We live in a universe where the first place your soulmate touches you is black. Most
people have marks on their hands or their shoulders, but everyone always has a mark. That is, everyone except for me.Hi, I'm (Y/N) (L/N), I have (E/C) eyes and (H/L) black hair. I'm fifteen, I'm a first year at U.A. High, and I'm in the support course. My best friend is Mei Hatsume. I never really talk to anyone else. She's kinda... my only friend.
I'll be honest, I didn't want to know her at first. She was always loud and starting conversations and just being really social, and I hate that kind of stuff. I prefer to sit in the corner reading and not speaking to anyone. But, when she approached me the first time, she held most of the conversation and kept her voice down a bit more than she normally would. She had asked to be my friend, and I was so surprised that I said yes without thinking. It's really nice being her friend, since she spends a lot of her time building new things. That's why we make such a good team, I design a whole bunch of cool machines and she makes them.
It's fun and all, but it gets annoying looking around every day and seeing all the black palms. Mei even has a black line running across her shoulder, as if someone chopped her arm on accident. Don't get me wrong, I love Mei, and I'm happy she has a soulmate, but why couldn't I have a mark? I'm always tempted to just draw one somewhere that nobody can see and point it out every time someone asks, but I never do. Nobody really asks, anyways, so it's only for personal reassurance.
There's this boy in 1-B though, Neito Monoma, who always calls me out for it at lunch. Kendo always slaps him upside the head to help me, and I appreciate it, but he still gets out a few "Any mark yet, (L/N)? Must mean that you're too unlovable for a soulmate."'s. He probably doesn't mean to be so rude, but it still hurts a lot. Then there's the 1-A kids. They all have super obvious marks, and half of them have already sprung, which means that the person has found their soulmate. When a mark springs, It turns into your soulmates favorite color, which I always found really cool.
The read haired boy and the mean blonde are dating now because their marks sprung, and the broccoli head and the canadian flag kid sprung with each other as well. That blue haired boy has a mark on his hand, right where it would touch Mei on accident when they meet, but I refuse to tell her. Not because I want her to not find her soulmate, but because I'm sure she'll find out on her own soon enough. I'm happy they'll all find their soulmates one day, I just wish I could have the same experience.
Growing up, kids were harsh. They knew that if you didn't have a mark, you didn't have a soulmate. So, when I came to school, nobody wanted to talk to me, thinking that I'd try to be their new soulmate instead. Which, by the way, is complete bullshit. I knew then that you can't force yourself to get a new soulmate, no matter how much you may want to at first.
With these thoughts constantly running through my head, it's hard to notice where I'm walking. So, of course, I run into that broccoli boy that I mentioned earlier. Even though it was my fault, he started apologizing profusely. His boyfriend had to walk over and hug him to make him quiet.
"I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking right." I tried to move past him since I'd gotten my apology out of the way, but he smiled and stepped in front of me again.
"Hey, it's my fault too!" He gave me a closed eyed grin. "Wanna eat lunch with me and my friends?"
"Maybe, is it okay if my friend Mei comes? I don't want to leave her alone." The boy nodded vigorously.
"That's fine. We'll see you at lunch. The boyfriend pulled broccoli boy away and I let out a shaky breath. New people were never fun, ever. It always ends badly. After lunch today, I'll probably never talk to them again and I'd be fine with that. I just hope they don't call me out on my mark, or lack thereof.
Sometimes, I'm tempted to cover up my old scars. And I know I haven't mentioned them yet, but hey, gotta start somewhere. Before I came to U.A., I used to cut whenever I was too stressed out. I didn't have someone to actually talk to about my feelings, so I resorted to that without thinking it through. I didn't cut too deep, but there's still scars. Occasionally, when I have a really bad panic attack, I cut without thinking about it, so there's a couple newer ones, but my uniform covers them and it's not like I have to change into a gym uniform.
I'm not going to participate in the sports festival, seeing as nobody would want to hire me anyway. I plan to work with Mei when we're older, so as long as she's noticed I have a shot. At least I'm not quirkless, then I'd be ridiculed for even more. My quirk is called Jet. Basically, I can shoot air out of my palms and feet. With enough practice, I can make myself fly and knock people down. If I were to completely master it, I'd be able to control someone's body with the twist of my hand.
So at least I'm not completely useless. Extremely, yes, completely, no. After the boys left, I stood around for a few more minutes before I noticed Mei walking in with someone else. I know she has other friends and all, but you never really get used to being alone. It's getting easier, and I know one day she'll leave me, but I hope by then there's at least one other person who can stand me.
Anyways, once it hit me that I was alone for this morning, I walked over to a secluded tree. This was my tree, seeing as nobody else ever came near it. It was like my own little safe haven. I sat down and read for most of our morning free time. Eventually, the warning bell rung for first period so I had to leave my safe space.
I was pretty much invisible in the halls, so I wasn't too worried about someone trying to hurt me. Of course, there was still the lingering caution in my mind, engraved permanently over years of that stuff happening. A couple kids accidentally bumped into me and apologized, so nobody noticed when I flinched greatly.
A hand had been placed on my shoulder.
Hey, It's author-chan, or Delly! Updates will be kinda slow, because there's a bunch of other stories for me to update, but it should be about once a week. Thanks for reading!

Unlovable-Tsuyu x Fem! Reader [DISCONTINUED]
Fanfic••STORY IS CURRENTLY DISCONTINUED•• (Y/N) (L/N) was born in a world where everyone had a black mark where their soulmate would first touch them. Many people had marks on their hands, or their shoulders, their backs, but they always had a mark. That...