The next day, almost everyone from the Deku Squad came to see me. I say almost everyone because Tsu was noticeably missing from the fray. I didn't mind at first, but it would've been nice to explain what happened to everyone all at once. Hopefully, they'll tell her for me, because I won't be able to do it twice.
"Hey guys." My voice was raspy, but they all greeted me in return. Either they didn't notice or they were ignoring it, though I doubt it was the first one. I was thankful that they weren't going to bring it up.
"Hey (Y/N)." Uraraka looked relieved, and Todoroki mumbled something. I, of course, couldn't hear it, but it seemed that the rest of them could. I saw them all eyeing my arms, and it dawned on me what he had said.
"Your arms are showing." Not again. I can't explain these. I can't. I attempted to hide them, but Ida held my arms in front of me.
"(Y/N)! How could you do this to yourself? It's not right for a student of UA to injure themselves!" Great, Ida was lecturing me on my past. Because I so needed that right now.
"(Y/N)-chan?" I flinched at Midoriya's voice but he didn't seem to notice. "Why?" Uraraka didn't look that surprised, and Todoroki was completely indifferent. Mei looked at them in regret, probably because she was the first person who knew about them. She still blames herself, I guess.
"It's not a big deal, they're old. Can we just leave it?" Nobody else seemed to pick up on my discomfort though.
"(Y/N)-san, it's not healthy to do that to yourself. Are you seeing a therapist?" Todoroki was calling me out, and I really didn't appreciate it.
"Yes, I do, but for a different reason. I swear that they're old, Mei can tell you the same. Can we change the subject now?" Midoriya nodded once again.
"Well, if we're not gonna talk about that, then can you explain why Tsuyu called me last night crying because she didn't know what to do with you?" Uraraka asked.
"She was crying?" I felt awful. "I'm sorry. Can you tell her that? I don't want her to hate me. I was gonna tell you guys first, but maybe she should know before that." Uraraka nodded.
"(Y/N)-san, why was Asui-san sad?" Damn Todoroki, get off my back already. It's not important for your arc.
"I didn't tell her some things that not many people know, and now I wouldn't be surprised if she never speaks to me again. I wouldn't blame her if she chose that option." The first emotions I'd ever seen on Todoroki's face was pity. It just HAD to be pity, didn't it?
"(Y/N)-san, I'm sure she won't hate you. Just give her some time, she'll come around."
"Will she, Todoroki? Because the way I see it, keeping the last several months of my life a secret is petty unforgivable." Shit.
They all looked confused but only Ida spoke up.
"(L/N), what happened in the last few months?" I looked down at my hands and avoided their curious eyes. It was only a matter of time before they found out, but I didn't mean to tell them now. At least, not like this.
"Maybe it's better if you ask Tsu, or my therapist, or someone who isn't me. I'm not exactly healthy enough to talk about it." Ida and Midoriya looked concerned, but Todoroki's emotionless face was back.
"(L/N), I'm sure it'll be fine. If Asui knows then you must be able to say it, right?" For someone so smart, Ida could be kinda dense. I looked up at him, my (E/C) glare meeting his serious gray eyes.
"I'm not the one that told her, Ida. My therapist did." Ida didn't even look regretful, the bastard.
"Maybe you guys should go. She'll be here soon if you want to catch her on the way out, but I'd rather be alone for my sesion today." I heard the door creak open, preventing me from finishing my request.
"That's a shame, kero. I was hoping to talk to you for a little bit." Tsu actually came? I thought she was mad at me!
"I guess it wouldn't hurt if you were here, since you've already been here for a session." Tsu nodded and walked in as Uraraka and Midoriya gave me hugs before their group departed.
Once the door was shut firmly, Tsu's smile dropped and she looked over at me. I was staring down at my hands again, but I could feel her gaze burning into my scalp.
"Your therapist told me what you said yesterday, kero. I didn't mean to make you feel that way, I just-"
"No, it's okay, it was my fault. I should've told you. I should've told everyone, actually. It's just hard to talk about, to the point where I can't even think about it without having a nervous breakdown." Tsu nodded, making her way next to my bed. Her hand intertwined with mine, trying to tell me to look up.
"It's not okay. I shouldn't have pushed you, seeing as it was obviously hard for you to talk about. For heaven's sake, you're in the hospital, kero. It doesn't seem right for me to get mad over something so miniscule." I nodded, gaze still strongly focused on our hands. She didn't appear to enjoy that fact, and was about to tell me to look at her, when my therapist walked in with her usual greeting.
"Hello, girls! How're you doing?" Her smile seemed contagious, at least to one of us. Tsuyu broke out in a grin while my own face stayed down.
"We're good." I answered for the both of us since Tsu seemed a little uncomfortable.
"That's good! Did you guys get everything straightened out?" I could feel her pointed gaze on my head and I didn't like it. Couldn't she just leave that? I can't exactly tell Tsu while she's in the rooms, that would just make it harder.
"Not yet, but we'll talk more after her session, kero. Do you want me to stay or wait outside?" My grip tightened on her hand and she seemed to get the hint. "Alright, kero, it's okay." I nodded, still not looking.
"Okay then! So, (Y/N), have you told any of your friends yet? I heard they were here earlier." JUST LEAVE IT, WOMAN.
"Not yet, I wanted to tell Tsu first." I heard fabric wrinkling, signalling to me that she was nodding.
"So, Tsuyu, right?" I assume she gestured to Tsu and started talking to her. "I've heard a lot about you. Many good things! But, how are you feeling about all of this?" I heard Tsu audibly gulp, something that she doesn't do often. She must be really nervous.
"Well, I really like (Y/N), and she's an amazing soulmate so far. It's really my fault that we had a fight."
"Tsu, no." My grip tightened and my vocal cords constricted again. Now wasn't a good time, but I'd deal with it like always.
"Why do you say no, (Y/N)?" I forgot she was here, in all honesty. I was too focussed on getting Tsu to forgive herself.
"She blames herself. Not right." My sentences were short again, and Tsu didn't seem to mind, but my therapist on the other hand seemed to care too much.
"(Y/N), use full sentences sweetie. It'll help you get your voice strong again." Tsu seemed a little angry at this but she stayed quiet once I squeezed her hand. I only nodded in response to my therapist, but she moved on nonetheless.
"So (Y/N), if it's not right, then what should she think?" God, know wasn't the time! I can't just say what I need to say with her here!
"I should be strong enough to tell, she didn't ask to be caught up in this, there's a lot of reasons." I could feel Tsu shaking her head next to me.
"We'll talk about this when we're alone, kay (Y/N)?" She doesn't SOUND mad...
"Okay." My hand was gripping my blanket so tight that my knuckles were turning white. I didn't think anyone noticed until my therapist spoke up.
"(Y/N), sweetie, let go of the blanket. You'll hurt yourself." Well, it wouldn't be the first time. She can't know that, though.
"(N/N), come on, let it go. You can hold my hand if it makes you feel better, kero." My grip didn't move, but I did finally look up to make eye contact with Tsu.

Unlovable-Tsuyu x Fem! Reader [DISCONTINUED]
Fanfiction••STORY IS CURRENTLY DISCONTINUED•• (Y/N) (L/N) was born in a world where everyone had a black mark where their soulmate would first touch them. Many people had marks on their hands, or their shoulders, their backs, but they always had a mark. That...