CHAPTER XXV. Checking for Updates

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I don't have any schedules this morning so it's just the right time to go to the police station if they at least found a clue.

After we got ourselves ready we hopped in the car.

I put on her seatbelt and stole a peck on her lips.

"You're sneaky," she pouted.

"If you won't stop pouting like that, I'm might end up kissing you torridly right now."

She immediately covered her lips. Is she scared? 

I just laughed and started driving. While going to the police station we just talk about random things. I was really trying to find any clue about her but she really don't remember anything.


"Sir, I'm Lalisa Manoban. I came here few days ago. I was looking for her relatives," I said to the police.

He was holding her chin as if he was trying to figure out something and then his face light up.

"Oh, I remember. You're the girl who reported about this girl you found on the sea," he said while pointing at Jennie.

"Yes, sir."

"You came here for updates right?"

We shook our heads in response.

"Actually we coordinated with other police stations but all of them said that no one reported this girl missing. We also started posting the flyers around the town but no one still responded. And I must say, you still haven't received any call yet am I right?"

"Unfortunately, yes we haven't."

I kinda felt sad about it. No one's really looking for her? Does her family even know that she's alive? Or that she's missing? 

Does her family even care about her?

How can I help Jennie if it's like this? It's just so hard to find her family when I couldn't find even a single clue.

My poor Nini what will I do to help you?

"Thank sir, just call us if you find something," I said and bid farewell to the police officer.


"What now Nini? How will we find your family when you can't remember anything? And even the police can't find any clue."

"Don't think about it too much. I'm fine staying with you and I'll also try finding job so I could help you earn money for the mean time that I'll be staying here," she said and smiled.

But no, I won't let her work. 

"No, no baby I won't let you. Don't worry about money baby. I can handle it, you just have to stay as long as you want to. It doesn't matter how long you stay here, you're always welcome."

I said and pinched her mandu cheeks. 

"Lili, what if I was a bad person?" she suddenly asked out of the blue.

It made me think but..

"It doesn't matter if you're good or bad because that was before I found you. I love you now Nini and no matter how bad you get I'll still love you."

I kissed her forehead.

There are a lot of possibilities regarding her identity. Yes, it's making me think a lot but whatever happens or whoever she is she's still my baby, my Nini, darling Jennie.

I promise to love her despite of things that I might find out in the future.

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