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I noticed that she's really fond of the sea. It's a good thing that we live only few distances away from it.

"Baby, you still don't remember anything?" 

I asked her. I was just curious. Maybe she remembered something but she just forgot to tell me. Who knows?

She shook her head lightly meaning, still none.

"Don't worry baby, I'll help you," I said and kissed her forehead.

We let our bodies float on the sea. We were like swimming on the sky with the reflection of millions of stars and a bright full moon.

After a tough day, this is a perfect way to relieve stress. 

After staying in the water for a while, we went back to the shore. We laid on our clothes like it was a carpet. 

She pillowed on my arm and we gazed at the heavenly bodies shining above us. It was beautiful but she's more beautiful.

"Baby after 10 years do think we'll still be like this?" I asked out of the blue.

It's nothing, I just want to know her answer.

"Hm, we don't actually know what will happen tomorrow, the next week, the next month, or the next year but what we know is today. What's important is the present. Let's be happy today and let's see what will happen next," she said while looking at the sky.

That was so deep but she was right. No one knows what will happen in the future, the only thing we're aware of is the present. All I know is I love her.

"Hm you're right, let's work hard for our future," I said and patted her head.

"Why are suddenly talking about serious things? It makes you look old" she said and giggled.

"Me look old? So you don't want serious? Then let's have fun," I said and went to of her.

I tickled her body until she's laughing so hard.

"Stop that baby," she said in between her laughs.

"No no, I'm tickle monster and tickle monster is never serious," I said while laughing too.

"If you won't stop I won't let you kiss me."

That made me stop. I don't think I could live without kissing her.

"That was effec---"

Her words we're cut as my lips landed on hers. I kissed passionately with so much love. She eventually responded with the same intensity.

Are lips were in sync like they were really made for each other.

Our kiss went deeper and she held my nape pushing my head lightly to hers.

I let my free hand to wander around her body. I cupped her breast and squeezed it sensually.

"Uhmmm," she moan in between our kiss.

After few seconds, my hand went down to her stomach. Trailing it in circles. Then down to her milky tigh. I sensually caressed it and let my finger move in circular motion stimulating her arousal.

I fixed my self on top of her while we're still kissing each other endlessly.

I stood my hands in sand for support and started humping on her. 

"Ughhh" we both moan each time our sensitive parts collide.

She hugged me tightly as she felt the pleasure taking over.

I started ramming myself to her again but I don't feel contented because of the tiny clothes that still get on the way.

I took off her panty and also mine and went back to position again. I lifted her left leg and put it in my shoulder and I spread the other one. And in a blink of an eye, I started rubbing flesh against her. 

That's more like it.

"Ughhh ughh ughh," we moan in unison we I started moving faster.

"Ugh baby you're so good," I moan.

Our wet pussies meeting each other is like magic. It feels so fucking good. Ugh

She hugged my nape for support. This pleasure is just too much to bear. It's making us both loose our minds.

"Faster baby and harder," she plead. 

I did what she wanted and pumped faster and harder making sure our pussies rub each other.

She arc her back to meet my thrusts. We we're like dancing. Our body is moving in sync. 

I'm a dancer it's not new. However, this is my favorite dance.

After a minute, we both felt hot juices squirting out of our pussies as we cum together.

"I love you," I said while panting.

"I love you more."

When I regained energy, I carried her inside not minding the clothes we left outside.

I locked the door and brought her to our room. I slowly laid her down and went top of her again.

This is gonna be a sleepless night.

THE MERMAID | JenLisaWhere stories live. Discover now