CHAPTER XX. Last Practice

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We stayed in the water for a while and talk about random things. 

"Do you want to find out where you can from?" I asked but she didn't respond.

Instead, I felt her heavy breathing. Did she fell asleep? 

Did she get tired? But only did it once, how weak.

I got out of the tub and wore a bath robe and picked her out of the water and wrapped her with a towel. We might catch colds if we stay in the water for too long.

I slowly laid her down the bed and wiped her body dry. 

I can't help but to admire her perfectly sculpted body and her milky white soft skin. Damn it, I must not take advantage of a sleeping person.

I immediately put a pair of pajama on her before I feel hot again. Then I fixed her on the bed so she could sleep comfortably.

After that, I also wore a pair of pajama and blow dried my hair. 

It's uncomfortable to sleep with a wet hair so I do this everytime I take a bath at night time. About Jennie, I won't bother. She's already peacefully sleeping even though her hair is still not dried. So I'll just leave her be.

When I felt my hair was already dried, I turned off all the lights and finally laid next to my sleeping beauty.

"Good night baby," I said and kissed her forehead.

I hugged her until I fall asleep.


I woke up when someone moved beside me. 

I opened my eyes and found a baby sleeping peacefully. She so adorable. 

I caressed her fluffy cheeks and let my fingers wander through her face, tracing every details that makes it perfect. 

From her long lashes, her beautiful brows, her pointed nosed, and her plump pink luscious lips. Everything about her is just breathtaking. 

I know that I don't know so much about her but my heart feels like I've already known her for so long. And I'll surely accept everything I'll find out about her someday. I'll accept who she is, where she came from and the reason why she was given to me because I love her.

Enough of the drama, I started feeling hungry so I got up from bed to cook our breakfast. I'll just prepare veggie salad, orange juice and fry some meat today. No fishes or sea foods because she doesn't eat them.

I don't why, maybe she's allergic but anyways there are really people who doesn't eat sea foods. Too bad they can't taste how delicious it is.

After a few minutes, Jennie finally went out of the room with a messy hair. I just giggled at the sight.

"Good morning baby," i greeted her.

"Good morning too," she replied. 

I told her to take a sit as I go get the plates and glasses. She just did as she was told. After setting the utensils. I went to her and fixed her messy hair. And sneakily kissed her chubby cheeks.

"Let's eat, baby," I told and we both started eating.

"Lili, today's your last day training red velvet right?" 

She suddenly asked.

"Yes and we're gonna stay there the whole day for the finishing touches. It means we won't go to the studio today. They also said that they will treat us for dinner later."

Yes, today's our last day with red velvet because tomorrow is their comeback stage. They're going to perform in Inkigayo tomorrow.

"Can we watch their performance?" she asked.

"Sure baby, we'll be there to support their comeback," I answered. 

After eating we took a bath together but nothing happened alright. No making love just flirting while bathing.

"Hi girls!" I greeted the girls as soon as we went inside the practice room.

"Hi Jennie and Lisa," they said in unison.

Jennie went to the bench where she usually stay while we practice and I went to the girls.

"This is our last practice and everything should be perfect, alright? Tomorrow's your comeback stage and I believe you guys are gonna do well. And we'll be there to support you," I said.

"Thank you for helping us Lisa," Irene who is the leader said.

"Oh it's nothing. I'm just doing my job. You guys are just amazing. So come on let's start."

And with that we started practicing hard.

We exerted so much effort because this is their last practice with me.

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