CHAPTER IV. Nini and Lili

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This girl is probably having an amnesia. It like she almost forgot everything, fortunately she still knows how to speak. But she's like a toddler, I still to teach her a lot of things like the basic things people do.

She forgot how to take a bath and and she even forgot how to use utensils. Seriously she's holding the spoon and fork upside down.

"Hey, uhmmm,"

Damn it! How should I call her when she don't even remember her name?

Lemme think, hmm I got it.

"Hey miss, can I call you Jennie for the meantime? It just feels awkward calling you miss or not calling you anything at all," I said.

"Sure," she replied.

"Uhm Jennie that's not you hold that utensil. It's upside down," I said and went to her.

I thought her how to use those properly and she's surprisingly a fast learner. That's why I don't mind teaching her things she should learn.

"Li-li, I-I mean Lisa? This is delicious. Thank you for letting me eat," she said and for the first fvcking time since last night, I saw her smiled.

Fvck she's so adorable.

She said Lili? That's cute, well I'm cute that's not new.

"Welcome," I smiled back.

"Jennie, do you think you have a family? I mean if you have, they're probably worrying so much about you," I opened the topic up since I'm planning to take her to the police station later but only if she wants to.

"I don't know, I don't remember."

"Even your house or where you live before?"

"Only waters come to my mind. Other than that, I don't remember anything even my name, my family, my home and my past. I don't know," she was really having hard time trying to figure things out.

Waters? She was probably traumatized or something.

"Okay, okay don't force your mind. It will all come back in the right time. Would want to come to the police station? We'll report that you're lost and maybe anyone would know you," I said.

She just nodded as a response.

By the way I let her wear a pair of black  ripped jeans and a gray hoody.
That's all I got, my clothes are more on jeans and hoody. I'm not into girly stuffs such as dresses and heels, not so my thing.

I opened the TV so that Jennie won't be bored while I take a bath.

"Nini, just stay here and watch TV while I take a bath inside okay?"

Nini? Wait what?
Where in the mother fvcking hell did that come from? But hey it's cute, it fits her.

"Who's Nini?" Jennie asked in curiosity.

This kid sure didn't get it.

"You are. I already gave you a name, now I'm giving you a name and I'm the only who should call you that," I said while giggling.

"Okay, should I call you Lili? You gave me a nickname, I just thought I could give you one too," she said shyly.

Awe, she's being shy.

"Sure, and don't be shy okay?" I smiled and patted the top of her head.
She's just so adorable.

I finally finished taking a bath. I wore almost same attire with Jennie. Of course those are all my clothes HAHA.

Anyway, I also wore a hoody but it's black and I paired it with ripped jeans too. Jennie and I both wore Fila shoes so we literally have matching outfits. Why not?

I just feel like wearing this kind of outfit too.

When I go to the living room, she was watching the Juliantina, the movie from Netflix. That's a good movie. It's about girls who feel in love with each other and fight for their love despite of all the problems they encountered.

It was first a Mexican Telenovela called Amar a Muerte but because everyone love the ship including me, so they decided to give it a movie. I've been waiting for that movie for like a decade but damn that's really worth it. I already watched it for like 5 times already and I'm still not getting sick of it.

I watched Jennie's reaction while watching it, she's too serious. It's hilarious. I bet haven't seen anything like that or she forgot. That's like new to her.

Wait lemme clear things about my gender. I've never love anyone before other than my fam and friends. In other words, I never loved a girl nor a boy. I do have girl crushes but does that make me a lesbian? I mean I might just appreciated girls beauty.

All I could say is I still don't know. I'm still in the process of finding out.
But I support LGBT and I like movies like Juliantina. Who cares? I just love 'em.

"Come on Jennie, let's go," I called her.

She finally noticed me and so she stood up. I turned the TV off first and lock the doors for security.

I let her in the passenger's seat first and proceeded to the driver's seat and started driving to the nearest Police Station.

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