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"Do you want Mcdo again?" I asked and she cheerfully nodded.

I must say, she feel in love with McDonald's. I just giggled at her cuteness.

Just like before, we just drive thru and ate at home. While eating we watched Juliantina again because why not?
It's my favorite.

"Jennie?" I called her.

"Yes?" She asked.

"Do you think mermaids exist?" I asked.

Ever since I was a kid, I always believed in mermaids. My hope in seeing one just faded a bit when I started growing up. Everyone would say that it wasn't real and that it only exist in fairytale.

No one proved that there isn't mermaids tho.

"I don't know. I couldn't say anything because I've never seen one. Why'd you ask by the way?"

"I don't I just feel like they're real."

We were busy watching when then the door opened.

I got an idea who did it. And yeah it's Chaeng.

"Wassup guysss," Chaeng said and jumped in the couch between me and Jennie. This girl is childish.

"Hello Chaeyoung," Jennie smiled at her.

"Hello Jennie, did this girl took advantage of you? Just tell me and I'll be the one to punish this punk," she said showed her non-existent muscles.

I just rolled my eyes.

"No, no she don't do that. She really takes care of me."

Chaeng looked at me and did the I'm-watching-you gesture. She's being ridiculous.

"You know what, let's drink guys. I miss suju," she said and headed to my refrigerator. She really new I have dozens of suju stocked there.

"Okay, Imma cook meat and chickens" I said.

"Do you want me to help you?" Jennie asked.

"No thanks just stay there and chill, alright?" She just nodded as response.

I really like treating her like a baby. Why is that?

I started cooking and I heard Chaeng's noises that girl is unbelievable.

"Yah Lisa! Make it fast, I'm hungry!" she shouted.

"You motherfvcker! This is for drinking not for dinner! You should've eaten at your house!" I shouted back so she could hear me.

"I did! I'm just hungry now, that's different."

This motherfvcking pig! She always eat a lot she's just fortunate that she don't get fat.

I put the foods on the table and also the shot glass. Chaeng was trying to take the food but I slapped her hand.

"No you don't," I said and put the foods away from her.

"You only get food when you drink 'coz this is not a snack, alright? Am I clear?"

"Alright, alright" she rolled her eyes at me.

Oh my gosh she really wanna fight for food. I just slapped my head mentally. Why do I even have a best friend like this?

I poured suju on the shot glass and since I'm doing this for everyone, I drank first. Oh, I felt the alcohol burning in my stomach. I haven't felt this for a while until now.

Next, it's Chaeng's turn and then Jennie's and the cycle goes on.

We didn't notice that we already finish a dozen of suju. Dang it! I think I'm drunk. I looked at Jennie, her face was red and she's barely opening her yes. Gosh I think this is enough.

"Yah Chaeng, let's stop this. You have to go home," I said.

"No, I can't I'm shtayingg tonight"

And with that, she fell asleep right there on the couch. Aishh this girl.

"Lili, why is your house wiggling? Is there an earthquake?" Jennie asked out of the blue.

I giggled at her statement.

"Why you laughing?"

"You're drunk, come on let me get you to bed," I said and guided walking. We're both drunk so we almost fall but fortunately we reached the room safely.

I was putting her to bed but she was heavy and she was clinging to me so I ended up being on top of her.

What the---

THE MERMAID | JenLisaWhere stories live. Discover now