The rest of the week passed by in a haze, and you only bothered to remember the parts that Tsuyu or Mei were in. Slowly, your classmates fell back into the normal routine of not knowing you existed
You didn't have to wait to build again like Mei told you had happened after the initial issue. You found countless blueprints in your room throughout the week, tucked away in spots that Tsuyu wouldn't trip over them. You liked almost all of the designs, though a few of them needed to be redrawn or scrapped altogether. Still, there were weeks, maybe even months worth of designs that you were excited to start.
The weekend came almost too early. With what you assumed was about half of your memories recovered, it was strange to imagine. What did you do over the weekend before? There were no distinct memories of activities that you did often, and with your current inability to speak fluently it would be a bit tough to enjoy hanging out.
This is why you slept until three in the afternoon on Saturday.
"(Y/N), wake," you were hit with a pillow, "the fuck, another smack, "up." a final smack before you blasted whoever was hitting you with your quirk and sent them flying back. Just enough to knock them on their ass, nothing too painful.
You groaned in agony, shoving your pillow over your head to block out the light trying to poke through your eyelids. Whoever was sitting on the ground got up way too quickly for your liking, why couldn't they just let you sleep?
"(Y/N), come on. Get up." You didn't recognize this voice, so it wasn't someone you'd met in the last week. Therefore, you were not going to get up for them. "Come on, everyone's waiting downstairs. We can't leave until you're ready."
You groaned as another pillow flew at you and hit you. You sat up so fast that you became dizzy and almost fell down again.
"Where are you going and why do I have to be awake before you can leave?" You signed quickly, lazily not signing clearly.
"I'm going to assume you asked why." They sighed, and you took the moment to open your bleary eyes and let them adjust to the light. "We're all going to a waterpark, and you're coming with. We're taking a bus, so everyone has to be on it before we can leave. You and Todoroki are the only ones who aren't awake and ready to go. So please, before I have to send Bakugou up here, please just get ready to go swimming.
"I don't swim. Go without me."
"To make this easier, I'm going to assume you said you're ready to get going. Therefore, I'm going to go tell Tsuyu that you'll be down in ten minutes. Wouldn't want to disappoint her, right?"
You groaned as the door closed behind this girl. She had brown hair and bright pink cheeks, you recognized her from the hospital. Uraraka, you remembered. She was friends with Tsuyu, the one that made you super jealous.
You didn't swim. Too many scars, not enough clothing, too loud. It wasn't happening. But if Tsuyu wanted you to go, maybe you could just chill on the side and not get into the water?
You put on a t-shirt and jean shorts along with knee-high socks and a zip-up hoodie. It was a fairly waterpark-y outfit, but it didn't show a bunch of skin. Then you packed a small bag (reluctantly accepting that you should probably bring a swimsuit just in case) and made sure to bring a pencil and a sketchbook.
You ran into Bakugou on your way down to the living room. He was standing in the staircase, probably trying to avoid going downstairs and facing other people.
"Hey pipsqueak." He sounded tired for someone who woke up at ten at the latest. It almost surprised you, really.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing's wrong." He tried to sound more awake, but you could tell he failed and he knew he didn't succeed. "Nothing."
"Fine, fine. I didn't sleep well last night, that's all. You ready to go now?" You nodded, accepting that answer for now.
"Yes." He tapped your head before you both started down the stairs to the living room. Bakugou's orange swim trunks made a swishing noise with every step he made and your backpack hit you a bit every time you let the bounce in your step show.
Man, people are loud. Holy shit, your ears weren't doing so well, and your headache was already throbbing in the background. Why did humans have to be social creatures? It was going to be the death of you.
"Hey! They're both here!" A blonde boy piped up, somewhat familiar but not enough to warrant actual effort. "Let's go! Before it's too late to get food!"
It sounded like a herd of animals had invaded the dorms as all of the students crashed out to the bus and Tsuyu squeezed through them to reach you.
Hi guys. Sorry the update is short, late, and unedited, I'm just not in a good emotional state right now do do any more and I just wanted to get it up so I'd stop beating myself up over it. I hope you understand, and next weekend I swear it'll be better. Thanks for reading!

Unlovable-Tsuyu x Fem! Reader [DISCONTINUED]
Fanfiction••STORY IS CURRENTLY DISCONTINUED•• (Y/N) (L/N) was born in a world where everyone had a black mark where their soulmate would first touch them. Many people had marks on their hands, or their shoulders, their backs, but they always had a mark. That...