Houseboat Guest

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Friendship: Hector Barbossa and Stitch
Disk: Stowaway
Disk Function: More Chain Shot
Secondary Heroes: Kevin Flynn, Vanellope, Merida

Stitch: *burps while saying Aloha 'Oe*
Barbossa: Argh...I told ye. You eat more than your fair share of rations and you'll walk the plank.
Stitch: NO DOONGA!
Barbossa: Aye, I know you don't like the water...well, I'll let you off with a warning this time.

Bonus Dialogue:
Stitch: "Eeek! Save me!"
Barbossa: What are ye doing with me model ships?
Stitch: Raarrr! Monster..destroy!
Barbossa: Put that down! Now, let's be findin' ye a way to channel that energy into more...worthwhile pursuits, shall we?

Episode 1: Experiment 626
Captain Barbossa goes below deck to investigate rumors of a stowaway who's been stealing food on his ship.

He enters the food storage cabin and discovers a fuzzy blue...monkey?

The "monkey" turns out to be Stitch, an alien from another planet.

Barbossa doesn't understand the strange creature's talk of "outer space," but he knows one thing. He won't be tolerating stowaways!

Barbossa escorts Stitch to the plank.

Stitch: Aggaba! Stop! No water! Please...
Barbossa: If you're so averse to water, then tell me...what be a blue monkey like yourself doin' aboard me ship?
Stitch: Stitch...lost.
Barbossa: Lost, eh?...All right, I won't make ye walk the plank, but there be no room for stowaways. Ashore ye go.

Episode 2: Bad Monkey
Soon, after Stitch is kicked off of Captain Barbossa's ship, he starts to revert to his old habits.

Stitch wrecks several storefronts in the Port, before arriving at the Tortuga Inn.

Stitch rips off the front door and starts causing chaos.

Barbossa hears of the damage and goes to investigate.

When he finds Stitch, the little creature has two extra arms and is holding a blaster.

Barbossa: What be this ruckus?
Stitch: Meega-o-itume!
Barbossa: I don't know what ye just said, but I know it weren't polite.

Episode 3: Wrecking Ball
Captain Barbossa is ready to grab Stitch by the scruff of his neck and throw him out, when the Creeps show up.

A Mage throws a magical orb at Barbossa.

Stitch jumps at the Mage and bites him.

As the Mage derezzes, Barbossa realizes that he may have found a useful ally.

As Barbossa ponders the possibilities, Felix shows up.

Felix: Wowee, this place sure is wrecked, but I don't see Ralph anywhere. Who did all this?
Barbossa: It be the blue four-armed monkey there.
Stitch: My name Stitch.
Felix: Well hello, Stitch. Now, I can fix all this, but you need to get those wrecking instincts under control. All right, little fella?

Episode 4: Sorry?
Stitch nods at Felix, and Captain Barbossa takes the little guy back to his ship.

As Barbossa is planning his next move, he hears a giant thud.

Barbossa comes out of the Captain's quarters and onto the deck, expecting it to be overrun with Creeps.

Instead, he finds Stitch, looking guilty. He just knocked over the crow's nest.

Barbossa approaches the little alien with an angry glare.

Barbossa: I welcome ye into me home, and this be how you repay me?
Stitch: Stitch sorry.

Episode 5: Enough is Enough
Captain Barbossa thought the odd little creature could be useful, but he can't have him wrecking his ship.

Barbossa asks Stitch where he is from. Stitch says, "Stitch home is island. Big trees, warm sun, lots of coconuts!"

This gives Barbossa an idea.

He sails out to one of the barrier islands, planning to leave Stitch there.

As Barbossa turns to leave, Stitch looks at him with sad eyes.

Stitch: Does Stitch have to stay?
Barbossa: Aye, it be best for everyone if ye be here out of trouble. You'll have your big trees, warm sun, and more coconuts than ye can ever eat.

Episode 6: Stitchless
Captain Barbossa sets out on his daily routine, but things just aren't the same without the little blue "monkey."

While trying to make a special delivery in Oceanside, Barbossa is cornered by two Ghouls.

He tries to fight them off with his sword, but they keep artfully dodging his blade.

It seems like Barbossa is toast, until he sees a blaster bolt hit each Ghoul.

After the Creeps derezz, Barbossa looks up to see Stitch.

Stitch: Hi!
Barbossa: Ye came back?
Stitch: Yes. Nobody gets left behind.

Episode 7: Hang Six
Stitch explains that he surfed from the island to the shore.

While Captain Barbossa has never heard of surfing, he understands what the little creature is saying in theory.

Barbossa makes Stitch part of his crew and begins to teach the little alien the basics of sailing.

Stitch proves to be a quick study. He even fixes the crow's nest!

Barbossa is very impressed with his new "deckhand."

Barbossa: Prepare to make sail! All hands on deck!
Stitch: Aye-aye! One, two, three, four. Stitch have four hands and two feet on deck.
Barbossa: No, it doesn't actually mean...never mind. *chuckles* I've seen all manner of oddness in my time, but none quite as odd as yourself.

Episode 8: Ohana Means Family
In addition to being a good deckhand, Stitch makes an excellent bodyguard.

When the Creeps attack the Port, Stitch is the first one to fight back. And Captain Barbossa is right behind him.

The two of them fight well together. Barbossa fires his cannon while Stitch fires his blasters.

Barbossa is in constant amazement at his new friend's resilience. 

Stitch is just pleased to add a new member to his "ohana." He even tells Barbossa.

Barbossa: "Ohana?" What sort of word be that?
Stitch: Ohana means family.
Barbossa: Aye, family. I suppose my family be my crew. Though, we be a bit...dysfunctional at time.
Stitch: Family can be broken and still good. Yeah, still good.

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