CHAPTER VII. Bringing Jennie Along

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The weekend just ended which means I have to go to work today. I'm currently working with an Entertainment Company. They hired me to choreograph a girl group's comeback performance.

It's been a week since I started working with them and so far they we're not just fast learner they are also kind. They treat my like I'm one of them, or a sister to be exact.

After being a choreographer, I'll be heading straight to our studio. We're gonna take pictures of a baby today because it will be her 1st birthday next month.

Now the problem is, what will I do with Jennie?

I can't leave her alone in here. If I leave her alone in here l, something bad might happen to her. She's just like a toddler she still needs supervision. It would be good if I leave her with Chaeng but she also have to work.

I think I have to bring her along with me.

"Nini, do you want to come with me?" I asked her.

She was still watching TV but she already took a bath earlier. I did too.

"Are we gonna go to the police station again?"

"What? No," I giggled.

She gave me a questioning look.

"We're going to my work place. You know it's weekdays, meaning I have to work. I don't want to leave you alone here so I want you to come with me," I explained.

"Sure but what is your work Lili?" She asked curiously.

"I'm a photographer but I also work as a choreographer."

"So that explains why you have a lot of cameras."

I just nodded as a response.

She probably saw the cameras in my studio room. Yeah I have a place in my house where I put my cameras and some of my masterpiece. I designed it like a mini studio.

"Do I have to change my clothes?"
Hmm she was wearing a jeans and a blue hoody with a text that says unicorns are real. That looks good on her. I shook my head as a response.

"Did you eat already?" I asked her.

"Yes, how about you?"

"Not yet but prepare yourself, were gonna go after I eat," I said and so she did as she was told.

After eating we drove to the said Entertainment Company. Everyone greeted me as soon as we entered the place. It's just been weeks but they are really welcoming me warmly and they are treating me nicely. I'm wishing that this company will be more successful in the future to make all these people's effort pay off.
They deserve that.

"Hey Wassup Lisa! Who is she? Your girl?" Seulgi whispered the last part.

Seulgi by the way is one of the members of Red Velvet, the group I was talking about. They are five, aside from Seulgi, there's Irene, Yerim, Joy and Wendy. They're all sweet, jolly and friendly.

"Ay no, she's just a friend. She lost her memories and she has no one to take care of her. I just helped her," I explained.

"What do you mean?" She asked in confusion.

I told her what happened and how I found Jennie.

"Man, you're such a good person. You don't even know her but you were still willing to help. But you kinda look good together," she said and giggled.

Oh my, why are people being like this? Jennie is just a friend of mine, nothing more and nothing less, alright?

I just shook my head. I'll just introduce Jennie to the girls.

"Uhm hi guys, before we start I want to introduce someone to you because she'll be coming here with me everyday," I started which took the attention of the four other members.

"So guys this is Jennie, my friend. And Jennie, this are the girls I was talking about. This one here is Seulgi, this is Wendy, Irene, Joy and this is Yerim," I introduced them one by one.

"Hi Jennie, nice to meet you," the girls said.

"It's night to meet you all too," she replied and flashed her signature gummy smile.

After the getting to know each other we started dancing again. Actually we are almost done after I finish teaching them the steps of their songs we just have to practice more to polish it. It's not hard to teach them anyway.

While we were dancing I saw Jennie on my peripheral vision, it was as if she is interested in what we are doing. Does she want to dance too? What a cute girl. Later, I'll teach her how to dance when we get home.

After an hour of dancing, we decided to take a water break.

"Here, drink this," Jennie said while offering me a opened bottle of water. What a thoughtful girl.

"Hi Jennie," Irene approach her.

"Hi Irene," she said and smile.

"You know what, you're beautiful. Why don't you join the audition next month or you could be a model," Irene suggested.

But I don't think she'll agree to that. Jennie is like an introvert or maybe it's just now because she's still in the state of amnesia.

"Hm, I don't think so. I don't think I like being the center of attention."

I was right but I agree with Irene. This girl is definitely beautiful. She's an angel, many people will like her.

"That's sad, do you sing Jennie?" It was Joy this time.

"I don't know. Since I woke up from the accident, I never actually tried."

Yeah, ever since that day I never heard her sing but I bet her voice would be as angelic as her. I kinda want to hear her sing too.

"Can you sing for us now?" Yerim said.

"Honestly I don't remember any favorite but I have this one song that I like which Lisa always play. I just don't memorize everything."

I don't know which one she's talking about but every morning I would play music like it's part of my life.

"Shoot!" Irene said.

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