CHAPTER L. She's Back

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"Niniiii!" I shouted and woke up from my deep sleep.

Someone was quick to lock me in a tight hug. 

That was a bad dream. I saw her but she still left me to drown.

But wait, I'm alive? How?
Did she perhaps save me?

"Lili, I'm here. I'm back I won't leave you again," said the person.

My heart skipped a beat as I heard that familiar voice. Could it be--

W-wait, I separated from the hug to check if I'm right.

"Oh my God, Nini you're back!" I exclaimed and cupped her face to make sure she's real not an illusion anymore.

Fvck! She's fvcking real. Oh gosh, thank you dear Lord.

"Yes baby, I'm back. I wont leave you ever again," she and wiped my tears. 

I didn't notice I was already crying but this time not from pain. It's what you called tears of joy. I'm so fvcking happy.

"I thought I'd never see you again. I thought I was going to die," I hugged her and sobbed on her shoulder.

"I'm so sorry that I took so long to come back," she said and patted my back.

I missed her so much. I don't want to let her go ever again. From now on I will always know the truth before I make moves and I'll always hear her side. I won't leave her alone ever again.

"Guys this deserve a celebration!" Chaeng said which ruined the moment.

"Oh Chaeng, you just ruined their moment," Irene said and hit Chaeng's arm.

I just laughed at them.

Everyone asked me how I'm feeling right now.

Well, I'm feeling so happy and blessed right now. First because Jennie's back and second because I was saved from drowning.

God is really good and he deserves to be praised. He finally answered my prayers.

I saw an unfamiliar girl beside Nini. I haven't seen her before. Nini probably noticed the confusion written over my face.

"Ah by the way guys, this is my sister Jisoo. She's my big sis," she said and introduced the girl to us.

"Wow, you have another sister? You haven't mention that to me," I said.

"Nice to meet you Jisoo unnie," I smiled at her.

She's also beautiful just like Jennie. Are they a family of visuals?

"Nice to meet you Jisoo," the other girls said to her.

"Nice to meet you all too," she replied cheerfully.

Uwu she's adorable too just like my Nini. They're indeed sisters. 

"I came with Ruby Jane because I want to meet you all. She said you treated her well while she's here. I also want to thank you all for taking care of her."

She said and bowed at us.

"I-it's nothing Sooya. Of course we'd take care of her because she's our friend," Chaeng said while stuttering.

Wait a minute, why is she blushing? This is the first time I saw her blush like that after so long. The last time was when she had a crush on college.

I can sense something here. HAHA.

"You know what, let's not waste this beautiful day. Let's have a barbeque party!" Joy said and they all agreed.

While they set up outside. Nini and I stayed in our room and talked a lot of things like what she did while she was under the ocean. I also told her what I did while waiting for.

I told her how much I missed her. She felt the same way too.

She said she lost the magic pearl Krystal gave her. It took a year before they found another one but this time, the pearl is safe on her necklace. 

They'll make sure it won't be lost.

Nini said she also told her family that she finally got the justice for what happened to Krystal. Yeah, Tao is currently locked up on jail. 

Though he's Kai's brother, he had to pay for what he did. He's the main reason why for Kai's misery. Such a monster.

Nini said she told her family about me. They don't want her to go back here in the land but they eventually supported her decision because they consider her happiness. 

But they reminded her to keep safe and to avoid the things that happen to her deceased sister.

Well, I won't let that happen to her. I will protect her with all my strength.

I would die first before someone could lay a finger on her.

After a while, the girls called us to join them.

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