CHAPTER IX. McDonald's

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I woke up as I felt someone tapping my shoulder lightly. I saw Mina as soon as I opened my eyes.

"Hey, I've been waking you up. You guys fell asleep for like an hour already," she said.

What? I didn't even notice that I fell asleep 

"That long?"

"Yeah, everyone left the studio except for us. I gotta go ahead first just close the studio when you go," she said and bid goodbyes as she go.

I looked at the girl beside me. She was still sleeping peacefully. I hate to disturb her sweet slumber but I had to because we have to go home. It's getting late.

"Jennie," I said as I tap her face gently.

She slightly moved and stretched her hands. What a cutie patotie.

"Hey how was your sleep? I'm sorry you had to wait for me for too long," I apologized.

"It's fine. Actually I am the one should thank you a lot for helping since day 1."

"What's important is you're safe now. Come on let's go home."

With that we decided to leave the studio but just like what Mina said, we locked the doors first before leaving.

While driving, I would sometimes look at Jennie through my peripheral vision. She was just staring outside the window, making her eyes wander through the beautiful city lights. It's really beautiful I wouldn't wonder if she'll fell in love with Busan too.

"Lili, what's that?" Jennie said out of the blue.

"Where?" I asked again because I don't know what she was referring to.

"That building with big M?" she asked and now I can see that she's pointing at McDonald's.

"That's McDonald's Nini, a fast food restaurant. Do you want to taste their foods?"

I know she would like the foods there, those are all tasty.

"Ne ne," she nodded cutely.

Uwu, this kid. She's so adorable. Lemme feed this baby girl.

"Okay let's just order in the drive thru."

Just drive thru because it will take a lot of time if we dine in. We'll just eat some of the foods in the car and the rest, we'll eat it at home.

"Miss 2 large fries, 2 burgers, 2 mcfloat, 2 mcflurry, 2 apple pies and a bucket of chicken," I ordered and minutes later she gave me the foods.

After paying we proceeded on going home. I gave Jennie an apple pie and I gave myself the other one. We ate the apple pies together.

"Hm this is delicious," she said with her eyes almost sparkling in delight.

"Do you think you ate this before?" I asked her, I'm just curious if she remembers anything about Mcdo or Apple pies. Who knows? Maybe mcdo could bring back her memories nah just kidding.

"I don't think so. It feels so new to my tongue. It's so good," she exclaimed.

"Here, you might be thirsty." I handed her a mcfloat and she cheerfully sips on it.

Her reaction is just so cute. She's like a little girl who just ate Mcdo foods for the first time. Well it's still her first time tho.

"How's it darling?" I asked her.

She suddenly looked at me probably stunned by my words. Then it hit me, oh that's an endearment but it's too late when I realized. I don't know it just came out of my mouth naturally.

"Ah I-I used call cute kids t-that way," well at least that's true, I really call kids that way. They're just adorable. But why the heck am I stuttering?

She giggled which made me dumbfounded and then she said," I like that. I can be your Nini and your darling too."

W-what? What is she talking about? Does she even know what she's saying? Dear heart calm down, don't beat erratically, she's just a naive girl.
Self, you're not a gay aren't you??

I just nodded and shook all that thoughts away. That can't be.

"Jennie, come over here. It's time to eat dinner," I called her. She's in the living room watching stranger things again.

Well that's a good movie, I actually got addicted to it.

Jennie did as she was told. She's an obedient girl, I don't have a lot of problem raising a kid like her, just kidding. Jennie sat at the chair across me.

"Did you enjoy the day?" I asked her.

"Of course, I like the unnies in Red Velvet and I also like your real workplace," she said enthusiastically.

I can see that she really did enjoyed going with me despite that she had to wait for a long time before we get home.

"Good to hear," I smiled and pinched her mandu cheeks.

"Lili, can I go to the sea?" She asked.

"At this hour? It's already late and besides it's cold outside now," I tried to stop her.

"It's alright. I'll be fine."

What's up with this girl? Why does she suddenly want to met the sea?

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