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ate our real breakfast with the real food. That session made her real hungry.

"Baby, what are we gonna watch today?" I asked her as I put the bowl of popcorn on the table. 

She caressed her cheek as if she's trying to figure out something.

"Hm, I wanna watch the fault on our star baby," she said.

We already watched that before and I think she wanna rewatch it now.

"I like that movie too," I said and played it on the screen.

We watched it again like it was our first time. I really like this movie though it made us both cried so much especially Nini. She's a cry baby.

We were busy watching when my phone rang. An unknown number is calling.

I picked it up and answered it.

"Hello," I said and went outside to find stronger signal.

"You're Lalisa Manoban, right?" A man's voice said on the other side.

"Ah yes, why?" 

It's fvcking making me curious. I don't know this voice. Who is he?

"I'm Kai, the girl you found is my lost girlfriend."

He said and it was like my whole world was shattered. It was as if my heart stopped beating.

His g-girlfriend? Fvck it! Why didn't I think about this? Why did I forget to think that she could have a fvcking boyfriend.

"A-are you sure?" I asked him.

My voice started to be shaky.

Why does it hurt a lot? It's making me hard to breath. 

I held my chest and I felt warm liquids falling down my eyes. Damn it! Damn it! 

Why now? He should've looked for her earlier when I still wasn't in love with her like this! Damn you Kai! Damn you self for falling in love with a girl who has a life and a man in her past!

"Yes, if you don't believe me I have a proof and her name is Krystal by the way," he answered.

Krystal? What a beautiful name. It suits her really well because she's as bright as a crystal. She's so precious.

I don't know if I would believe him but since I'm helping Jennie or Krystal or whatever her name is, I'm willing to give her up even if it breaks me apart. She have to be where she came from.

It hurts so much. 

"I'll meet you first before I show her to you. I have to make sure that you're telling the truth," I said.

I'm still not convinced with what he said but the fact that there could be really someone who love her out there makes my heart ache like hell.

I hanged up the phone. I'll just text him the location of our meet up later.

I wiped my tears dry and acted normal then I came back inside and sat beside my Nini.

No matter how hard I try, I just can't get rid of that heart breaking news in my mind. I hugged her tightly which surprised her.

"Why are you suddenly acting like that Lili?" she said while patting my head.

I still don't want to tell her. It's so hard, so fvcking hard because I want to know where she came from but I think that'll fvcking kill me.

What will I do? I don't think I can live without her. I didn't notice that I was already crying in her chest.

"Hey baby, are you crying?" she asked and rubbed my back.

I didn't answer her I just hugged her tightly like I don't wanna ever let her go.

"It's okay baby. Stop crying now. I'm just here."

How long? How long are you going to be here? I want to ask those things to her but I just can't.

I'm silently praying that the Kai guy is lying or that he was just mistaken. I don't want to give Nini to him. I don't trust him. And I don't think I'll ever will.

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