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It has been a month since Jennie and I became in a relationship. I also told my parents about her already. 

I was surprised with my mom's response. I thought she'll be mad same goes for my daddy but they never did. 

They said they were happy for me that I finally started loving someone regardless of the gender.

Love has no gender and it's true.

They actually visited last week and they like Jennie so much. Especially my dad because she found out that Jennie is also good in cooking despite that she only learned it in just a short period of time.

My dad also thought her other recipes. He even gave Nini a cook book that he personally wrote.

I'm really happy that they like my girl and that they support me for I am and what I like.

They're the best parents ever and I thank God for giving them to me.

"Nini!" I called her when I got out of the room wearing only a bath robe and a towel wrapped around my hair.

I actually looking for the blower because I couldn't find it. I know she knows where to find it because she's the one who organizes my things. I'm a messy person so I'm so grateful to have her.

She doesn't only organizes my things but also my life. Aw so deep.

I'm starting to feel like I can't live without her anymore. I just love her so much. 

"It's in the drawer near the couch," she shouted from the kitchen.

She's cooking again. Ever since dad gave her the cook book, she really fell in love with cooking. She looks like dad's child more than me. 

She's really a wife material.

"Thank you baby," I said and went back to the room.

It's Saturday, meaning there's no work. So we're gonna spend our day together just hanging out. Yey!

After I got dressed I went to the kitchen where my baby girl is busy cooking. 

I hugged her from the back. She flinch in surprise but calmed because she know it was me.

"You fell in love with cooking huh. I'm starting to get jealous, you might love it more than me," I said and pouted.

"Of not, I love you more than anything else in the world" she said while caressing my face with her free hand.

"More than cooking?" I pouted like a child.

"Yes of course, so sit there and we're going to eat because this is already cooked," she said.

Instead of just sitting, I took out utensils. One of each only because ever since that day, we really eat on a single plate only but except when we have visitors.

"Come here baby," I said when she finished preparing the table.

She knows what I mean so she eventually sat on my lap. We always do this when we eat with only the both of us.

Cringey for other people but for us it's the sweetest, it's how love and care for each other.

While feeding her I slipped my free hand on her tigh and gently caress her there.

"Uhmm Lili, we're still eating stop that," she tried to stop me.

"But I wanna eat you," I whispered on her ear.

I felt her breathing became heavy meaning, it has an effect on her.

My hand went upper until it reached her pussy covered in a thin clothe. 

"You're wet baby," I bit her ear and licked it sensually.

"Uhmmm," she moan when I start rubbing my fingers into her pussy.

"Forget about the food, this one's better," I got up and put her down on the edge of the chair and got down on my knees.

"What are you doing Lili?" she asked.

"I'm gonna eat my breakfast," I said and licked my lips seductively while looking into her eyes.

I spread her legs for more access and took off her undies. I throw it away somewhere I don't care.

With just a snap, I dived into her wet pussy. 

"Ughhh daddy ughh it feels good," she moaned and grabbed the table for support.

I started licking her pussy hard. I inserted a finger while still licking her flower. 

"Ughhh eat me more daddy," she begged.

And because I'm a sucker for her, I do everything just to give her the pleasure she want.

I sucked her wet pussy and started pumping my finger deep inside her.

"Ughh," the pleasure is making her crazy.

She pushed my head to her pussy meaning she want me to suck her harder and deeper. 

I let my finger move in circular motion and then I took it out and then slammed it back in hardly.

"Ohh Gahd," she moaned like she's going to loose her mind.

I took my hand out and licked it. I held her tiny waste and dived again. I hardened my long thick tongue and shove it deep inside her entrance.

"Ughhh, you're tongue is so warm daddy. It feels good."

That compliment motivated. So I started licking her in and out faster. The table even moved because of to much intensity. 

"Uhmm, more please daddy ughh faster," she said in between moans.

I know she's cumming because I felt her walls tightened. So I did it faster and deeper. I sucked her pussy like there no tomorrow.

After a few seconds, I finally had my reward. Warm juices started squirting out of her cunt and my mouth was there to catch them all. 

I swallowed everything. And licked licked her pussy clean not leaving any drop of her cream.

"That was what breakfast is to me," I said while licking my lips.

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