School the next day was a drag. You couldn't get that little boy out of your head, and with the teacher droning on you found it impossible to think about anything else. Maybe if you'd been building, but no. Fate hated you.
By the time lunch had finally decided to show it's ugly face, you were half asleep in your desk. Mei had to make sure you got out of the room after last week, and you were almost unconscious on your desk.
Long story short, because I don't want to explain the process of this, Mei had to physically drag you to the lunchroom by your ankles. You groaned every time she turned a corner, and the other students watched in slight horror.
Tsuyu insisted you sit up at least long enough to eat, and then you could sleep for a bit, so you begrudgingly agreed. The two girls led you to lunch rush, who gladly gave you (Y/F/F) and a carton of milk that you doubted you'd be desperate enough to drink. While his food was great, the school ordered regular cartons of milk and they left a foul aftertaste in your opinion.
You just barely managed to avoid tripping on your way back, which seemed highly unlikely given how stiff your legs were from sitting still so long. You let your tray thud against the table, and you would've seen Midoriya jump at it had you been paying attention.
You'd cleared your plate almost entirely within five minutes. You'd only had a sip of your milk, and your side of lettuce wasn't finished, but you were done eating and Tsuyu agreed that you could sleep now.
And yet, when you tried to get up, Tsuyu pulled you back into your seat. So you tried to lay over your part of the table, but she disagreed with that because it would hurt your back. You huffed, glaring a bit at her. If you couldn't leave and you couldn't put your head down, there was only one other way to go about this.
Tsuyu's face turned bright red as you lay down on the bench you two were sitting at and put your head in her lap, wrapping your arms around her waist in the process. You fell asleep almost instantly, but you couldn't hide the slight tinge of pink on your own face.
Mei chuckled, sitting on the other side of you. She gave Tsuyu a sorry look before turning back to her conversation with Iida, leaving Tsuyu to deal with you alone.
She placed one of her hands carefully on your head, trying not to wake you up, and continued eating with her other hand. Her hands played softly with your hair, twisting strands and brushing through it without her even noticing.
It was strange to her that you were so tired. After all, you'd slept well the night before. As a matter of fact, you'd slept so well that there wasn't even a whimper from you all night. No nightmares, no outbursts, and one solid slumber that lasted almost too long. You almost woke up too late, after all. You shouldn't have been so tired.
"Hatsume, did something happen in class, kero?" She shook her head, a bit startled that Tsu had talked to her. She'd been staring calmly at you for so long that it surprised the pink haired girl when she suddenly looked away.
"No, actually, less than usual. Our teacher just gave us a lecture and told us to jot down notes while he went." Tsuyu nodded, looking back down at you. Mei gave her a quizzical look, but apparently didn't dwell long before continuing her conversation.
Sadly, all good things must end eventually.
A loud blaring sound echoed throughout the cafeteria, and red lights flashed in a steady rhythm. Your grip tightened around Tsuyu's waist, but you stayed sound asleep.
'Students, please remain calm. A group are suspected of breaking and entering, so we ask that all pros search the school. Students are to stay in their classrooms and not move until they're told to. If anyone attacks, you're all free to use your quirks.'
Tsuyu froze, fingers entangled in your hair and gaze rigid. Everyone looked afraid, even Bakugou, but Tsuyu took the cake.
She was so pale that she could be compared to paper towels. Her eyes stayed wide open, unblinking and probably growing dryer with every second. Even her tongue, which was usually darting in and out of her mouth, had stopped moving.
While many students left the cafeteria, the Dekusquad agreed that it was a better idea to stay there and find a hiding place. Iida offered to carry you, and Tsuyu reluctantly agreed knowing that it would probably be too difficult to carry you around. You whined quietly when you were pulled from her, though you didn't sink into Iida like you had with Tsuyu.
You all made your way to the back corner of the cafeteria as quickly as you could, Iida not even faltering with you in his arms. Tsuyu hardly looked away from you the entire time, worried about you waking up to such a stressful situation.
By the time you'd all settled down, Mei and iida were sitting across from Todoroki and Midoriya while Tsuyu and Uraraka completed the C-formation. You sat in Tsuyu's lap again, now hugging her like a koala bear. She hugged back, holding tight, a pure bundle of nerves and worry.
Nobody spoke. Not a whisper even remotely left the cafeteria. A group had dedicated themselves to keeping the doors closed, while everyone else hid in different places. Many people were in position to use their quirks at a moments notice, which, contrasted by the silence of the room, increased tensions tenfold.
With a room so quiet, someone might assume that there wasn't anyone in the lunchroom at all. You could've heard even the smallest whisper, or the slightest twitch.
You stayed sound asleep throughout all of it, not even aware that you'd been moved. You slept well, but it didn't stop the nightmares like it had the night before.
Your grip tightened around Tsuyu, and you shook your head like it would force the dream away. In a room full of silence, you whimpered.
Sorry it's unedited and late, I couldn't find the energy to finish it and edit last night. I swear I'll try to make it better next week now that I'm getting better.

Unlovable-Tsuyu x Fem! Reader [DISCONTINUED]
Fanfiction••STORY IS CURRENTLY DISCONTINUED•• (Y/N) (L/N) was born in a world where everyone had a black mark where their soulmate would first touch them. Many people had marks on their hands, or their shoulders, their backs, but they always had a mark. That...