As the party neared its completion, Tsu had led you over to a more secluded area. According to her, Shouta and Hizashi had wanted to talk to you.
"(Y/N), how much do you remember?" You were startled by Shouta's forwardness. You'd hardly reached him before he spoke.
"The fight and the stakeout. Nothing before that." He nodded.
"So you remember Bakugou and Jirou and everyone else that went with?" You nodded, narrowing your eyes slightly at the memory of Endeavor.
"Yes. Someone please thank him for me, by the way. I don't know if he knows sign language." Everybody nodded along, with Hizashi volunteering to go and tell him.
"Okay, try to remember things before the stakeout. Anything is important, okay?" You nodded, thinking as hard as you could.
A memory popped into your head, a random blurb of things that didn't connect to what you already knew. It was missing the context surrounding it, and you couldn't remember what had happened after it. Still, it had hurt you.
You looked over to Tsu, shock written across your face and hurt etched into your features.
"What? What do you remember?"
You shook your head, trying to remove the memory from your brain. Your hands clutched the side of it, hoping they'd scratch it out. Tsuyu moved to grab you, but you moved away from her. You stared at her hands in horror, not blinking for fear of her moving to you while your eyes were shut.
Before either of them could speak, you had run away. Tsuyu held herself back from chasing after you, instead grabbing her arms and looking on in shame. You clearly didn't want to be near her at the moment, so chasing after you wouldn't help.
As you ran away, you'd clumsily run straight into Bakugou as he was making his way over to you with Hizashi. The look in your eyes was of pure fear, so he decided to follow after you while Hizashi went to ask the others what had happened.
Bakugou found you hidden under that familiar spot in the kitchen, the only familiar place to you in the dorms. You couldn't remember any other spaces, so this was the only option, no matter how bad the memory.
"What's wrong, pipsqueak?" You whimpered, huddling into yourself as Bakugou crawled into the hiding hole with you. He didn't scare you, you just couldn't get the memory out of your head. "Did someone say something?"
"I remembered." Your hands shook immensely as you signed to him, but he seemed to get what you were saying. It surprised you to figure out that he must, in fact, know sign language.
"What did you remember to make you this upset?" His voice was soft, not nearly as gruff as your mind had remembered it to be. Maybe he was trying to help you calm down?
"The last time I was in this kitchen, in this spot, listening. I remember what she said." Bakugou let out a quiet 'oh' in response. He sat next to you, not hugging you but remaining a presence for you to ground yourself with.
"If it makes you feel any better, she learned her fucking lesson pretty quick. Plus, she apologized a shit ton after and gave you credit for all of your progress." You looked up at him with wide eyes, tears still soaring down your face.
"Really?" You croaked out, not even realizing you'd used your voice. He nodded, not reacting to it. You smiled at him, wiping your tears. "Thank you." A yawn escaped your lips as your eyelids drooped closed, and you let your head fall comfortably on his shoulder. He listened as your heartbeat slowed and your breathing grew even. Outside, he could hear the party slowly dying.
Nobody came looking for you both, not that you could mind in your unconscious state. You shuffled every few minutes, fixing your position without waking up. No nightmares made themselves present in the while that you were sleeping.
By two, the party had ended and everyone had gone to sleep except for Tsuyu. Bakugou could practically hear her pacing from downstairs, desperate to know what had ended up happening to you. With a sigh, he decided it was probably time to take you up to her.
He carefully got you out from the hiding spot, accidentally waking you up for a minute. You just looked at him groggily, gave him a thumbs up, and mouthed "nice" before going back to sleep.
By the time he'd actually gotten you into his arms so he could carry you upstairs, Jirou had walked into the kitchen. The two exchanged glares when she noticed you in his arms.
"Oh, are you going to throw her out a window or something?"
"Why the fuck would I do that, shitface?" Bakugou growled at her, tightening his grip on you slightly.
Jirou shrugged, moving towards him a bit more. "Well, you proved on the bus that you didn't mind hurting her. If I think a little harder, it almost seems like you wanted to."
"You're such an asshole. I didn't mean to hurt her and you know that. I was taking her up to her shitty girlfriend, I can hear her pacing from down here." Jirou let out a laugh, not believing him.
"Sure. And when they find her body in the morning, should I turn you in as Bakugou or as Lord Explosion Murder?" Bakugou was seething, anyone could see that much. Still, he refused to prove her right, so he left the room instead. He left Jirou standing in the middle of the kitchen, shock covering her features.
He knocked quickly on Tsuyu's door, careful not to drop you in doing so. She opened it quickly, a desperate look in her eyes.
"I brought your girlfriend back." She sighed in relief, noticing you asleep comfortably in his arms. "Can I come in?" She nodded, letting him past her so he could lay you in your bed. You found Monokuma out of instinct and cuddled with him while Tsuyu pulled the covers over you.
"Thank you, Bakugou. Where did she go?"
"She hid in the spot in the kitchen. Said she remembered the shit you guys said about her, cried for a bit, then feel asleep. I stayed with her to make sure nobody bothered her." Tsuyu gave him a glad smile, bowing to thank him.
"You're an amazing friend to her, kero. I'm glad she could rely on you for that when she felt unsafe." She shot a sorry look your way, disguising the expression quickly with gratitude.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Pipsqueak didn't have any nightmares while we were down there so look out for that shit, and if that's all then I'm going the fuck to bed." He huffed, a dusting of pink covering his features. "When she wakes up in the morning, make sure she doesn't do anything dumb. Jirou thought I was going to hurt her, so I wouldn't let her around music bitch for a bit if I were you."
Tsuyu nodded, giving him a grateful high five before he left the room. She looked over at you, smiling softly before turning off the lights and crawling into bed. You snuggled into her side quietly, Monokuma being the only thing separating you as she drifted to sleep.
i don't think any of y'all read these anymore, but i don't care enough to stop writing them.
first thing: i'm writing a mermaid reader x bakugou story, don't know when it'll be published but if you're interested in it please tell me so i have the guts to actually do it.
second thing: i got a blonde wig for christmas and i was gonna use it for yoosung but it's too short so should i cosplay tamaki from ouran with it?

Unlovable-Tsuyu x Fem! Reader [DISCONTINUED]
Fanfiction••STORY IS CURRENTLY DISCONTINUED•• (Y/N) (L/N) was born in a world where everyone had a black mark where their soulmate would first touch them. Many people had marks on their hands, or their shoulders, their backs, but they always had a mark. That...