CHAPTER VI. Chaeng Meets Jennie

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"So tell me about this cute girl," she's really curious about Jennie.

"That was all. She don't remember anything but she's polite and it's like she's always shy. She was like a baby, she even forgot how to take a bath," I said.

"So you mean you gave her a bath," she said and gave a meaningful look.

Is she teasing me? I just rolled my eyes.

"Of course I didn't. I just taught her how to do it and she was surprisingly a fast learner."

"Too bad, you didn't see her body," she whispered the last word but I heard it anyway.

"I did, when I saved her last night but who cares I did it without malice. My goal was just to save her life and nothing mo--" I didn't finish what I was about to say. This silly girl is already screaming like a mental patient.

We both look at the door as it open. A panting Jennie showed up before our eyes.

"What's happening? Lisa, are you okay? I heard someone scream" she asked worriedly.

The stupid chipmunk beside me bursted out laughing.

"Yeah, I am it was nothing.Come here, Jennie. Let me introduce my best friend to you," I said and she did as she was told.

"Jennie, this is Park Chaeyoung. Chaeng, she's Jennie," I introduced them to each other.

"Nice to meet you Chaeyoung," Jennie said as they shook each other's hands.

"Nice to meet you too, Jennie. You got a beautiful name there."

"Thank you, Lisa gave that to me," said and flashed her gummy smile.

Chaeyoung was grinning at me again. She's surely a malicious minded motherfvcker.

After that scene in my room, we went back to the living room to watch in Netflix again. We chose Riverdale because it was my favorite.

"By the way why did you come here?"

"I just want to hang out here. Its boring at home."


"Hey Jennie, do you like Lisa?"

What the fvck is wrong with this woman? I hit her head in annoyance.

"Of course, I like her a lot. She's kind and she takes care of me," she said without any other meaning.

I mean of course she would like me because of what I did but not intimately, just the literal. But because my friend is stupid she's thinking of the otherwise.

She really wants me to engage in a relationship. I don't even know what is the problem with me being single. She's even more excited for me to have a boyfriend or girlfriend than me, myself.

Just to clear things, Chaeyoung is a bisexual. She likes girls and she likes boys, too.

"What a sweet girl." 

My gosh Chaeyoung.

I went to the kitchen to get some snacks. I didn't expect Chaeng to visit today so I haven't really prepare fooda. She really don't know how to ask permission. If only she's not my friend she'll be floating in the sea right now.

I'll just cook popcorn since we're watching movies. I know Chaeng will ask to drink with me later. She didn't even bring chikin with her.

After adding the cheese I decided to make some ice tea to pair it with the snack.

"Here you go Señoritas," I said and put the foods and drinking on the table while the girls are busy watching.

"Thank you," Jennie said and smiled.

After a while, Jennie excused herself to use the restroom leaving only me and Chaeng again.

"You think I didn't notice? Hey you're wrong. I know you're both wearing matching clothes. That's what people do when they are dating, wear clothes and stuff," Chaeyoung suddenly said out of the blue.

"What? I thought I already explained to you. We are not dating and I don't like her intimately. She's wearing same clothes as mine because those are my clothes and most of my clothes are like this. You're too delusional dear," I said and just rolled my eyes in frustration.

"Oh why are you being aggressive?" She said while chuckling.

She think it's funny!?

"I'm not."

"Are you guys fighting?"
It was Jennie, I didn't notice that she already came back.

"No no Jennie, we're just teasing each other. That is normal to us," Chaeyoung was still laughing.

I don't get why she's acting like that.

"Good to know." She smiled again.

How could anyone be this cute? This is illegal!

"Jennie, do you want to have a family?" Chaeng asked Jennie again.

I dont what exactly  the things in Chaeng's mind. She's just so straight to the point does she even have shame? Because, I do.

"Of course I want to. I don't know family."

I can sense sadness as she speak. This poor girl I wanna hug her.

"Then you have to marry Lisa in the future," Chaeyoung said and laughed again.

What the heck is wrong with this girl?

But what surprised me was her answer.

"Really? Sure," she said and looked at me with a gummy smile in her face.

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