are, which is a wonderful compassionate being.
Baymax: Are you satisfied with your care?
Kevin: Yes, Baymax. I'm extremely satisfied with my care.

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