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I woke up with a head ache. Maybe it's because I cried too much yesterday. 

She was still sleeping peacefully. When I finished taking a bath and preparing myself to meet that Kai guy.

I cooked our breakfast and ate afterwards. I was off to go but she was still asleep so I just left a sticky note on the bedside table and on the kitchen table next to her food.

I locked all the doors before I go to make sure that she's secured. I don't want anyone to hurt her.

I droved directly to the said cafe and after a few minutes I arrived exactly on time. 

"Where are you?" I texted Kai's number.

"I'm here already. I'm wearing a red suit," he replied.

I let my eyes wander looking for a guy in red suit. And it landed into a man sitting near the glass wall of the cafe.

Is that him? He kinda looks hot and rich. I wouldn't wonder if Nini really fell in love with him.

I went to the only guy wearing a red suit in the cafe.

"Are you perhaps Mr. Kai?" I asked as soon as I got to him.

"Yes, and I must say you're Lalisa Manoban."

I just nodded as a response. He then gestured me to sit down on chair across him.

"We both know why we came here," he started. I just nodded.

"Krystal is my girlfriend. No scratch that, she's my fiancé. We were going to marry each other but then something happened and she just disappeared like a bubble. We've been looking for her for a month already but I just saw the flyers while I was on the way to the police station. I was going there to find clue but I found it on the way," he explained.

"How can I believe you?" I said.

I don't know if he's telling the truth. Who knows maybe he's just a rapist or someone who sells women. 

"I have her birth certificate here. And we have a lot of photos together when she was still with me," he said while taking out a paper in his envelope. 

Krystal Jung? Krystal Jung is her name? It's a beautiful name but I like Jennie more.

Then he took out some pictures. He handed them to me. 

My heart started beating erratically. I don't know if I'm ready to see this. I'm nervous but I have to. I have to find out the truth about Nini.

I started looking at the pictures and it fvcking broke my heart to see Jennie on the picture. They we're hugging each other on the first pic. 

I still tried not to think deeper. I just moved on the second picture. There was a Christmas tree and they were with I suppose each other's family. 

I kinda felt like my heart was being stabbed with a sharp thing. I want to cry but I can't. I don't want to cry in front of this guy. I have to hold back my tears.

I moved on to the next photo and I almost fell on my seat. It was a photo of them kissing each other. They both look happy. And I know this wasn't edited. 

It's real. It's true. So he's really Jennie's boyfriend? 

I put the pictures down heavy-heartedly.

"What's wrong? Do you need more proofs?" he asked with his forehead creased.

"No, this was all enough," I faked a smile.

"Do you believe me now?" he asked.

Yes, I believe him.

"Do you love her?" I didn't mean to but it just slipped on my mouth.

"Yes, of course because if I don't I won't waste my time looking for her," he said.

"What exactly happened to her? And why did she lost her memories?" 

I'm fvcking curious. I still wanna know.

"Actually, we all thought that she died. We fought on the morning that day and I accidentally hurt her feelings. When I got home, she was gone. Then we heard a news about a woman who jumped on the bridge. It was like my world was shattered when her named was plastered on the TV," he stated.

"They tried to find her body but they were unable to. We searched for her everywhere but it was hard. My parents told me stop looking for her and everyone kept saying that she's already dead but deep inside me, I know that she's still alive. I was very happy when I saw the flyers. It's like I was born again. After a month of looking for her, my efforts are finally gonna pay off and I'm gonna see her again."

I can see real happiness in his eyes. It must've been hard for him to lose his soon to be wife. And I kinda felt like I don't deserve my Nini. I think Nini belongs to him. I can love and longing in his eyes.

Who am I to be selfish? 

They deserve each other. Maybe I should give them the happiness they both deserve.

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