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Third Person

Jennie woke up without Lisa beside her again. She stretched her arms as she yawn.

Something caught her attention. She saw a sticky note on the table. 

She read it.

'Hey there sleepyhead, I went out today. I just had to meet someone important. I'm sorry if I had to leave you here alone but I promise I'll be back immediately. Don't let anyone enter the house okay?'

That was what's written in the small piece of paper.

Jennie is worrying about Lisa. She had been acting so weird since yesterday. Ever since someone called yesterday, she started to be different. 

She even cried hard but she only told her girlfriend that it's just about her grandma. Honestly, Jennie wasn't convinced with that. 

Who could that mystery caller be?

It must've had an impact on Lisa so much that she didn't even want to cuddle her last night. 

Jennie didn't mean to cry but she was unintentionally hurt by Lisa's action. She even slept with her back facing Jennie she doesn't want to see the girl. 

On normal days, they would probably making love by that time but it's different. It was like she doesn't want to touch her anymore.

What is bothering her?

She got up and went to the kitchen when she felt her stomach growled in hunger.

She found another sticky note near the food when she opened the food cover.

'I know you cook better than me but this will do, right? Eat well :>' 

That was what's written on the paper. It made her smile knowing that Lisa still cooked for her despite that the latter was acting different.

She just can't help but to wonder where Lisa could be. She's curious why Lisa had to leave that early and why she had to leave when it's Sunday, meaning there's no work.

She also didn't mention that she'll buy groceries. She never mentioned any schedules for today. 

Saturday and Sundays are supposed to be their days, their bonding time. She just don't understand why Lisa had to leave the house without telling her the reason and where she'd go.

She just started eating. Maybe she'll just wait. Anyway, Lisa said in the sticky note that she'll just be quick.

After eating, Jennie went back to their room and she took a bath. 

She finished fixing herself but Lisa's still not home. 

Jennie really hope that her girlfriend is fine.

She knows that the girl is keeping something from her but it better be not that serious.

She just watched TV to entertain herself while Lisa's out. She watched Juliantina again. But she just ended up thinking about Lisa again.

She's not used to this. She's not used to being left alone in the house. She doesn't like loosing Lisa in her sight. 

It's making Jennie sick. She wants Lisa to go home now. She wants to cuddle with her. She wants Lisa to feed her and kiss her. 

Lisa's been away for just few hours but she feels like Lisa's taking forever to return home. Instead of looking at the screen, she's now watching the door waiting for it open and show Lisa.

In just a minute, it was like her prayers were answered. The door finally opened and it revealed a Lisa who looks so stressed and so down.

She run towards the girl and hugged her tightly.

"Where have you been?" she asked while pouting.

"I just met my old friend who just came home from abroad," Lisa lied.

But she hugged Jennie back and kissed the top of her head. They stayed like that for a while until they decided to take a sit on the couch.

"Have you eaten already?" Lisa asked Jennie.

She was really trying her best to act normal. She's trying to hide all the pain from the thought that Jennie will be gone from her soon.

"Yes of course," Jennie said and showed her gummy smile.

The girl's smile was like a virus, it made her smile too but a genuine one.

"Very good," she said and lightly pinch the latter's cheeks.

Lisa hugged Jennie tightly. She want to do the every minute, every second because soon she might not be able to do that anymore.

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