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After I told him all those things about my twin sister he said he'd make his brother pay for it.

I'm finally gonna get the justice for my sister.

Wait a minute, did Lili thought I'm Krystal too? 

Oh shit! 

So that explains why she acted differently on that day. I think I have a lot of explaining to do with her.

"Kai, did Lisa thought I'm Krystal too?" I asked while praying he'd say no.

"Yes, because we really thought you're Krystal. We met days ago and we talked about you and how she found you. I also told her about your sister which we thought was you. Then she asked for 10 days before she let us meet each other. She really thought you had amnesia and that I'm your fiancé."

And that hit me. Oh gosh Lisa, it must've been so hard for her. No wonder she'd cry a lot that day.

That explains how she treated me for the past days like it'll be our last. The bonds, the surprise, her hugs, her kisses and the way she refused to make love to me. 

All along she was hurting because if misunderstanding. My poor Lili why did she have to keep all those to herself. I could've told her the truth.

It was also somehow my fault. I didn't tell the truth earlier. I just let her think that I have amnesia when in fact I don't have it.

"W-where is she?" 

I asked him but he just shrugged his shoulders.

"Help me find her. I'll have a lot of things to explain to her."

Looked for her around the area but there was no trace of her anymore. Even her car wasn't there anymore.

"Kai, can you at least take me yo our house?" I asked him.

"Sure, that's the least thing I could do," he said and we hopped on his car.

I thank him for giving me a ride and he also thank me for telling him about what happened to my sister.

I rushed towards the house hoping that I'll found her but when I opened it all that greeted me was silence. 

I didn't loose hope, maybe she's just on the our room. So I searched for her there and in every corner of the place but not even a single strand of her was seen.

She's not here.

What am I suppose to do? 

Lili, where are you?

Maybe I'll just wait for her here for a while. Maybe she'll go home later. I stayed in the couch and watched TV while waiting for. 

I fell asleep waiting but she still didn't come back. 

I'm starting worry about her. Is she doing fine? Gosh, what will I do?

The night became deeper but I'm still alone in the house. She's still not here. I didn't bother eating, I don't have the appetite. 

Maybe she'll come back tomorrow right? 

Lili, please come home. I'm not used to sleeping without here by my side. I'm missing her already.

After a few hours of thinking a lot of things, I fell asleep eventually. 


I was woken up by the warm streaks of sunlight touching my cheeks. I opened my eyes only to see no one beside me.

Oh, I fell asleep without her last night.

I'm silently hoping that I'd see her cooking something in kitchen or maybe watching TV on the living room.

I slowly went out of the room while crossing my fingers but my heart fell when I saw nothing or no one to be exact.

There was no Lisa on the kitchen, in the couch, in the basement, outside or anywhere near the house. 

When is she coming home? Where is she? Is she on her parent's house? I hope she's doing good right now. 

I miss her.

I want to tell everything to her and tell her she's the only one I want to spend my life with but she's still not back.

It's all my fault. 

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