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✧・゚│Picture is by me


DISCLAIMER: Reader discretion is advised 🔞⚠️

After taking plenty of naps together, we watch some TV as the jet is still in the air, making its way towards the surprise destination that Félix chose for our honeymoon. I lean back against the couch, and munch on a bag of yogurt-covered pretzels, withstanding the sudden change in air denseness. The humidity is noticeably increasing each time 10 minutes pass by.

I wipe the sweat off of my neck, making a face that clearly shows that I'm not very used to such tropical temperatures.

Wait, tropical...?

Chewing quickly, I swallow, then pull out my phone and search up the list of tropical vacation spots, specifically islands if I'm assuming it to be. "...We must be in the Southern Hemisphere?" I say to myself in the form of a mumble, just as Félix steps into the room after disappearing to take a bathroom break for the fifth time due to his drunk state several hours ago. Chuckling, he sits back down beside me, letting out a sigh, "I don't think you'll be able to predict where we're landing~"

I stick my tongue out at him, but keep my eyes on my phone screen, madly searching, "Watch me be right. Then I'll be sleeping with your wallet~"

A snort escapes his nose, and he places down a huge square box on my lap, so I shift my gaze immediately and look at it, "Babe, what is this?" I meet his bright eyes, putting down my phone to know the answer.

"Just open it~ It's my wedding gift for you~" He says simply, and slides his hand across my chest, slipping into the exposed opening of my dress. "Hm, did you sew this dress too~? You look irresistible~" He runs his fingers along my smooth skin, touching my ribs as well. "More than usual~"

I blush deeply, and nod, "Yes, I did~" I look down at the box once more, then grab the ends of the gold ribbon, pulling it until it loosens. Smiling, I impatiently lift the lid, wanting to know what he has gotten me, and when I see it, I gasp, "Oh my~" I lift the heavy vase out of the box and notice the painted words on it, including the date of yesterday when we got married, and surprisingly, the month our baby is due in.

 Smiling, I impatiently lift the lid, wanting to know what he has gotten me, and when I see it, I gasp, "Oh my~" I lift the heavy vase out of the box and notice the painted words on it, including the date of yesterday when we got married, and surp...

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"Wow, Félix~ This looks a lot like a female's body..." I turn it around and see the butt, giggling and shaking my head in disbelief.

"Because it is~ It's called the Love Handles Vase~ Made of 100 percent ceramic and hand-crafted to enhance the perfect curves~" He tells me, now rubbing my baby bump with his hand in a circular motion, feeling it, "I wanted to give you something special that you can look at everyday, and be reminded of these two things~"

"It must be expensive.. But I love it so much~" I smile widely, and turn my head and kiss his lips, "I'll cherish this for a lifetime~"

He kisses me back and his complexion brightens up further, having a huge smile across his face that was so precious to see, I can't help but feel my heart melt. "...You're so handsome~ Oh, hold on!!" I jerk my body away and set the vase back in its box, placing it aside on the extra space of the couch. I quickly get up while he gives me a look of confusion, raising his eyebrows up.

Félix & Marinette︲IntensityWhere stories live. Discover now