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✧・゚│Picture by joo_draws_stuff on Instagram


For the past few weeks, I've been crazily working on getting my dress ready. And this dress is specifically made for what I will wear to Chloe's wedding. Yes, I have decided to actually go even thought at first I didn't want to. But, I must see Luka... I just have to see him again. It's been so long... I hope he realizes that lying to me was extremely hurtful and heart aching, especially after everything that has happened.

So the dress that I have been designing is a light-pink, long-sleeved bodycon dress that reaches till right above the knees which is a proper length. Thankfully, I finished it a few days ago just in time for the wedding that is today. I'm just hoping it fits me because there is absolute no time for any alterations to be done.

I glance at the clock which reads 6 p.m., leaving me only two hours to get ready since the wedding starts at 8 o'clock sharp. Chloe is crazy enough to actually get, 'Arrive at 8 p.m. sharp before my daddy cuts you off the list' printed on the corner of the invitation cards. She hasn't really changed in those aspects of her personality even after all these years. Shaking my head, I go to the bathroom and step into the shower to quickly wash my hair and my body. After 25 minutes, I finish showering and then begin to dry my hair with a blow dryer. Once dried, I detangle all the tangles using a hairbrush within five minutes. Then, I straighten it using a straightening iron to completely reduce the amount of frizziness within all my hair strands.

Next, I grab the dress while Tikki stays seated at the dresser and munches on some chocolate chip cookies. Gently, I remove it from the hanger and take off my clothes, then slide into the dress. I look in the mirror as I put my arms through the sleeves and adjust myself in it. Thankfully it fits nicely around my belly and doesn't tighten my skin too much. It's tight, but breathable. Lastly, I reach towards my lower back and locate the zipper. I try to zip it up by pulling it upwards, but it doesn't move. Before, when I was looking at the finished product, the zipper was working just fine, but now it isn't. I try again several times, but give up and groan in frustration. This was making me extremely impatient because I really don't want to be late to an event for once. Leaving me no other option, I nervously go into the hallway and call his name, "Félix? Where are you?..."

Within seconds, his bedroom door opens and he steps out. He glances at me from head-to-toe, then asks, "What must you be so dressed up for?"

I continue to hold the opening at the back of my dress, so nothing embarrassing happens. "Oh, uh, it's Chloe's wedding today. I don't know if you know her or not-"

He cuts me off by tipping his head back and chuckling, "Chloe Bourgeois? She's so fucking annoying, how did someone actually agree to marry her?"

I laugh a little and look down, "Yeah, I thought the same thing. I don't know how she pulled it."

He looks at me and snorts, "And you talk to her?"

"Not really. We just ran into each other many weeks ago at the Louvre, so now she's trying to be nice by inviting me." I roll my eyes impatiently.

"Ah." He nods, about to turn away, but I stop him.

"Wait! Uh, I mean, I need your help with something.."

"Sure. What do you need help with?" His left eyebrow arches up in curiosity.

I blush slightly while asking him, "Can you, um, zip my dress up? It doesn't budge when I try."

He speaks, a little flustered, "...Hm, okay. Turn around."

"Just come to my room and do it because I have to find my purse." Once he nods, I go to my bedroom and he follows me like I told him to.

Félix & Marinette︲IntensityWhere stories live. Discover now