The rest of the day had gone by quickly. You'd all left lunch a little early so you could take Amalie somewhere private to test her flight, and classes all blurred together after she'd successfully flown around.
Tsuyu was going out while you went back to the dorms, though you didn't mind. You still had some minor adjustments to make for Amalie, and working on machines usually took a lot of your focus, anyways.
You bribed the tiny reptile with treats so she'd stay still as you worked. It only took an hour, but that was long enough to make her antsy. Once you'd finished, you decided it would be nice of you to take her on a walk. If anyone asked, you could say she was a part of your quirk.
You left a note for Tsuyu telling her you'd gone out and left. You weren't worried about her, she knew where to find you if she needed you. And with the league in custody, you weren't too worried about them snatching you off the street.
You thought it would be nice to take Amalie to some other dragons, namely Sayaka, Hiro, and Taka. You'd befriended them a couple days ago, before everything happened. They hung out in a small clearing in the forested area near the school, making it a three minute walk to get to them. You let Amalie fly next to you, knowing she wouldn't fly off.
Amalie considered you her mother. You'd practically raised her, and nursed her back to health. You knew her actual mother was dead, having been the one to find her. That's another reason that you'd taken her in so willingly, she needed someone.
Pulling away from your thoughts, you saw as Amalie's ears twitch slightly as she heard the triplets playing in the clearing ahead. She darted forward, making you chuckle as she disappeared into the bush separating you.
Pushing the branches aside, you stepped carefully into the clearing. You didn't want to hurt a dragon that hadn't noticed you walking, so you were extra cautious when watching for them.
You sat down on a mossy rock, smiling up at Amalie as she played with the other dragons. You took a deep breath, singing softly. The dragons enjoyed when you sang for them, often dancing around and making noises to sing along.
"I've heard there was a sacred chord that David played and it pleased the lord, but you don't really care for music, do ya? Well it goes like this, the fourth, the fifth, the minor fall, the major lift, the baffled king composing hallelujah. Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah." Amalie smacked into your forehead, making you laugh into your words. She shook her head before continuing to dance, ignoring what she'd just done.
Well your faith was strong but you needed proof. You saw her bathing on the roof. Her beauty and the moonlight overthrew ya. She tied you to the kitchen chair, she broke your throne and she cut your hair, and from your lips she drew the hallelujah. Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah."
Just as you closed your eyes, trying to relax, two hands were placed on your shoulders. You jumped up, startling the dragons playing nearby. You whirled around, coming face to face with a toothy grin. A boy with bright red hair gave you a calming smile, immediately making you relax.
"Can I help you?" You asked, noticing that the triplets had all hidden behind you. Amalie had crawled into your hair and you could faintly hear her growling at the boy.
"Your singing is amazing! I'm Kirishima, from Asui's class! You're (Y/N), right?" He asked, watching you nod. "Hey, where'd those little birds go?" You went stiff, trying to act natural. It was obvious to you that the dragons didn't want to meet Kirishima, at least not yet.
"We probably startled them." You tried to keep sentences simple, not knowing this boy well. He shrugged, grabbing your arm.
"Oh well! I did come here for a reason though! Asui wants you to meet her somewhere."
"Did she say where?" You asked, not walking with him. He caught on, stopping again.
"She said that you were supposed to meet her at the bluest place you've been with her, whatever that means. She said you'd know where it was." You nodded, having a vague idea of where to go next.
"Aright, thanks. I'll go in just a minute." Kirishima nodded, grinning even wider as he bounded away. You just sighed, turning to look back at the dragons. Amalie crawled out of your hair, flying back to the others. "Okay, I need to go. Amalie, you coming with or staying here?" The purple dragon looked between you and the triplets before squeaking something at them and flying back into your hair.
The other dragons waved their tails in goodbye as you left, teaching Amalie to do the same.She squeaked a tune in your ear for a bit before stopping. She squeaked again, sounding frustrated, then snuggled further into your neck.
"Don't worry Amalie, singing is hard. You can't hit every note." As if she understood you, the tiny dragon squeaked again and licked your neck. You laughed a little, making your way up to the roof of UA.
"Tsu?" You called out, closing the door behind you. There was only one other person on the roof, and you knew for certain it wasn't Tsu. For starters, this person wasn't even a girl.
"Hiya (Y/N)-chan! Asui wants you to meet her at 'the place where your game of chase started'! I'm not sure what that means, but hopefully you do." Midoriya scratched his neck awkwardly, giving you a nervous smile. You returned it, nodding.
"I think I do. Thanks Midoriya!" You waved, leaving the roof quickly. It was weird that Tsuyu was sending you to so many places, but you weren't too concerned. It's not like she'd do it to hurt you, otherwise the boys wouldn't agree to help her with it.
You made your way to the park that you'd gone to with the Asui's, stopping for a second to get a chocolate bar on the way there.
What? Chasing down girlfriends is tiring. And you've got a dragon to feed, too.
By the time you'd reached the park, you and Amalie had finished the chocolate. You threw away the trash, heading over to the bench you'd sat on when you were there.
Again, Tsu wasn't there. Kaminari, however, was.
"Hey (Y/N)! Cool dragon!" You froze, staring at him in shock. "Where'd you get that hairclip anyways? It's really cute!" You pulled out the dragon hairclip you'd used while working on Amalie's wings, sighing in relief.
"I-I don't remember, thanks though. Where do I need to go next?" He shrugged, looking down at some writing on his hand.
"Apparently, this is the final segway to her. She says to meet her at Amelia's house, I think." You furrowed your brows as he stared at the writing.
"I don't know an Amelia... " You said, confusion growing on both of your faces. He looked back down at the writing, giving up. He showed you his arm.
"Maybe it's best if you read it." He groaned, sinking into the bench. You giggled slightly, quickly reading what was written.
"Thanks Kaminari! By the way, it says Amalie." You laughed a bit, waving to him as you walked off. You sighed, humming a bit as you made your way back to the dorms.
Tsuyu didn't know about the tree hollow, so she had to have meant your dorm. You trudged up the stairs, entirely ready for bed despite how early it was. You opened the door pretty quietly, peaking your head in.
The first thing you noticed was red.

Unlovable-Tsuyu x Fem! Reader [DISCONTINUED]
Fanfiction••STORY IS CURRENTLY DISCONTINUED•• (Y/N) (L/N) was born in a world where everyone had a black mark where their soulmate would first touch them. Many people had marks on their hands, or their shoulders, their backs, but they always had a mark. That...