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After the massage, we had foot spa. And later that day I mean  when the night came, went for a night swimming in the pool. 

We stayed in the water while we drink some champagne. 

We just drank a glass each so need to worry about getting drunk. As we noticed the night got deeper, we decided to go back to our room and call it a day.

We spend each moment happily. I never show any hint of sadness because the purpose of coming here is to be happy. To be happy while we still can.


From this, there's only two days left. The previous days were so full of love and fun. I'm happy that I'm making her so happy like this. 

Seeing her with her iconic gummy smile make me smile too. She's my happy virus. 

"What are we gonna do today?" I asked her while munching on the foods that were delivered to us earlier.

While eating, I was also feeding her like I usually do. 

"Hm, how about we try surfing?" she asked.

Hm, she has a good idea. I want to learn how to ride the waves as well. We like watching surfers everytime we go to the beach in this resort.

They're just amazing, they aren't scared of big waves. In fact they look for one. 

"I think it's easy," she said.

"Eh? Are you sure?" I laughed.

She seriously thinks that surfing is easy? She's got to be kidding lol.

"I think so," she said innocently and chew the food I fed her.

"Hm, we'll see."

I just can't help but to chuckle. I can't wait to see what'll happen to her later haha. Easy eh?

After eating we changed our clothes into rush guards. When we said we're surfing, we're surfing.

Beach, you'll sea what we've got. 

Hey, no one's laughing? That was a joke lol.

We went to the beach and look for the person who's in charge of teaching the tourists about surfing.

We had to ride a boat so we could reach further where waves are bigger. 

Before we went down from the boat to the sea, the instructors taught us how to paddle our hands beside the board as we go along the water. Then he taught us the right position to keep our bodies balanced to prevent falling.

I wasn't lying when I said it wouldn't be easy. I just don't know how Nini find this easy.

When we were finally ready we dived in the water with our boards together with the instructors to guide us.

We rode our surf boards and started paddling our hands like what the instructors taught us earlier. 

"Who will go first?" One of the instructors asked.

"Me, I'll go first," Nini said confidently.

Wow, I like that bravery. Good luck haha.

"Go Nini! Go Nini!" I cheered her as she started paddling. They she went over waves to waves as they try to find the right wave. 

The instructor just swim along side of her guiding and telling her what to do.

And there goes a big wave. Nini got ready and she courageously meet the wave.

The instructor gave her the cue there it goes she slowly stand on the wave and wow she di--- opps! She fell of the board HAHA

I thought she said it was easy? 

"Go Nini you can do it," I cheered her as she tried again but I was really laughing internally.

She tried again for several time but she never succeed. Now it's my turn to try it.

I paddled along my board and skipped waves. I want to find the right timing. And oh there I found the my wave approaching. I got ready, and there, I started standing on the board slowing keeping the balance as the wave push my board. I did it! 

"I did it! I'm surf--" and then I fvcking fell. That's the end of the story.

After a few times of surfing and trying to surf, we finally decided to go back to the shore. We were laughing and teasing each other at the boat.

When we reached the shore, we suddenly felt hungry. I checked the time and it was already 12:00. That explains why my stomach was growling.

We went to one of the cottages and ordered foods only veggies or meat because Nini doesn't want to eat seafoods.

While eating we talked about earlier and our plans later. Actually I heard that there's a fire dancing show tonight. I want to watch it. I asked her if she want to watch it too and she said yes so we're gonna watch it and that's final.

By the way this is our last day staying her in this resort. We're gonna go back home tomorrow morning.

I wanna spend our last day together at our house. And in the evening I'm planning to surprise her.

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