CHAPTER XLV. Thought She Died

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Third Person

It's been weeks since Chaeyoung last visited Lisa and Jennie. So she decided to check and girls and hang out with them.

When she entered Lisa's house she saw no one inside but someone forgot to turn off the tv. It means there's someone there. She checked the rooms and every corner of the house but she found no one. 

She noticed that the kitchen door was opened so she went through there until she reached the shore.

She looked around only to see Jennie on the water with only her head was seen.

"Jennie! What are you doing!" she called the girl but the latter continued going far to the body of ocean.

She run to sea worriedly. She don't know why Jennie's doing this but if the latter's planning to die she can't let that happen.

"Jennie! Comeback here!" 

Jennie looked at her for the last time and eventually let the ocean eat her body.

"No Jennie! No! Don't do that"

She started crying. She swam towards where she last saw Nini and tried to find the girl but she failed.

She was crying while going back to the shore. Though they only met Jennie few months ago, she have grown close to the sweet girl and it breaks her heart to Jennie commit suicide.

She wondered where Lisa could be at the moment that she let this thing happen.

Chaeyoung took her phone and dialed Lisa's number. It's been weeks since they last talk to each other so she's really clueless about everything that's happening.

After a few, moment Lisa answered the call.

"Hello," she said as soon as she picked up the call.

"Lisa yah!" Chaeng said while sobbing.

"Are you crying? What happened?" she asked worriedly.

"Lisa yah! Where in the world are you? Why'd you let did happen?" she said in between her sobs.

Lisa was confused. She don't understand what Chaeng is talking about.

"What do you mean?"

"J-Jennie, she's g-gone."

Chaeyoung hardly said. That fact is breaking her heart so much. Jennie is such a good friend, sweet and innocent girl. How could this happen?

"What hell Chaeyoung? What do you really mean? Jennie is with Kai and their family."

She said with a hint of confusion. She really thought that that's what happened.

"No Lisa, she was here but now she's gone. She committed suicide. She drown herself on the sea," she said.

Lisa's world was shattered as she heard the heart-breaking news. She suddenly felt sharp pain in her heart.

How? How could that happen?

She was already with Kai, her fiancé. Why did Kai let this happen?

"You're pranking me right"

She wished that Chaeyoung was just playing with her. She wished the girl would say yes.

"Do you think I could prank you with something like that!? Why did you even leave her alone!?" 

And that's when her tears started falling down her eyes one by one.

She's going home. She's going back to Busan.

She grabbed her leather jacket and her keys. And hopped on her car. She have to know whether it's true or not.

While driving, she was wishing that Chaeyoung was just mistaken because she believe that Jennie is happy with Kai right now.

She called Kai while she driving her car. Fvck the rules! Nini is the most important thing for her in this world.

"Hello, Lisa why'd you call?" Kai said as he answered the call.

"Tell me you're living with Jennie happily right now."

While waiting for the guys answer, she's crossing her fingers praying that she'll get the answer she wants to hear.

"You mean you still haven't met each other? That very same day I found out the truth. She's not my fiancé. She's Ruby Jane her twin," he said and Lisa felt her heart sank.

What the fvck!?

She's not Krystal? She left her to Kai without knowing that truth. Fvck! She fvcking hate herself! She thought she's so stupid!

She left the poor girl alone for weeks! It must've been hard for Jennie. She imagined how sad it was for the latter to live on the house alone when everything there reminds her their memories.

She really curse herself and think she's so fvcking stupid.

After hours of driving, she finally arrived on their house in Busan.

She rushed inside, still hoping to find Jennie alive. She looked for the girl all around the house but she didn't find her.

She went to the shore and found Chaeyoung crying while staring at the sea.

"Chaeng, is it really true?" she asked her friend with broken voice. She still don't want to believe it.

Chaeyoung hugged her while crying. 

"I'm sorry Lisa. I tried to save her but I failed. I'm sorry."

And with that, her knees felt weak and she collapsed on the sand. 

It was like her heart was ripped apart. It's more painful than the day she left Jennie with Kai.

She'd rather see Jennie be happy with someone else than to know the girl is gone.

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