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I took off the clothes left from my body and threw it away. 

I slowly crawled on top of her like a hungry beast. I pressed our bodies together and attacked her with a passionate kiss.

I really miss this, I miss making love with this amazing girl underneath my body.

I trailed my finger down to her thigh. Playing them in circles.

"Ohhhh," she moaned when I slipped my hand to her bottom groping them aggressively.

My lips went down to her neck kissing it and leaving a love a bite there.

Then I move down and buried my faced into her soft mountains. I pleasure my tongue by tasting every bit of her skin.

Then I moved my finger to her wet mound rubbing them sensually. 

"Ughhhhh," she moaned and clenched on the bed tightly as she felt the pleasure.

I rubbed my finger more but I still didn't insert it to her core teasing her more.

"Ughhh, baby fvck me now," she begged breathlessly.

"My pleasure," I said and thrust two of my fingers inside her.

She arched her back as she felt my long veiny fingers in her core giving her almost unbearable sensation.

"Ohhhhh baby more. Ughh harder."

And I did what she want me to do. I pumped my fingers into her core faster and deeper hitting her sensitive spot.

"Ughh, ughh, ughh, ugh," her moans everytime I slam my finger inside.

I aggressively groped her breasts alternately with my free hand while the other was doing it's job down there.


I fasten my pace and I suddenly felt her walls clenched around my fingers.

"Looks like someone's cumming," I teased while continuously ramming her pussy down there.

"Ughh I am, I'm real close," she said while closing her eyes.

I finger-fvcked her faster and deeper and in just after a few minutes, I felt her release flowing down my fingers.

I licked them seductively while looking at her intently.

She was still panting when I changed position.

We made love all night until our bodies gave up.

I woke up as cold breeze touched my bare skin. I smiled when I noticed the girl who's currently hugging me.

She's still sleeping peacefully. I bet she really got tired from that wild night. That just proved that we really missed each other.

Hm, she hadn't changed a lot she still so gorgeous but she got a bit sexier than the last time I saw her.

I trailed my finger around her face. From her lashes, her cheeks and her nose. She's indeed perfect. How can someone be this beautiful? 

This is fvcking illegal. 

I was caressing her mandu cheeks when she suddenly opened her cat eyes. 

"Hey, good morning sleepy head," I said and gave her a good morning kiss.

"Good morning too."

"How are you feeling? Does it hurt down there?" I asked her worriedly.

"Hm, nope. I'm fine baby," she said and hugged me tightly pressing our naked bodies together.

I felt her soft tits rubbing my chest. Oh dear Jennie are you unaware of your effect to me?

Shit! I'm feeling hot again early in this morning. 

"Ohh baby," I moaned against her ear.

"What?" she asked innocently.

"Hmm, I want to have my breakfast in bed right now," I said and bit lower lip seductively.

She got what I mean and again we made love in bed and after that we took a bath and we also made love. We made love restlessly.

Yes, fvck it! I can't get enough of her. 

After we finished our session under the shower. We got dressed and decided to get out of our room before we decide to lock ourselves  there making love with each other all day long.

"Good morning love birds," Chaeng greeted as we went to them.

They we're watching TV while eating chickens again.

"Good morning to the both of you too," Nini said.

"Unnie how's your stay here," I asked Jisoo unnie who was busy eating chickens.

She even holding chickens in both of her hands. I bet she really likes it.

"Uh it was just fine. Chaey---" she hasn't finished what she was about to say when Chaeng covered her mouth.

Hmm, what's wrong with this Chipmunk. She looks suspicious.

"What?" I asked.

"She meant to say that I already cooked your breakfast so go ahead and eat there go go," she said.

Hmm, she's really acting weird.

I just dragged Nini to the kitchen so we could eat with REAL foods. 

I know we're both hungry.

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