CHAPTER I. Moving in

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I don't have a single drop of Korean blood in my body. In fact, I'm a pure Thai but I have been living in Korea with my family for the past 10 years of my life.

My dad was once a famous chef and he fell in love with the country and it's culture while he was filming one of his cooking shows. That is why we are here.

I don't see any problem with my family but I have to move out because our studio is located at Busan and I thought that I should be independent at my age. Yes, I'm 23 and I'm still living with my mom and dad.

My brother, Bambam already got married two years ago while me, I'm still single. I've never been in a relationship in my entire life and I don't think I would ever have something like that. My mom wants to see me in white gown in front of the altar tho.

But what can I do? I don't even know what is it to love or to be loved by people other than my fam and friends.
I was curious but it's not like I would really like to do it. I don't know really.

So yeah I'm still packing my clothes because I will be leaving today. I'm moving in to a new house I bought after working so hard as a photographer and a part time choreographer.

My mom didn't agree at first but I explained to her what I want to happen. I want to be independent and I have to grow. She eventually supported my decision.

"Lalisa, bring some kimchi with you darling."

Speaking of my mother, she had been reminding me of things I have to do and those I shouldn't. She had been doing that since yesterday.

"Sure mom," I replied.

"You should eat first before you go sweetie," she said sweetly.

"Mom, don't treat me like a baby. How would I grow if you keep on doing that?" I complained.

"Why, what's wrong? You're still my baby anyway," she said innocently.


"Alright, alright young lady. Take care of yourself there okay? Don't forget to eat in exact time. I'll visit you there often," she said.

My mom really love me a lot. She loves pampering me.

"I already know that, mom. You said that for the nth time. Don't worry mom, I'll take care of myself. I gotta go mom," I said and kissed her cheek before putting down my luggage.

"I'll miss you sweetie."

I hugged her and finally go. I'm going to miss my mommy, too.

I'm heading to Busan where my new home is located. I choose to be there because Chaeng, my best friend also lives there. In fact, her house is just a block away from mine. We could hang out more often now that we live nearby each other.

Chaeng is my best friend ever since we were kindergarten. They lived in Seoul before but they also move there two years ago.

After a century nah just kidding, I finally arrived. As soon as I got out of my car, mesmerizing scent of sea breeze greeted my nostrils. The sound of the waves are nostalgic giving me a memory of how I love the sea when I was little.

I got a very good decision in choosing this place. Every morning, I'll expect the warm ray of sunlight to wake me up and the sound of the sea to keep me up in lazy days.

I'll finally get to see the sun as it rise and as it set. Those are breath taking views that shouldn't be missed.

As I entered the house, warm and cozy feeling touched my skin. Everything about this house is just perfect. It might not be as big as a mansion and as tall as a castle but it is enough to shelter and give comfort to a princess like me.

Princess? Iww I think I'm better as a knight, just kidding.

I started unpacking my things starting from my clothes. I put all of them in my black not so big closet.

After that I put the decorations around the house. In terms of furniture, I didn't have to worry that much, I bought it with the house. In the words, there were already furnitures when I bought the house. But still I have to buy other stuffs to fill my new haven.

I was busy fixing my portrait in the wall when my phone suddenly rang. Lemme guess it's Chaeng. And yeah I was right, it was actually Chaeng probably wants to check on me.

"Hey wassup? Why'd you call?" I asked her.

"Why? Cant I call my bestie for no reason?" she chuckled.

"Well, you can but I bet you have something to say right?"

"Not really, btw have you arrived here in Busan already?" I knew she would ask.

"Yep I arrived an hour ago. I already started fixing my new place."

"Nice, should you throw a house warming party? You know it's a tradition," she said and giggled.

So I was right, she wants something. She wants me to throw a party and both of us to get drunk. But I don't think I want that to happen.

I just started fixing my house, why would I want other people to ruin it.

"No Chaeng, I'm telling you. No party's going to happen. I'm still fixing my house. No one's gonna mess up with it, understand?" I said firmly.

Sometimes this girl could get naughty and when she wants something she don't want anyone to get into her way but she's a very sweet girl.

"But you should know your neighborhood. And people here are good and they like parties."

I told you she wants to get everything she wants but that won't work on me.

"Don't care, I already said no."

"Please please Lisayah. You should meet people. Stop acting like a caveman, we're millennials y'know." She's really not giving up.

"You know my answer," I said and hung up on her.

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