"Wait, kero! We have to wait for a few other people." Tsuyu yelped, a little louder than she meant to.
"Like who?"
"Present Mic said these people named Nemuri, Enji, and Aizawa sensei are coming with. So are Bakugou, Kouda, and Jirou." You nodded, not knowing any of those people.
"Alright then. I don't care much. We need to get to them, Tsu. They're with the league!"
"(Y/N), calm down kero. We'll get them, but we need to be careful too. I don't want you risking your life for nothing." You turned to look at her, staring her down as anger and shock radiated from your features.
"For nothing? Three is more than one, Tsu. And they aren't nothing. They have a family that actually cares about them, and more friends that love them than I ever will. I'd say it's a worthy sacrifice if I die along the way."
"(Y/N), that's not what I meant and you know it."
"I do know that you don't trust me enough."
"Because your doctors-"
"I don't give a shit about my doctors! They gave me that therapist, they didn't listen when I told them how much pain I was in, they tried to force me to talk while my throat was still burning from acid that Shigaraki shoved down it, why should I listen to them?!? All they've ever done for me is heal some minor wounds!"
"(Y/N), calm down! You're going to get a panic attack if you keep doing this!" You could hear Tsuyu's voice wavering. "Please, I swear we'll find them, kero, but I want you to be there when we do." You nodded, turning back around to finish packing.
"Fine. Please make sure all your stuff is packed, I need to go get the others ready." She nodded as you walked out, moving to finish packing her things.
You found your way down the maze of halls to Bakugou's room first. Despite your confidence two minutes ago, you were deathly afraid of him. According to Uraraka, he was mean to everyone, especially their group of friends.
You knocked lightly on the door, hoping he wouldn't be too mad. It swung open with a groan, startling you slightly.
"The hell do you-oh, (Y/N), right?" You nodded, slightly amazed. He knew your name? He didn't even know his childhood friends name.
"I needed to tell you that you need to be packed for a week by four so we can get our things loaded." He nodded, ignoring how quiet your voice had grown.
"Okay. Ya mind telling frog face to keep it down? Her crying isn't creating the "Peaceful Environment" that Aizawa said we had to fucking keep." You nodded, gulping. You turned to walk away, only taking one step before you heard your name again.
"(Y/N)?" You turned to look at him. "We'll find them, okay? Don't fucking worry so much." You nodded, a small smile growing on your features as you left for real this time. The door closed silently behind you.
The next room was Kouda's. The area around his room felt oddly calming for you never having been there before, and since you usually sucked at reading the atmosphere. You knocked a little louder on his door, having gained some confidence from Bakugou.
It creaked open slowly, revealing who you assumed to be Kouda. He gave you a nervous smile, opening it all the way when he saw you.
"Hi Kouda, we need you to get packed by four so we can be ready to go shortly after. Does that work?" He gave you a thumbs up, which you gladly returned. His door closed softly on you, though it didn't feel rude. You knew he was actually going to start packing right away.
Finally, it was time for Jirou's room. The loud music blasting from her door could be heard from the next floor up, which scared you greatly. By the time you'd actually reached her door, your heart was racing faster than a cat's.
You had to knock extremely loudly to be heard over the music, but when it stopped abruptly you hated it even more. Sure, you didn't like the noise, but the silence from a previously loud room? That unsettled you to no end.
"'Sup?" Her door swung open as she leaned on the frame. You froze up slightly, stammering on your words. "Oh, you're (Y/N), right?"
You nodded, earning an airy laugh from her.
"Asui talks about you all the time. What's up?" You steeled your nerves, taking a deep breath.
"We wanted to let you know that you should try to be packed by 4 if you're going." She nodded, giving you a warm smile to try to calm your nerves. It didn't work.
"Cool! I'll see you in the commons at four!" She gave you finger guns, closing the door with her feet. You stared at the wood for a moment confused.
Then the music started again.
Your eyes widened as you scrambled to get away. Soft laughing was heard from behind her door, but you paid it no mind as you ran for your life.
You found yourself in the kitchen soon enough. Thinking back to your first night here, you decided against taking a water glass, and instead, selected a chocolate bar hidden in the freezer. Tsuyu had told you that the girls all kept a small stash in case of random cravings or pain, and that any of the female students were allowed to have some.
The boys didn't know this existed.
Apparently, they kept it hidden so well that the boys have cleaned out the freezer on three separate occasions and found nothing.
The only rule was that if you took the last bar, you had to buy at least one more. That way, there was always something there if someone needed it. You thought that was a pretty good rule, and Tsu was very clear that you were also in on this. You felt bad, sure, but she said you could, and you would.
You snatched the bar quickly, sneaking to a hidden alcove in the corner of the kitchen. Unless you knew to look there, you wouldn't see anyone. But if you were in it, you could see everyone.
You'd often sit in there with your headphones in, watching all the people you wish you had the guts to talk to walk by and talk happily with each other. It both cured and worsened your depression at the same time, somehow.
With all of your things packed, you sat there and played the waiting game. Just before 3:15, Tsuyu walked in, followed shortly by Todoroki, Bakugou, Jirou, Kaminari, and Uraraka. You would've made your presence known, but you were too afraid.
"Alright." Bakugou spoke up. "So what's up with (Y/N)?"

Unlovable-Tsuyu x Fem! Reader [DISCONTINUED]
Fanfiction••STORY IS CURRENTLY DISCONTINUED•• (Y/N) (L/N) was born in a world where everyone had a black mark where their soulmate would first touch them. Many people had marks on their hands, or their shoulders, their backs, but they always had a mark. That...