𝓔𝔁𝓬𝓮𝓼𝓼𝓲𝓿𝓮 𝓒𝓱𝓸𝓬𝓸𝓵𝓪𝓽

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The Next Morning -

With my feet slightly stiff, I carefully get up and use the washroom located right inside my room. I brush my teeth, and wash my face with a white oatmeal scrub, then go into the living room. Looking around, I realize he is nowhere in sight. I look to the kitchen, he isn't there either. I need to tell him that I'm going outside to the store to get chocolate since I can't stop craving it. My mouth waters again every time I think of it without conscious control.

I knock twice on his bedroom door, even though I didn't want to bother him, but there was no answer. Checking the stove's digital clock, I grab my phone and spare keys off the table and prepare to exit the apartment. But before then, I notice a voicemail on the phone machine. I press it to listen: "Hello, if this is Félix Graham De Vanily's alternate number, your client would like to see you for an urgent conference. Arrive by 10 a.m., thanks."

I check the clock again. It was 12:43 p.m., which means he is currently at work. I wrap a scarf around my neck and button up my thick coat, so my belly wouldn't be visible in public.

As I make my way to the central bus stop, I think of how long his name was. It actually had a nice ring to it too. It was entirely unexpected, because he had only revealed  his first name to me. Tikki pops out of my purse, curiously watching my face, "Where are we going, Marinette?"

"To get some chocolate. I'm dyinggg."

I take the bus to the nearest shop and browse through the aisles. As I scanned my eyes upon every shelf, I didn't once spot the product I wanted. Then, I stop by other stores as well; even the most famous chocolate shop called, Jacques Genin, yet I still had no luck finding my sweet craving. Even in my shoes, I could feel that my feet were swelling up from all of this walking, so I sit down on a bench when Tikki tells me to take a break.

I sigh, "I seriously don't know where else to check. No one has it...!"

My kwami assures me, "Don't worry, maybe you can try again tomorrow?"

"But I really neeeeed chocolate. My stomach doesn't just want it, it NEEDS it. And I think my Lil Adrien does too." I pat my belly with pure love for my son.

"Aw, I know, Marinette.. But for now, let's go back to the apartment, because you've been walking such long distances. You're supposed to rest and nothing else. Come on."

I glance at the street clock and it reads 4:12 p.m. Nodding to her logical expression, I get up with my legs full of soreness till the bones, and transport back to the apartment area, accidentally taking the lengthy bus route.

Using the spare key, I unlock the door and walk in, then close it behind me. As soon as I take my socks off, I see my feet throbbing in pain. "Ughhh, it feels like I've walked all over France, but these stupid shops don't even have the one thing I'm craving for so badly. What an inconvenience!" I complain to Tikki, who was in my coat pocket, shaking her head.

Out of nowhere, someone asks from the kitchen, "Marinette, who the hell are you talking to?", and I almost jump out of my skin. He comes into my view and raises an eyebrow, inquiring silently with a look of suspicion.

I speak nervously, "Oh, uhmmm, I was just talking to myself, you know. Everyone does that."

"Funny, I don't do that." He crosses his arms, tilting his head to the side.

Then, he adds, "What were you even doing outside? You should've made the effort to notify me at the very least, instead of posing as an intelligible young woman. I stepped forth into the building, and I sought for a trace of you, but found nought."

I start biting the inner side of my cheek, "...I went to the store to find something, but they didn't have it. And plus, how am I supposed to tell you if you were at work? I don't even have your number."

He holds his forehead in annoyance, "Seriously? My cell number is right there on a sticky note on the fridge. How can you not- Anyways, what were you searching for that occupied you for this many hours?"

"Oh, nothing, really." I wave it off, looking down.

"No, tell me. It must be something really important that you searched for until your feet are all swollen up now." He states, examining the veins popping up along my feet, and the skin turning pink to an irritatingly visible degree.

"...I was looking for my favorite Italian chocolate. But these useless chocolatiers don't have it..."

I go to my bedroom to quickly change, then come back out, wearing a black robe with my hair in a low ponytail as usual.

"What's it called?" He snaps me to attention since I was looking down in disappointment.

"Ferrero Rocher." I sigh.

He picks up his car keys from the counter, and leaves with the same business attire without another word.

Wow.. okay. I thought he was asking because he cared or something, but it seems like he only cares about his work. I walk over to the fridge and add his number into my phone's contacts. As I drink iced water, I think with sense and knowingly tell myself: Just because he let me stay in his apartment doesn't mean he should care about me. We are just two strangers sharing a place. It doesn't mean anything, right? But I thought if I cared about him genuinely, then maybe he'd return the action back.

After a whole hour, I blissfully eat some yogurt, so my stomach won't keep growling and craving uncontrollably. Feeling full, Tikki finishes her cookie while watching my face in the silence. Soon after, the main door opens and then closes, so she hides into one of the cabinets upon hearing the sound.

He enters the kitchen once again, but I don't look up from my phone, silently going through the different numbers of specialized clinics. Hopefully, sooner than later, I want to go for my ultrasounds next week or the week after.

Out of nowhere, a hand places down a medium-sized box filled with individually, gold-wrapped Ferrero Rochers. Oh my God.... I look up at him, and he smiles just a little, "Here."

I blink my eyes several times just to believe it, "...What? How did you find these?"

"I drove and came to find a place that had them in stock."

"Oh, thank you.. Let me get my purse, so I can pay you back. How much was it?"

He shakes his head, narrowing his eyes at me, "Who mentioned anything about paying me back?"

"Because you paid for it when I'm supposed to.." I point out.

"No. I don't want you to pay back."

"But why...? I can't take this without doing that."

"You shall accept this, because I want you to."

"Please, I'll feel so guilty. I don't take things from people like this...."

He sighs, "...Then, whatever. Take it as a gift or something."

I sigh as well and just give up, "Okay.. If you say so. But I would have gotten it myself another day."

I sit at the dining table and open the box up. He leaves to go get changed, and by the time he comes back, I have already eaten five pieces of the decadent treat. Careless of if he was going to judge me, I continue to fill some more into my mouth as he watches, and I can't help but 'mmmmm' in pleasure with every piece I savour on my tongue. He clears his throat and scoffs, "You women are insane."

I nod, rolling my eyes, "Yeah, and you men think you're all normal... Here, have some."

He squints, looking at my offering, "..I've never had these." He walks over to the table, so I hand him two. Slowly, he tastes it with a neutral look on his face, and I hear the satisfying crunch between his teeth.

"I must admit... You have an impressive taste in certain things." He smirks and licks his lip, literally murdering my soul out of nowhere. My face flushes light enough, so it isn't too visible. Is it just me, or was that a sexual joke?

And why did it seem like he was flirting? With me?

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