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As soon as I am upstairs, I start to feel hungry. Hunger that I cannot explain with words. I've thrown up my stomach contents so many times for these past few weeks that it could actually be the amount to fill up a whole bucket. Ugh, I gag just from thinking about it. I put on my pink Louis Vuitton slippers and go back downstairs right after a few minutes of constant hyperventilating. What the hell is actually wrong with me??

Shamelessly, I can't help but run to the kitchen and start looking through the cabinets for something to eat. Nope, there is nothing here that I crave. I slam the cabinets shut, lowkey losing my patience. Then, I open the fridge and look inside where there are only healthy items on display on the shelves. Ugh! I seriously need some unhealthy food right now, but thanks to him, there is absolutely nothing here of that sort. I slam the fridge door shut as well, which instantly triggers Félix from a mile away, so he storms down the hall, coming towards me.

"Marinette, what the fuck are you doing? Go take your anger out on something else instead of the kitchen!" He shouts at me, but not too loudly.

I glare at him and open the freezer, "I need something to eattt, stop coming at me."

He snorts, "If your hormones are that uncontrollable, then why don't you just EAT?"

I boil up with anger and realize that there was no ice cream. Holy shit. My stomach makes the most embarrassing noise and I know only ice cream can solve that now. I smack my face with my hand and whine, "Why don't you have any ice creammm??? I really need some right now."

He shuts the freezer door with aggression and tells me, "Yeah, I don't have any. Now learn to deal with it."

I almost tear up because I can feel my stomach trying to rip itself open, and if I don't get that sweet dessert in my mouth within a few minutes, I will actually lose it in front of him. "I'm so fuckin serious right now. My cravings are killing me, so if you don't get me a tub, then I will get it myself." I push past him and exit the kitchen.

He rushes after me and says, "There is no way you are going outside during this pandemic. I won't let you."

I turn around annoyingly, "I'm tired of sitting around all day. It's better if I do, so at least I can get some exercise by walking to the store."

"No, shut up. That virus is deadly and you can't just risk your life like that." He grabs my elbow and leans in to make his point clear.

I jump away from his touch and a light blush surfaces my cheeks. I laugh nervously, "Is life even worth living for? Not for me."

"Okay... I understand how bad it is. Fine. I'll go get it for you. Happy now?"

I shake my head, "No, I wanna come too. And I just realized that André, the Ice Cream Man, is still active around Paris, so let's go there."

He rolls his eyes, "I said it isn't safe for you out there. It could infect your child too. What don't you understand? I can get it for you myself."

"Pleaseee, I need fresh air. I can wear protective gear which will protect me from the virus, don't worry." I turn away and start walking down the hall.

"Okay, fine.." He manages to make it in front of me as he leads me to the big washroom and opens the toiletries cabinet on the wall. The first two shelves were stacked with regular items, such as towels, soap, and shampoo, but the rest were filled with white square boxes. He grabs one and opens the flaps, revealing light blue N95 respirator masks which are known to protect the human respiratory system with the most efficiency. He puts one on, but keeps it at his neck like a necklace, and then hands me one as well, "Make sure you wear this at all times. Also, don't go near people. It's disgusting."

Félix & Marinette︲IntensityWhere stories live. Discover now