𝓞𝓵𝓭 𝓐𝓬𝓺𝓾𝓪𝓲𝓷𝓽𝓪𝓷𝓬𝓮

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My heart instantly softened up for him, "No, Félix, don't say that. I didn't mean it."

"Tell me that you hate me. Slap the fuck out of me so I realize how bad of a person I am." He looks at me with tension.

I shake my head, "No, I would never do that."

"Yes, you would."

"Nope, I don't hate you. And you shouldn't be hating yourself." I tell him.

He looks at me, "To make it easier for you, I'm moving into my new mansion in a few days, and you can stay here, so you can be at peace."

I watch him with my eyes wide open as he gets some folded cardboard boxes from the main door and places them outside his room.

"That'll only make me feel even more alone than I already am." I blurt out, and by looking at his curious expression, I don't know if he figured it out yet.

I hope he doesn't, because that sounded super needy. Ugh, I can't even say the right words.

He combs his hair, "You're more than welcome to come along with me.. If you want."

"Are you sure? I don't want to be a burden in your life." I wipe my nose.

He smiles just a little, "Don't worry, you were never a burden. At least I can say I have you as a good friend, correct? I haven't had one in a long time.."

I smile too, "Yeah, to be honest, I have no friends left either."

"I'm.. sorry for calling you a bitch." He apologized, looking like it was super difficult for him to.

"It's okay.... Um, anyways, I have to go and buy new clothes because all my old ones are barely fitting me." I grab my purse from the hook.

He puts his hand in his pant pocket and pulls out a 100 euro bill, handing it to me, "Alright. Here, take this."

I look at the money, then at him, in shock, "...It's okay, I have some money with me. You don't have to give yours."

"I know, but I want you to get the most you can."

I refuse again, "No, trust me, I'm fine. I have enough."

He forcefully unzips my purse open and shoves the money in, "I don't care for what you utter. I always get my way regardless."

"Please, I don't need this." I reach into my purse to retrieve it, but he warns me.

"If you even dare take that out, I'll do something you won't like." He stares at my hand with complete seriousness.

I sigh, and once again, give up, "You're so bipolar, ugh."

He starts, "Shut up, before I-" then closes his mouth for that sentence. "Just go."

I exhale and put on my jacket, zipping it up, then exit through the main door.

I wonder what he was going to say. Why did he cut off mid-sentence? I thought to myself as I took the direct bus to Paris, since I live outside the border of it. I decide to go to the Carrousel Du Louvre which has always been one of my favourite places to shop. With crazy boutiques and designer brands at every turn. It is incredibly unique. Carefully, I go down the stairs since it is an underground mall, and hold on to the railing to make sure I don't slip. With every step I take, I realize how heavy I've actually gotten. It's literally a workout, even if I'm just walking. I stop by the Printemps store, just to see if I end up liking anything. This place is so expensive that I've never been able to afford the clothing. I have always looked at the price tags which made me walk out every time when I was a teenager. Throughout the store, I'm looking at this one silk shirt that has caught my eye, and I can't help but have a temptation to buy it. But at the same time, I know I feel guilty for using another's money.

Suddenly, a familiar voice that I can recognize anywhere, calls out from behind me, "Dupain-Cheng, is that you?!"

I turn around, and it's Chloe, "..Oh my God," I say out loud.

I try to process her image. Her hair is much longer now since she has left it open, and those matching designer heels along with her outfit. Yup, that's Chloe alright.

Unexpectedly, she hugs me for the first time, "It's been so long. The last time I saw you was... when... my Adrikins was still... here."

I hear her tear up, and I automatically let the tears fall as well, giving her a firm hug back.

We pull away, and her eyes widen, wiping them, "You're pregnant??!! Oh my God, oh my God, this is amazing."

I pat my stomach, "Yes, it's truly a blessing."

She pats it as well, full of happiness, "I know, right?? Is it a boy or girl??? TELL MEEE."

I smile brightly, "A boy."

"OMG, you and Adrikins made a mini Adrikin! I'm officially an aunt!"

We both squeal in unison, and I realize how much Chloe really has changed. Before we had nothing but hate between us. But now, we are just forgetting the past and starting fresh. I'm happy she knows how to finally be mature.

"I miss him so much. I don't know how I'm still holding up..." I tell her.

She rubs my back and assures me, "Me too. You're so strong, even I can't imagine how you might be feeling. But no matter what, you are going to live on for your child. For Adrien's child. Basically for my nephew."

I roll my eyes and smile, "Thank you, and I will. I'm trying my best."

"No, thank YOU. For carrying mini Adrikins inside for this whole process."

"This is the least I can do for Adrien." I grab the silk shirt and go to the checkout. Surprisingly, she follows me.

"To be honest, I hate silk. But that shirt looks nice."

"Exactly. It's so hard to find the right material sometimes." I pay and take my shopping bag, then we exit the store within two minutes of waiting in line.

Chloe checks her phone, then asks me, "Do you want to go for coffee? Because I have some time before my driver picks me up for the private gala in Reims."

"Oh, yeah, sure. I'm down for Starbucks. And you must be super busy because of all the events you have to attend to." I order a strawberry mocha, and my mouth slightly waters.

"For real. It gets so hectic! My whole schedule is so fucked up. But my mom covers for me sometimes, since she's staying in Paris."

She orders next, and I'm shook from the amount of espresso shots she is used to. Three whole shots! That is way too much caffeine. Quickly, we find a clean table, and sit down.

I sip my mocha, and my body fills with the steaming warmth, "Hmmm, so has anything new happened with you? I haven't been in contact with anyone ever since we graduated."

"Yeah, 'cause your stupid ass disappeared the second you and Adrien got married.. Haha, I'm just kidding. But yeah, a lot has happened. Daddy bought me my own hotel and gave me permission to keep the profit." She takes a sip, and pushes her sunglasses to the top of her head.

I laugh, "That's great. At least you're responsible now."

She lightly slaps my shoulder, "Oh hush. I've been responsible since forever... And did I tell you?!" She excitedly asks me out of nowhere.

"What? Tell me what?" I stare at her, full of curiosity.

"I. AM. ENGAGED!!!" She shows off her ring finger that glitters with a fabulous diamond.

I was completely astonished by how she had finally found someone she actually was satisfied with. I get up and give her a quick hug, then sit back down, "Congrats! I'm so happy for you, Chloe. Who's the unlucky guy?"

"Heyyy!" She groans.

I laugh, "I'm joking. I mean, who's the lucky guy? I'm dying to know," and wait for her answer.

She smiles and blushes, actually blushes, "Luka."

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