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She's washing the dishes because she insisted that she'll do it even though I told her that I'll do it.

I'm just here chilling. And with chilling, I mean back hugging her. Yes, I'm hugging her while she's doing the dishes. That's how clingy I am.

"Hey, don't you wanna sit?" she asked.

"Why don't you like me hugging you like this?" I said while pouting like a childish motherfvcker I am.

"No, no, I mean I like it but your feet will get tired of standing for a long time," she said but I still won't sit.

I just buried my head on her neck smelling her sweet scent.

"Stop that baby, you're breath is tickling me."

I just giggled. I'm really messing with her. Fine, I'll let her finish the dishes.

"Okay okay baby, I leave you alone. I'll just watch tv since don't want me here."

"No that's not it, I just dont want your legs to get tired."

"I'm just messing around," I giggled.

I let go of the hug and then I kissed her forehead, both of her cheeks, and finally her sweet plump lips.

I even waved at her while I was walking towards the living room.

I just watched Stranger Things in Netflix while waiting for her. After a few minutes, I saw her walking towards me. 

"Are you done?" 

I asked her as soon as she sat beside me.

"Yeah, look I got a little wet."

Wet? Oh her clothes, why the heck am I thinking about something? 

I mentally slapped myself for having that perverted thought.

"Go change your clothes baby."

She might catch colds with that. She eventually went to our room to do what I told her.

Hmm, lemme sneak a peek. 

I slowly went to our room where she was and slowly opened the door slightly to check if she was there. But I didn't see even the tip of her hair. So I silently slipped myself inside. 

Wait a minute, why do I look like a thief? She my girlfriend so I don't have to be this sneaky.

After a few seconds, I heard the rustling of falling water. I think she's taking a bath. I went towards the bathroom and I noticed her clothes scattered in front of the bathroom door.

Hm, she's indeed taking bath.

I wonder what she looks like with water running around her perfectly sculpted body.

I took off all my clothes and slowly entered the bathroom naked. I knew it, she doesn't like locking the door but from now on she should. I don't want anyone else do whatever I'm gonna do right now.

When I'm finally inside, I locked the door just in case Rosé would visit she won't be able to disturb our little moment together.

She's still unaware that I'm inside because she's facing towards the wall. Only her sexy back is facing me.

Damn those nice ass, she fvcking looks hot when she's naked and wet like this. Just the sight of her like this make me wet down there. Ugh!

I slowly walked towards my girl and I hugged her from the back. I felt her flinch but I whispered sweet nothings on her little ears and that was enough for her to feel at ease.

The water was so cold but it wasn't enough to calm the fire inside us. Rather, it adds to the sweet sensation.

I buried my face to her neck and lovingly planted butterfly kisses there.

I can hear loud beating of our hearts and her breathing started to get heavy. Hm, it's effecting her.

I let her turn to me and our eyes met. Her eyes were burning with desire and I'm pretty sure that it's what mine looks like too. 

I held her pretty face and tucked the strands of her hair that blocks it from my sight.

"Haven't I told you that you're beautiful? 'Cause baby you are. You are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen."

I kissed her forehead, the tip of her nose and down to her little lips. I kissed her passionately and she sweetly responded.

The four-walled bathroom will be the witness as we express how much we love each other.

THE MERMAID | JenLisaWhere stories live. Discover now