"I'm not sure, kero." Tsuyu croaked. Your heart twisted around in your chest. "She's coming out of her shell, which is a really good thing, but she's also proving to be really self destructive." You weren't self destructive. They didn't understand. Tsuyu would do this for her siblings, so why is it bad when you do it for someone who feels like yours?
"Where are we even going? Nobody has told me anything other than we're fighting the league." Jirou piped up, crossing her arms. "Which, by the way, doesn't add up. If we're fighting the league, why is (Y/N) coming with? Last time she saw one of them, Bakugou nearly blew him up because she couldn't move!"
"I have to agree with Jirou. Wouldn't it be better for her to stay back?" Uraraka claimed, stepping towards the group a little more. Your heart sunk, waiting for Tsuyu to defend you.
"She's hellbent on doing this, kero. I can't change her mind." You felt all hope leaving you as she said that. Did she really not trust you to do this? After you took down Dabi, practically by yourself? They weren't there, they haven't seen how far you've come, they don't get to judge!
Your hands silently flew to your ears as you willed them to stop. They continued to talk.
"Is there no way to keep her here? I'd hate for her to die over a mission she could've stayed back from." Kaminari piped up, leaning against the counter. You pounded on your head, trying to get their words out, as they talked more.
"Hate to fucking break it to you shits, but I don't think we're getting the full story." Your heartrate decreased. Was he standing up for you? "I mean, why the hell would she want to go unless she was fucking ready?"
"She's too personally attached to the mission, kero. She'd want to go even whether she was ready or not." You saw everyone except for Bakugou and Todoroki nod. Your heart sped up yet again.
"Guys." Todoroki's monotone voice spoke up, finally gathering their attention. "You're missing the point. (Y/N) isn't getting any credit for progress she's made. Did you not hear about her taking down Dabi? Or finding out where the league is by staying calm while she talked to him? Give her some goddamn respect, because I know only Bakugou would do that if we were in her shoes." Tsuyu nodded, looking to the ground.
"I guess you're right, kero. I need to trust her more."
"Even if she's made improvements, we were there for the bad things too. We saw her having that nightmare, she couldn't even look at Asui! And when that guy came after her at the party? And she dissociated?"
"Just because she dissociated doesn't mean she's weak. I do it too when I'm around triggering things." Todoroki launched back, glaring at the brunette.
"Then you shouldn't be coming either." Jirou piped up. "We can't afford someone getting into a daze on the field. This is the league we're talking about."
"It's half the league." You piped up, making everyone freeze. You poked your head out of your hole, eyes damp and face red. "Half of the league, minus Dabi. And Todoroki isn't going, which I completely understand and accept." You fully crawled out as everyone dropped silent. Tsuyu was looking to the ground, Bakugou was smirking at Jirou, and Todoroki was glaring at Uraraka and Kaminari. You wiped your eyes.
"(Y/N), I-"
"Tsuyu, we need to go get something. Everyone, be ready in twenty minutes. We need to be quick about this." They nodded as you grabbed Tsuyu's arm lightly and led her out to the commons.
"(Y/N), I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be so condescending, kero."
"It's fine. Just be more careful next time so you don't do it around me." You grunted, starting up the stairs.
"There won't be a next time. Todoroki was right. You're stronger than we give you credit for. I'd never be able to do the things that you do after everything else, kero."
"I hope that's true." You continued climbing the stairs, your grip on her wrist virtually nonexistent. Still, she followed easily and didn't question it.
As you continued the climb, Tsuyu grew more curious. You clearly weren't going to chew her out for what she said, because if that was your intention then you would've done that sooner. No, you must actually need something from the room that she wasn't aware of.
Tsuyu's hand brushed over something on your finger, and she was suddenly very aware of the fact that you were wearing the promise ring she'd given you.
"How often do you wear that?" You paused, looking back at her confused.
"Wear what?"
"The promise ring, kero." You went red, looking away from her a little.
"Every day. It reminds me of you and shiz." Tsu wanted to laugh a little at your lack of swearing, but she couldn't with how widely her mouth had stretched into a smile.
You, being the awkward person you are, decided to keep walking and ignore it. The lovesick girl being dragged behind you could wait.
By the time you'd all finally reach the top of the stairs, Tsuyu had woken from her daze with a curiosity fiercer than Bakugou around Midoriya.
You rushed into the room, hardly waiting to make sure the other girl had made it in as well. You searched around for a minute, not speaking as Tsuyu looked around and did a final check on her own things.
"Found it!" You yelped, palming the small object. Tsuyu looked on confusedly.
"What did you find?"
"The pin you gave me!" You gave her a bright smile, hardly noticing when the girl went pink.
"Why-why would you need that?"
"I put it on my sleeve. Usually I use another pin too, but I don't feel like looking for one. Besides, this one stops panic attacks the best!" Your proud grin still there, you stood suddenly from your crouched position.
"Panic attacks? Sleeves? I don't understand, kero." Tsuyu stopped herself from scratching her head, knowing it would just make you laugh.
"When I get panic attacks, it helps me to clutch the pins on my sleeves. It reminds me of where I am and grounds me so I can get through it quicker." Your smile still not fading, you started dragging her back down the stairs.
"Isn't that, how do I say this without sounding mean, a little strange, kero?" The green haired girl was surprised when your smile still didn't falter. She expected you to at least take some offence to that, not that she wanted you to.
"I guess, but not many other things help me with panic attacks. There's you, the pins, and breathing. That's pretty much it. I don't care how weird it is as long as it works." You laughed a little, pulling Tsuyu a little faster. "Hurry up, we're gonna be late!"
This, my friends, is why I'm a disappointment.
The full story? I thought it was still Friday. For some reason, my brain thought I had another day until update day.
Yeah, imagine my surprise when at 11 at night I glance at my phone and see that it's actually Saturday.
Not fun.
Anyways! The pin thing. I should explain that, because I'm aware that it sounds kinda weird. Basically, I put a pin on each sleeve of my hoodie, at the very end, and when I feel panic attacks coming I put the pin in my palm and hold it tightly through the fabric. I'm not sure how else to explain it, but I can tell y'all that it helps me a lot. If you want to, try it! The worst it could do is not work. Anyways, thanks for reading!

Unlovable-Tsuyu x Fem! Reader [DISCONTINUED]
Fanfiction••STORY IS CURRENTLY DISCONTINUED•• (Y/N) (L/N) was born in a world where everyone had a black mark where their soulmate would first touch them. Many people had marks on their hands, or their shoulders, their backs, but they always had a mark. That...