Heads darted to look at you and your friends as you snuggled further into Tsuyu. A look of panic crossed over the faces of everyone in the room, and the silence was broken temporarily by students who'd been too shocked to stay silent.
Tsuyu hugged you tightly, trying to keep you as quiet as possible. She couldn't wake you up without you screaming, so letting you sleep was the safer option. Still, it worried her to know that you could still easily be heard.
Footsteps pounded down the hallways above and next to the cafeteria, echoing everywhere as the group of what was suspected to be villains raided the school in search of chaos to create. You continued to whimper, the sunds sending you back in time and worsening the nightmares.
A louder set of footsteps made their way down the hallway connected to the cafeteria, scaring the room silent again. Silent, that is, except for your muffled cries.
They passed the door, and Tsuyu let out a silent sigh. Everyone thought they were in the clear, and some even dared to crack a smile.
Until the footsteps turned around and started back to the doors.
A large group of students sat rigid, prepared to use their quirks as soon as the doors opened. Unfortunately, with the blast that it created, they were thrown back and ultimately unable to do any damage.
In walked a villain nobody could pinpoint, meaning he either wasn't a LoV member, or a minor underling for them. His lanky arms dangled at his side, and he slouched to fit under the doors. The way he walked left everyone disturbed, as it was almost a disjointed and broken movement. His smile was pinned to the side of his face. With stitches in the corners of his mouth that pinned them to his cheeks, he couldn't do anything but smile.
He swept his gaze around the large room, looking at every student and widening his eyes slightly every few students. He took a few steps forward, still not saying anything. The room was silent yet again, though this silence felt thick. Like it could be cut in half and split apart to relieve the tension.
Students glared at him as he walked, quirks ready to use if need be. Using them right away would be risky, and they had no plan. It was better to wait until he tried something.
Just as suddenly as he'd slammed open the door, the man's arms flung towards a boy hiding behind a table. A girl who looked similar to him cried out in shock as he went flying through the air towards the man, and that's when all hell broke loose.
What must have been fifty kids all sprung up from their positions, fling at the man with quicks activated. So much noise and yelling echoed through the room that it was amazing that you weren't woken up.
The man flung everyone back against the walls, his expression never changing. Kids groaned in pain, some probably with broken bones or breathing troubles. He looked between all of them again before he heard your whimpers.
His eyes darted to the small corner where you were hidden with Tsuyu's friends. If it was at all possible, his smile widened when he saw you. Tsuyu didn't like that, not at all.
He started walking towards you, ignoring the rest of the group trying to form a barrier in front of you. He flung them away easily, and Tsuyu let out a scream as she heard crunching. Midoriya groaned in pain, landing on the folded chairs resting in the corner. Mei landed on Iida who had tried to break her fall and succeeded somewhat well. Uraraka had used her quirk just a bit too late and slammed into the door leading to the kitchen, the wood splitting slightly from the force. Todoroki had tried to create ice to soften the landing, but with the suddenness of it all, he accidentally cut himself on a shard. Tsuyu stared in horror, her grip around you tightening in fear.
He grabbed Tsuyu first, and then plucked you away from her as if he was just taking a toy away from a doll. Tsuyu screamed, trying to get you back but failing immensely.
With you in one of the man's hands, he flung Tsuyu away. She landed harshly against the wall she'd been leaning against, probably breaking a rib or two. Her breathing grew shallow, both from the chest pain and the crying. She would've screamed if she had the breath to, but she was struggling to get enough oxygen to even stay alive.
Your eyes were starting to flutter open, finally waking up from losing Tsuyu's warmth. You could vaguely make out that someone bad was holding you and that Tsuyu was hurt, though the events leading up to it were a blur. Still, you glared up at the man as soon as you could tell that he was up to something.
An ear shattering scream echoed through the room as you yelled profanities at the man, using your own quirk to blast him away. Every time he tried to reach back to you, you'd blow him back further. It wouldn't take a genius to see that he was struggling to combat you, since he'd used so much of his quirk already.
When the students came to their senses, a huge amount of them came to help you. WWith so many students, the man was blown out of the room and into the wall opposite the doors, falling unconscious from either exhaustion or the impact of his head on the concrete. Cheers erupted from around the room, worsening the headache you could feel growing and throbbing at the base of your skull.
You huffed, a final show of anger before you made your way back to Tsuyu. You were dizzy from using your quirk so much, but she was hurt. You had to see her and make sure she'd be okay.
You'd made it halfway there before you fell.
Wowza, that's-
idk what exactly to say other than I thought this would be a lot longer than it is, and yet i'm still pretty happy with it?
also, I'm feeling better, so you can expect me to be a bit more active! thank you for reading, and have a good day!

Unlovable-Tsuyu x Fem! Reader [DISCONTINUED]
Fanfiction••STORY IS CURRENTLY DISCONTINUED•• (Y/N) (L/N) was born in a world where everyone had a black mark where their soulmate would first touch them. Many people had marks on their hands, or their shoulders, their backs, but they always had a mark. That...