Of course, My plan didn't work. Almost immediately after they split up, I heard someone open the door to my floor. I was hiding right around the corner, mainly because I didn't have the time to get farther. I prayed they'd turn the other way, but I shrunk to the floor just in case they didn't. I didn't want to risk someone finding me and hurting me like they did, so I curled up. I wasn't crying yet, but I keep being reminded of that place and it's getting harder not to.
I heard them making their way towards me and tensed. If someone found me, who knows what they'd do? I've talked to these people once, and I don't even talk to Mei anymore. Why would someone I don't know be any different? Their footsteps were getting closer, it was only a matter of time until-
"(L/N)?" I heard Asui question from the corner. "If you don't want to talk to me, that's fine, but we're all worried. We have no idea why you ran away, but I can promise we won't hurt you."
She came around the corner and knelt in front of me. She reached out to touch me, and stopped abruptly. "Can I touch you?" She was being polite, but I didn't trust her yet. I shook my head no.
"That's fine, kero. Do you want a blanket or anything?" I shook my head slightly before thinking. I nodded, and I felt her lean closer.
"Mei Hatsume." That's all I gave her. She nodded and walked off, without even a goodbye.
There's a reason I asked for Mei. I wanted her to yell at me for being a coward. I wanted her to tell me I was nothing, and that we weren't friends anymore because I don't know my place. I wanted her to be mad at me for how I've been acting, so that I know she'll be fine without me. Sadly, that's not what you get when you sign up to be friends with her.
I heard footsteps thundering down the hall violently, and I almost screamed. Mei came crashing around the corner and pulled me into a tight hug. I stopped breathing. I heard her panic, but I couldn't see her actions. My eyes were unfocused, and my breathing nonexistent.
I felt headphones being placed gently on my head, and my favorite song playing. Mei must have told Asui what it was, because Mei doesn't bring headphones to school. I felt myself relax, and my breathing went back to normal. My eyes closed, but I was still aware of my surroundings. I felt them both sit down on either side of me, which I didn't mind.
The music was slowing down my reactions, and I didn't notice when someone picked me up and started walking. I mean, I did notice it, but it didn't register in my brain until they set me down again. I sensed others nearby, but my brain didn't register any danger. Maybe it was because I was close to falling asleep, but my guard was down despite all my caution.
Later, when I woke up, I found myself surrounded by people. Namely, Asui, Uraraka, Mei, Midoriya, Todoroki, and Ida. I opened my eyes only to be met with their concerned ones, which freaked me out. Nobody has cared so much since before the league.
I didn't move away from them much, but I'm sure my panic was evident seeing as Mei looked even more worried than before.
"(L/N)? How are you feeling?" Midoriya didn't look as worried as Mei, but he was freaking out nonetheless. His boyfriend, Todoroki, didn't look concerned at all. Uraraka and Ida looked as panicked as Midoriya, but Asui was somewhere between that and Mei.
I held up my hand in an 'okay' sign (idk what it's called lol) and saw them visibly relax. Mei went in for a hug before rethinking and backing away again. As much as I wanted to give her a hug, to help her realize that I'll be okay, I wasn't ready for that yet.
"What were you thinking? You could have gotten hurt, (L/N)! You shouldn't be so reckless! If something bothers you, then tell us!" Ida was mad, at least I thought he was. The way he was talking made me realize just how awful I was being.
I hung my head, something I've been doing a lot of lately. I heard someone get smacked, and for a second I thought it was me. But when I didn't feel any pain, I looked up to see Asui's hand suspended right next to Ida's face.
"In case you've forgotten, Ida, she can't really talk that well. Not to mention, she shouldn't feel obligated to tell us anything. We've talked to her twice now, I wouldn't expect her to feel that comfortable." Why was she sticking up for me? I'm a jerk, and a worthless person. I know that, so why try to tell someone otherwise?
I know I should trust them, I know I should talk more, I know I shouldn't be as affected by that as I was, but I am. I know that what I'm feeling is different, and that nobody else will understand it, but that doesn't mean I can let it affect me this much. Right?
"(Y/N)? Are you okay? You haven't moved in a couple of minutes." Mei sounded worried. I only nodded. I know she's worried, I know I'm an awful person for putting her through this, I know, I know, I KNOW!
"Just... shut up..." I felt their glances reach me. Did I say that out loud? It couldn't have been too loud, probably not much above a whisper.
"(L/N)?" Asui.
"(Y/N)?" Mei.
"Just... make it stop..." That time I think I said it on purpose. Sure, I don't want to talk, but I need help. No matter how little I want to admit it, it's a fact that shouldn't be ignored.
I'm in amazing spirits today, and therefore I'm starting a new book and posting some chapters on that as well! I was at a con yesterday in Tsuyu cosplay, and I met this cosplayer that I'm following on TikTok! Turns out, she and her friends are only a year or two older than me and my friends. They let us join their group, and it was just an overall blast! We even added eachother on snapchat and discord, and I'm incredibly happy! It was awesome to find out that she lives here, because I didn't know that people actually cosplay and get famous on TikTok while living in the state I live in. To top it off, that's not even half of the people I became friends with. We met a group of people being led by a monokuma cosplayer, and four different Todoroki's in total! We became friends with all of them, and I'm glad to say that I have at least 20 new friends! Thanks for reading!

Unlovable-Tsuyu x Fem! Reader [DISCONTINUED]
Fanfiction••STORY IS CURRENTLY DISCONTINUED•• (Y/N) (L/N) was born in a world where everyone had a black mark where their soulmate would first touch them. Many people had marks on their hands, or their shoulders, their backs, but they always had a mark. That...