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Her eyes widen, "No way! What did that hoe say?"

I shake my head, "We talked about life and had some Starbucks. But trust me, she really has changed. She just isn't the same anymore. And I think the reason is Luka."

"Huh? I'm confused. Now where did Luka come from?"

We enter a shop and I look at some dresses for no apparent reason. "I didn't meet him. I'm saying that Luka is probably the person who helped Chloe improve her personality. Even though she still continues to criticize other people's fashion, except her own."

She facepalms herself, "Okay, but how is Luka involved in all of this?"

"Sorry, I forgot to mention, they are currently engaged." I smile, even though I felt slightly hurt and jealous inside.

"Bruh. That's crazy. Who knew a person like Chloe would ever learn to love someone." She looks at me, completely shook.

We enter the Apple store and I quickly purchase a new durable case for my phone. "Exactly. And she even said she will invite me to the wedding."

She eyes me, "Are you actually going to go, though?"

"Hmm. Maybe. Maybe not. I don't know yet."

She eyes me again, "You're happy that they're together, right?"

I look at her and state, "Yes, of course. Why wouldn't I be? Luka was one of my very close friends, so obviously I support his decisions."

"Awesome. I'm super hungry now, can we go eat something?"

I nod, and once I pay for my phone case, we go to the large food court that covers the other side of the Louvre. We place our orders for salad with grilled chicken. The second we sit down, I start eating like I haven't eaten in hours, which is partially true, but as you know, my appetite is kind of growing these days.

Alya smiles at me and bites a cucumber from her salad, "Girl, the way you're eating right now is such a mood."

I pour some italian dressing over the vegetables and stick my tongue out at her, "Shut up, I know you're judging my manners. But excuse me, I am not a barn animal."

She laughs, "I know. I never said that. Enjoy your meal before you end up wanting to take a shit."

Rolling my eyes, I finish the entire plate and she only manages to eat half of it, since she already had lunch at her house. As we were about to get up and throw our trash, Alya's phone rings and she pauses.

Her face scrunches up, "Hold up. Why did Kagami send me a message?"

I come to her side, "Do you talk to her?"

"No, I actually don't. Let me open it and see." Her eyes search the screen and all I see is a voice recording. She presses 'play' and it begins with Kagami's voice:

"Hi. This is a recording for Marinette, so make sure you tell her since I don't have her contact."

Me and Alya look at each other in confusion and continue to listen to the rest:

"Ever since I broke up with Adrien back in high school, I didn't know what I was doing. I guess I was just a little insecure. I tried moving on, but it didn't work at all for me. And then, when I saw Adrien getting closer to you, I felt nothing but jealousy towards that. Years later, you guys got even more closer to the point where he actually proposed to you in front of everyone to be his wife. You don't understand how bad that hurt. I was there, if you remember. I didn't hate you, because I technically didn't lose him... Let me tell you something. Once you two got married, I got hired at the same management office, exactly where Adrien worked. Unbelievable, right? As weeks went by, I realized I wanted him back and confessed it to him. Then, he admitted his own confession. Here's proof..." *pauses*

My eyes widened, completely unaware of what I heard next. A recording started in his voice:

"I didn't know me and you had something more than just friendship, until we spent that night at the hotel. To be honest, I'm starting to have feelings for you again... I just don't know what to tell you. Marinette is the one I love, but now I think... you could've been my wife too." *pauses*

The recording returns back to Kagami's voice:

"See, that is all the proof you will need to finally believe that Adrien was not loyal. He was having mixed feelings about you, that is why he confessed his inner feelings to me. Because the truth is, me and him were made for each other, but he wouldn't let you go either. And that is why I took matters into my own hands and killed him. That night, I purposely side-crashed my car into his, even though I hated to do it, but I know it really was for the best. It really did put my mind at ease. Yes, you can call me a psychopath or whatever, but I simply did you a favour. How could you possibly think that he only loved you? How could I possibly have thought that he would leave you and come back to me? Well, it is what it is. If I couldn't have him, then you couldn't have him either."

The recording ends and my mouth is dry, screaming for hydration. I want to scream right there in the mall, in public, but I don't know how to. It's like my brain has completely forgotten how to function. My body starts to shake and I'm holding back the massive breakdown that is about to happen. Alya is at my side, hugging my shoulders, trying to make me speak, but I can't. It felt like I was useless. It felt like my body was left paralyzed and nothing could help it. Was everything I heard actually true? Was he really that confused? And now he is gone because of his own actions. He literally has broken me so many times, but this time it's just different. I don't know where my emotions are. They are all over the place. My body doesn't know how to react and it's screaming, threatening my heart to bleed internally. I clearly wasn't that special to him and he basically took me as a second option, because it's a fact that he slept with Kagami, choosing her more over me. What did I really expect? From the son of the famous Gabriel Agreste — who was now dead because he turned out to be Hawk Moth. At this moment, it feels like all the time I spent adoring over Adrien, all the love I gave him so he would feel less alone after his mother disappeared, all the years we fought side by side as superheroes where I managed to completely trust him, has all been wasted in one second. I gave him everything, everything I had left. But he chose to take all of it and leave me drained with no ounce of blood left inside.

Finally the tears stream down my face. Right there and then, I wanted to scream so loud that his grave would shake and torture his soul from within this distance. I wanted to cut myself open with something sharp, even though I know nothing will come out, and write on his coffin with my fluid, 'You sucked the life out of me, and I hope God does the same thing to you'. My chest starts to close in and I begin to hyperventilate. Alya grasps me to sit down, but instead, I run to the nearest large garbage can and throw up heavily, excreting chunks with my stomach fluid. She rushes over to me quickly and gently rubs my back and shoulders for comfort. My esophagus starts to feel inflamed and it burns with all the pain bottling up in my nerves. After 30 seconds, I manage to stand up straight from bending towards the bin and wipe the excess off my mouth with a tissue that Alya hands to me.

I feel completely weak and don't know how to function at this point. Handing her my phone, I tell her, "Please, call him, I need to go home..."

Her right eyebrow lifts up, "Call who? Who's him? I think you need to go to the hospital, Marinette."

"No... Ugh, nevermind." I press my fingertips into my skull, trying to concentrate, but I can't.

She takes out her own phone and calls someone. Then, she says to me, "Okay, let's go. My driver will drop you home."

She guides me by holding on to my shoulder and we climb up the stairs and exit at once. Along the way, I tell Alya the directions since my voice is almost gone, so she tells the driver for me each time.

As soon as we reach the mansion, Alya opens her mouth in shock, "What the heck? Whose place is this? Is this where you live? But how?"

I open the door and step out, "A friend. Please, stop asking so many questions. Thanks for the ride. Bye." I say with the dryness and annoyance in my voice.

"Bye. Take care, girl. Please, do not do anything stupid." She says in worry as I slam the door of the car and go up the entrance stairs.

Where is death when you need it? I think to myself.

Félix & Marinette︲IntensityWhere stories live. Discover now