CHAPTER XXIII. Sleepless Night

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"Ughhh," she started moaning again with the heat starting to ignite again.

I moved lower until I faced her pussy. Fvck, it smells fvcking good. 

I lifted both of her legs an put them on my shoulder and in just a second my mouth attacked her juicy pussy. 

"Oh Gahd ughh," she moan and clutch tightly on the bed sheet.

Her body arc with the extreme pleasure. 

I played with her pussy with my tongue. I put it in and out and then move it in circular motion.

"Ughh m-more," Jennie said.

I stopped a bit as I thought of teasing her girl.

"More what baby?" 

"Uhmm suck it and lick it more. I want more," she shyly said.

"Beg to me baby and call me daddy," i smirked at that kinky thought.

She closed her eyes like she couldn't take it anymore.

"Ughh please suck my pussy daddy," she begged in between her moans.

"Good girl," I said and started diving on to the meal served in front of me.

I sucked her pussy not trying to leave any juice. I thrust my hard long tongue inside her while my thumb was playing with her clit.

"Ughhhhh," she pushed my face deeper to her cunt.

She wants more and I'm giving it to her.

I licked her more and thrust deeper and faster. After few minutes she came in my mouth. I slurped every drop of her warm juice without wasting any of it. 

I tood up and seductively licked my thumb covered with her cum. 

She was catching her breath but I can still see fire in her eyes and I want more too. I wanna make love to her all night long until we're both sore.

I took off my bra and she took off hers. I licked my lips and positioned back on top of her.

"We're not gonna sleep tonight," I whispered and licked her ear.

She grabbed my naped and kissed me. Oh this is the first time that she initiated a kissed. I should mark the calendar.

I was surprised when she flipped our position. She was now on top of me. Holy cow! 
This was unexpected. 

She started rubbing her flesh on to mine sending billions of pleasure throughout my whole system. The fact alone that she's taking over is fvcking making me wet. Let's see what she's got.

Our lips separated as I moaned with the burning sensation. 

"Ughh babyy, how'd you know about this?" I asked while moaning. 

"I learned everything from you," she said while biting her lower lip. That's fvcking sexy!

"Ugh ugh ugh ugh," we both moan everytime we hit the sensitive spot.

While she was riding me I took the opportunity to grab her boobs. I played with them fondling them with my warm palm. 

"Ughh," she moaned and her thrusts became a little slower as she loose control.

"Focus on humping baby."

And so she did. She arc her back while rubbing our pussies together. I took that chance to let my hands wander on her perfectly molded body.

I caressed he back up and down sensually and slipped my hands down to her big bottoms. I squeezed them like squeeze balls as she continued fvcking me.

"Ughhh," we moaned in unison.

"Harder baby," I whispered in my raspy voice.

And so she did. She pumped harder with more intensity. I can her the sound of our pussies slapping each other and that's making me more horny as fvck.

I started feeling something warm building on my abdomen. I think I'm gonna cum.

"Faster baby."

"Ughh yes daddy."

And she did it faster. I meet every thrust she make. We were like dancing again with our bodies moving in sync. Up and down, up and down.

I grabbed her naped and kissed her passionately while our bodies are still doing the magical thing down there.

"Uhmmm," she moan in our kiss.

"Ughhh I'm cumming," I groaned.

"Me too," she said.

And in just a minute, we both shuddered a little as hot juices came gushing out of our cunts. We were both catching our breaths as we finish another round.

After we rest for a minute, we went back to our business. 

I'm telling you, we're really not gonna sleep tonight.

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