Chapter 6

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"(L/N)?" Asui sounded worried. Even more so, Mei was pacing quickly, holding her head and mumbling. This hasn't happened in months, maybe a year or so. Mei hasn't seen me this shaken up in a while, which explains her panic.

"Help." My voice was barely even a whisper at this point. I felt someone's arms around my torso, and I couldn't care at this point. I rested my head in the crook of their neck, which couldn't have been comfortable for them. I could physically hear Mei's jaw drop. Was someone bad hugging me? Would they kill me?

Would that even be so bad at this point? I have no friends, no life, no soulmate, and no family. I mean, I have parents, and I have siblings, but they don't know much about me. The last time they actually checked in on my well being was at least a year ago.

The fact that Mei was surprised made me jump back to see who had hugged me. Yet, when I looked up, Asui's hands were suspended mid-air, her palms a bright (F/C). (If your favorite color is black, then good luck explaining that to yourself.) I was surprised, but not only by that. But because, now, my (H/L), originally-black hair, was a vibrant rainbow. Somehow, it was a literal, pastel rainbow.

I stared in shock, trembling slightly. I lived my entire life thinking I had no soulmate, only to find out after months of torture that not only was my soulmate at the same school as me, but also that they were a girl. You can imagine how confused I was, considering I hadn't thought about my sexuality or anything along those lines.

I felt Asui's trembling hand on my cheek, and this time I didn't jerk away. I looked up to see Mei squealing, and Midoriya fanboying. Todoroki was dealing with him, and Ida was kinda just... there. Uraraka was squealing with Mei, not that I blame her, and Asui was staring at me in shock.

We were both in shock, and I'll say that over and over because I'm not sure how else to describe it. Feelings don't make sense, especially when you haven't felt them before. I was running low on energy, which I hated, but I forced myself to stay awake. I didn't want this moment to end. The only question was: did Asui feel the same?

"It's you?" Asui was quiet, but I saw a smile growing on her face as I nodded. Tears streamed down her face, but she was laughing. I thought I'd done something wrong until she spoke again. "Thank god, I wasn't crushing for no reason!"

I smiled and laughed with her. I haven't laughed in a while, and it felt good. I think I could learn to trust these people after all.

"Well guys? What are you now?" I heard Mei ask, holding in her squeals. I looked at Asui and motioned for her to choose. I was okay with anything, so long as she was happy. I didn't want to be selfish, and it's not that I wouldn't mind dating her. I'll admit, I have a somewhat-SOMEWHAT-small crush on the girl.

"I think we're dating? I mean, if we're soulmates then we're destined for that, right?" I nodded, and looked back at Mei. She just squealed louder. Ida started chopping the air, trying to calm her down, but her mood only elevated.

She started spinning around, for no reason, until she was right next to Ida. He accidentally hit her shoulder, and I watched as color bloomed on their skin. Mei's shoulder turned a minty shade of green, and Ida's hand became a brassy, almost gold color. Ida stopped, being the only one who noticed, and stared at his palm. Mei was still spinning around aimlessly, without a care in the world.

"Hatsume-san?" Ida tried to get her attention. She slowed, looking slightly towards him.


"You might want to look at your shoulder." This time, Midoriya helped out. Mei dazedly looked down, only to stare at it with her mouth hanging open. She looked back up at Ida, then down at her shoulder. Mei repeated this action for a solid minute before jumping at him, nearly knocking the unsuspecting boy over.

"Asui, are they gonna date now?" I asked her, quiet so that nobody else could hear.

"Probably, but don't worry. People are always destined to get with their soulmate. And, by the way, you can call me Tsuyu."

"Can I call you Tsu?" She nodded. I snuggled into her again, seeing as she was right next to me.

"What should I call you?" Her voice was muffled, yet clear as glass.

I pondered for a moment, before answering with a quick, "(N/N)." I felt her smile and nod. I don't know if she found the name funny, or if she was happy I was talking, or just glad I was her soulmate. I couldn't care less at the moment though, given the fact that I was falling deeper and deeper into sleep by the second.

Soon, I was asleep in Tsu's arms, on the roof of U.A. High School, surrounded by people I thought I could trust. Sadly, I missed someone. We all did.

Unlovable-Tsuyu x Fem! Reader [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now